/risk/ - Dual Class System Edition

To join you will need:
>Religon class
>Nation class

Include your bonus, religion and nation class in your name.

Dark Red

Wew lad, thanks for hosting


Woops wrong flag

Is it just me or is the map blurry?

It isn't
Go to the image and click on its name

Yep, this thread is gonna be pure cancer


Blurry for me too but only in the web browser.

Lose in one of my previous games?
No need to be sore

Y-your mom was sore after I was done with her


Scorpiongirl Empire
City States

Dark Green
Holy warriors


>The Caliphate

disregard me pls

>game hasnt ever started

If you move out of Italy, yes.

I hear Palestine is a nice place this time of year

Actually, move me to Belgrade.

OP If I oneshot this nigger after they start on top of me, don't let them rejoin as some other nation

Now I'll ally with you.

Seljuk Khaganate
Start in Mecca
Any colour
Islam and Nomads

>Barbary Emirate

fugging hell im changing my country

Tatar Khaganate
Islam and Nomads
Start in Kiev
Any colour

Next post i will post under the name Khagan Giray

Ayo I'm in Mecca my brotha

>fugging hell im changing my country
I know lad, i moved to Kiev

dat Allahustan nigga stole it even before me pal

I saw
I din steel nothin. Dis iz reperashuns

Put your religon class and bonus in your names

Muslims vote on Jihad
Catholic vote on pope.

Turn 1

Fill Sicily, then Malta, then South Italy.


Use pirate powah to cuck Scorpiongirl from Malta and take it, if it fails, take Djerba.

Spread towards Algiers, spills fill Tunisia

I can still move you to Belegrade. How would you spend your roll if I did?

Fill region I am in.
Aim for wheat
Reinforce Paris

OP, as the only Catholic I elect myself obviously but can I bless myself? If so, give myself the +6
Prussia>take Vilnu, Danzig, and Riga. Fill around with spill

1000 year reich
any colour

North to medina and take it, spills oil.
Do I get +5 added to my Mecca bonus due to the religious bonus? (+50% or +5)?
You should convert to Islam tbhf


>Holy Warriors
>Imperium Sol Invictus

Or is it only when in combat?

Yes, and vote for me and i will bless you your endeavors.

To take Pristina, then Skopje, then Tirana, then Podgorica, then Sofia.

Ally? We can both prosper from a +4 bonus

OP, can you put the religions and cultures next to everybody's name?

Who shall we jihad against?

I said Kiev, not Kharkiv
Take Kiev, spills go rostov
Lads which religion are we going to Jihad? OP, could you put the religions of the countries in the nation section?

i vote for prussia


I vote for myself, if I can

Use Pirate ability to sail to Palermo, and take it at half cost.
Then take Malta. Spills fill to Naples, then fill Central Italy

OP, those Icons are on the board so you can put the two next to a player's name.

Too much work
Players keep track of it
Perfect, friend

fill berlin, spill hamburg

wew ok lads im voting for a jihad against the pagans

That's hardly any work at all, actually.


This will be a clusterfuck if you don't put the symbols next to people's names. I have no clue what anyone is right now.

y not heretics? they hold rome


I'm up for either considering my distance away from you two
So +2 Mecca and +2 Holy site (Mecca) with the + 5 holy warrriot bonus should give me a 9 right?

Because Heretics are harder than kebabs to get rid of.

heretics should be worth more

voting to jihad heretics

Yeah ok heretics

Considering the potential of a heretic I Would vote the same.

However, I believe we should kill the Pagan Girls first. Let's go in order here

m8, I'll be friendly if you don't go after me.

Yeah, it will be.
Im on mobile, its too much work

he moved to Belgrade.

Fuck sakes OP

Take Skopje, then fill Serbia, then take Tirana, then Zagreb, then Sarajevo, then Podgorica.

Nevermind, you already fucked my name and now you're on mobile

Fill in region
Reinforce paris

Take Djerba with pirate powah, spread to Algiers and fill Tunisia

and please count the first roll pal

fully fill the berlin province

>hosting on mobile
wew lads

anyway go towards the wheat and then take odessa

Vandals took it from you

You ignored the rest of his post, saying to fill Tunisia and take algiers

>If it fails, take Djerba
>Attack on the ground not counted at all

Head up to oil and fill Saudi Arabia, spill Jordan

If I'm correcting my bonus correctly it's
+2 Mecca
+2 Holy City (Mecca)
+1 Medina
+5 Holy Warrior Bonus
In Jihad Against the Heretic
+1 For Medina
+1 For Mecca
+2 For the lone Heretic
+4 Medina and Mecca

18 total

Can you guys fuck off
This map is hard to host

And also he did exactly as he was told don't be such insufferable cunts to the one who is hosting the game

Bonuses from religion are in another bracket

Rolling to invade Tunisia and invade the Barbary Emirates. Kill them all

Spills finish them off. Focus their cities.

I hope you're counting all of the jihad bonus
So +3/18?

+3 Land/+15 Religion

That makes sense

^^^ forgotten roll

continue filling baltic regions
bless reich

I added your last roll, cause your right, I fucked up. But it still looks like hes gonna kill you. Sorry

Norman England
Any Color

OP can I join?




Murder the last of the Barbary dudes. Then sail to Tripoli, and those Adriatic fish.
Spills fill Central Italy, Sicily, then Tunisia

Fill Jordan, spill Palestine

sorry captcha is takking forever i meant to say fill england

take riga, spill to fill estonia then latvia

As Pope, I bless Reich with +6 this turn.

Take the city in Moldavia, then go south to Sevastopol

i meant lithuania, latvia, then estonia, use spill i guess, d_ubs

seig heil

Take Tirana, then Podgorica. then Sofia, then Zagreb, then Croatia, then Ljubljana, then Sarajevo.


Hail Hitler! All Catholics must unite against the hordes of Jihadis.