Ask a Spansh marxist-leninist anything - FEMINIST ALLY, SEND NUDES EDITION
Last thread got interesting, but I eventually got tired and leaved.
I have consiered greentexting a FAQ with the typical questions you get when you show up as a gommie (surprisingly I didn't get the private property/personal property one). I won't do it because qué pereza.

However I will answer two questions that I received after leaving that I really liked, hope the guys who asked'em are here today.

Going on in next post.

>Do you want the workers or the state to own the means of production?

The state only exists as a tool of the dominant class to exert is power over the oppresed classes.

Socialization of the means of production means the workers's state owns the means of production and plans the economy (planned economy) for the consolidation and advancement of communism.

>Do you want a democracy?

Yes, I want a dictatorship of the proletariat, which is the highers, purest form of democracy, as it submits the burgeois minority to the interests of the majority, worker class and its allies.

In Spain the first thing we must do is joining the rest of the civilized Western world by breaking up with fascism and monarchy effectively.

>what is stopping communists from isolating into they're own communist utopia inside any capitalist country. When you think about it, the freer the country the better conditions to go ahead with you're ideology, don't you think?

Well, look up anarchist experiments.

Whatever, our goal is to overcome capitalism by destroying capitalist power by carrying on the economic, political and ideological struggle against it and replacing it with socialist power. Not setting up isolated communes or moving to Cuba.

unapologetical bump

Last thread got exciting? More like exiting

Is communist pussy better than non-communist pussy?

The only "feminist" I fucked was loose and had gonorrhea

Is collective pussy ever as nice as private pussy?

Check it out, it ended up good +100 replies, three funny hours.

Absurd question. Communist girls have pussies of all sizes and forms. And they're all valid.

by all means, do it

Trump's idea is stupid and will cost billions, but even if it wasn't destined to build the wall I highly doubt it would go to anything related to the improvement of the lives of the people. Capitalists with of food throwing tons into the sea to keep the prices high, and with everything, don't search for a cure to cancer/AIDS to keep the business of retrovirals and other things. The problem is capitalism, not Trump -which, if you ask me, is the lesser of two evils.

I see it's not a meme outside Spain.

capitalists speculate*

Tendrías que haber muerto todos en la guerra civil, parásitos.

You can kill the men, not the immortal idea of marxism-leninism.

Get a job, Spain, you've been loafing long enough.

What are you trying to say? Aren't you a chick? Then send nudes.

If you kill all the jews you will solve the problem ;)

oh wow una femipendeja de españa, totalmente no esperado ni obvio

>i am a miserable loser, so i will blame all my problems on a shady, all powerful enemy, online.

We've already told Rajoy not to cheapen dismiss but he doesn't listen to the demands of the working class.
No, I'm not.
I'm a dude.


What a Cuck then


Killing all the jews will solve the majority of our problems, nigger.

germany killed all it's jews, and see where are they nowadays ;)

No, army

They did not killed all the jews, and they lost the war

And abolishing capitalism, patriarchy, racism and LGBTphobia would solve ALL of them.

Coño mariquito seguro eres catalán. Fuera de mi chan YA. Primer aviso y sage a tu mierda, mamagüevo.

Ser hombre y feminista es la descripción perfecta de odiarse a si mismo y traicionar a tu mismo sexo

Eres una vergüenza y un insulto para los verdaderos comunistas. No te mereces ese nombre diciendo esas tonterías. Espero que algún días, despiertes y abras los ojos. Yo me retiro.
>Cuando una idea esta arraigada en la persona y esta la comprende, es casi imposible hacer cambiar de idea a la persona.

¿Qué opinas de les retrasades mentales que de verdad creen que hay más de dos generos?

I mean, I get it, men and women should be treated the same, thats how the world should work. But fucking retards who think they have NO gender or 3 at the same time? They should be treated differently.

You should first fix women hating each other and good luck with that.
btw you commies always bitching about system and improving that shit but the real problem is human nature. You'll see

I gladly support communism (Stalinist variant) if not for the shitskins

>inb4 edgy
Literally every bolivian and related shitskins who come here are ""communists"" and all they do is leech the system and multiply like the cockroaches they are which is against the order of society.

Remove (exterminate) all amerindians, niggers, kikes, muslims and a big chunk of indians abd mainland chinks and gladly support the International.

>implying ur a real girl

New era communists are so fucking gay. I imagine you guys living in the soviet union with that thinking.

General Franco was great, wasn't he? He sure kicked a lot of commie ass. Talking of ass, if you like, you could send us some pics of you stuffing cutlery in your anus.