WTF I hate Japan now

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wtf I hate you now

what's your opinion on the last samurai? when a white american came and saved japan?

Alright I wanna see that now. Maybe it's got something to do with playing so much Shogun 2 over the last few years.

Based Japan not allowing foreigners to spread their beliefs.

(((Cathcucks))) (((jesuits)))...they got what was coming to them. Don't mess with my Based Japan, faggot.

I think they prefer it to the truth of it being a Frenchman

Everybody knows that gooks have no souls.

If it just said "Based on a true story" I might be interested.

They did exactly what they had to do in order to protect their culture and sovereignty.

Your welcome Japan for civilizing your archaic asses. You would probably be China's colony right now if not for us.

>japan rejects semitic religion
wtf i continue to love japan

Honestly, this movie makes me sad.

Why did they allow this foreigner even to walk around for over an hour? Just use him to test your new sword or some shit.

>taking credit for civilizing Japan
>thinks China could colonize Japan when the Mongols failed


It was 10/10 christ kino. Mostly based on a true story.

Still Japs need to be Deus Vult'd.

Screeners are out

this is funny, its just going to lead to more hot white girls going to japan because they think its cool

The christians raided Japan and took their people as slaves.

EMJ Review is out

extreme redpill warning
I recommend you watch this in incognito

Truly the greatest nation!


Don't fear the reaper.

pagans > apostates

Any day of the week.

Fuck the West. The future of Christianity is in the East.

tfw pachinko machine in my attic

Great fucking movie. It's a long, hard watch but it is my favorite by Scorsese by a long shot. You can tell he spent a while planning this one.

think of Christians during the Meiji Restoration the same way we think of Muslims today: subversive foreigners, who are present a danger to the fabric of society

Samurai accepted Christians at first.
But westerners bought Japanese and sold them to foreign countries.
Then Samurai king got angry and oppressed Christians.

Japan is white and Portugal is not. Pretty based I would say keeping Latinos out of their country. If only we could do this in the U.S

(((Christianity))) ruined 卐Japan卐

Only Dutch had been allowed to be in Nagasaki, Japan.
Because Dutch didn't do it.

still standing today

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