Screen cap this before mods delete this thread

Screen cap this before mods delete this thread.

California is preparing to secede from the Union, along with several unnamed blue States. The federal government will go crazy and declare martial law. Trump's approval rating will approach single digits and Congress will impeach him.

It's over. He won't even last a year.

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Ok fag you got proof?


>along with several unnamed blue States

were you really too lazy to make up some blue states?

So who's gonna be the president? Mike "BBQ the LGBTQ" Pence?

It doesn't matter what Trump's approval rating is; as long as he does not break the law, he can't be impeached.

>Then Pence becomes president

Sure bro

That's the stupidest thing I've read.
Memes aside now state will ever secede over this.

Anon5 is that you ?

will be a pretty short war when the people who have had there gun rights trampled on for decades finnaly get to do what they want

If this happens I will go all out. Like seriously go on a fucking rampage. Who's with me?

I thought it was Mike "Shiv Kikes N' Gas Dykes" Pence.

This thread is crap though

Do you really think that states can secede from the Union after the Civil War?

They lost that right 150 years ago.

>approval rating

WOW its fucking nothing

>congress will impeach him

Only If those congressmen want their heads on a pike on the White House lawn.

CA will do as its told.

It's far from over. He will last eight years.
Stop projecting your worry onto others.

>Trump's approval rating will approach single digits
The media will keep digging their own grave if the (((approval rating))) indeed reach single digits and he gets re-elected despite that.

How could this be bad for the US? Seems like a positive.

lol approval rating
same as hillarys 99% chance of winning

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!

>Falling for such obvious shill trash

Sage this shit and move on

lol, if they secede Trump's approval will sky rocket and we'll probably have a Civil War.

honestly, I just needed an excuse to post that gif.

Also approval doesn't mean shit. Our president has like 12%

wtf I'm a cruz missle now

Are these posts bots? I swear I have seen a number of them, word by word literally the same.

Mike "like the cock get the shock" pence

The only thing to fear, is Fear it's self.

Also muslims but not Saudi no homo


That's really fucking stupid.

Martial law is the best that could happen right now on america, that proretarded are tearing the country apart.