He's right, Drumpfsters

Trump's presidency is not even a week old and you are close to civil war

You are the dividers. We could have been Stronger Together. She WON the popular vote!

Other urls found in this thread:


Enjoy your muslim on muslim violence, Americans made the right choice.

>Day 7

Madame President has gone through 12 boxes of diapers and has accidentally spat a cough drop into British Prime Minister's glass.

That's fake news

Hey dickhead, if Hillary had won there might not have BEEN a day 7. We'd all be cooked in a nuclear Armageddon. Now fuck the hell off to whatever hole you crawled out of.




>day 7 of Hillary
>she continues to sleep all day while Bill makes public appearances

How about quit daydreaming and deal with life or kill yourself.

Why are you falling for this bait? It's so obviously a Trump supporter jerking his cock to the hillary hate.

It's 3 fucking months since the election.
Can you actually start focusing on what trump is doing instead of going "atleast I didn't vote hillary hurry Durr." Makes you all look like insecure cucks.

When obama won, his supporters weren't sitting around in January saying "Atleast it's not McCain amirite?"

Maybe because they actually had a president they could be proud of.

We're close to civil war because people who never should've had power just lost power - and they lost it.

Leftist would need a thorough thrashing regardless as they are the worst of traitors and usurpers.

This is a nation of free men and will always be.

>day 7
>Hillary has taken in 500,000 terrorists into the country and gone to war with Russia

why do people reply to this shit.

I love me a good LARPing with some high quality bait but this is way to obvious man. Leaves would be ashamed of this post.

fuck off faggot they're better off with him than we are with refugee cum guzzler

On a side note they should have chosen another picture. I'd fuck that.

Verified = shill

Faggots BTFO.

imagine trump doing a 4 year livestream just constantly taking the piss out of hillary and everything she's doing


eat dick, mick.

>She WON the popular vote!

You shill for hill-dawg, You are a loser too.

>no-fly zone in Syria
I'll take less intervention in the ME, not more.

Quality. Shit.

10/10 would kek again

Obama fags immediately started jerking on the Nobel Peace Prize their eternal heavenly leader was awarded

"By the checkers rules, i won this chess match!"

You forgot the part where
>Bill often forgets where he is and just sits there with his mouth open
>He also just falls asleep

holy shit im BTFO

Tell me again how the pussy left is gonna civil war with no guns?

He's too busy watching "finding dory" and "Saturday night live" to do something so immature.

Also I assume he signs some papers sometimes.

I see a lot of division, but it hasn't been coming from Trump.

Good goy, now you have a sheckel.

Trump wanted to negotiate a 20% tax
Hillary sold around 2000 guns to our cartels without the concent of the Mexican government in the operation "rapido y furioso". In an "attempt" to localize the heads of drug dealers ( which utterly fucking failed, as they recovered less than half of the guns)

Fuck trump, but Hillary more.

Holy shit troll CTR scum

>Day 7 of Hillary's administration
>Radioactive ash continues to rain down over the Northern hemisphere
>3 days after the no fly zone was implemented over Syria
>2 days after the first open conflict between pilots of the USA and Russian Federation

I personally prefer this timeline.

Good goy, now you can get your sheckel.

Mind your own business

Hey leaf, shouldn't you be at a mosque shooting or something?

yeah, Day 7 of the Hillary Administration we'd already be 6 days into bombing Assad so that Hillary's al-qaeda and ISIS allies could advance positions, just like in Libya when Obama and Hillary were bombing Gadaffi so the al-qaeda-led islamist rebels could advance

(((unnamed aid)))

>instead of butthurt liberals
>world war III v Russia and china

>banning terrorists from entering your country is worse then WWIII

Fuck off Cлyжбa внeшнeй paзвeдки Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции

>Adult sized children still crying that their candidate lost and are now threatening a civil war that will go nowhere because the only shooting practice they've ever had is almost suck-starting a 12 gauge to end their miserable lives

Y'all need to get those immigrants to stop shooting up mosques with more gun laws

Этo чё, Пaхoм твиттepит?

Canada is a big place friend, not everyone can be at the same place...even though I live 10 mins away from that fucking mosque.

>Close to civil war

Nope. Not even remotely close. It's just libtard pipe dreaming, and trust us, liberals do NOT want civil war as they'll be the first to go.

>You are the dividers!!!!!

No, libtard faggots who are mad about Trump doing some of the same things they praised Obama for are the dividers. I say we kill all the liberals, let's round them up and gas the whole lot of them, and we can THEN have the utopian paradise we deserve.

Here's some background music for Hillaryverse:



>Adult sized children still crying about crowd sizes and "HILLARY" and getting spoon fed "alternative facts" because they can't accept the reality outside their safe spaces

Trump conducted an anti-terrorist raid in Yemen that killed a US commando

I'm sure some Yemenis died too, but who cares, right? According to Trump, Yemenis, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Iranians, Sudanese and Somalis aren't people




>potato niggers shitposting on an imageboard for chinese cartoon about the politics of a more important country


>day 7
>Hillary signs executive order to import 50,000 more refugees
We got lucky with Trump.

Hillary lost the popular if you dont count all the illegal aliens who voted for her. The democrats voter fraud scheme has been exposed


No. Thats really not deserving of a /thread. Noone was defending calling McCain or Mitt Romney a shitty candidate to defend Obama's policies. They actually backed their stances with facts instead of "whataboutisms" and hypothetical scenarios.

Trump is a warmongering shill for Goldman Sachs.
So was hillary. Just face up to it. You had no choice in this election. But don't go balls deep into a piece of shit president and pretend like he's a saint.

imagine day 7 of Hilter's administration. then explain to me again how this is really the worst it can get.

>Total non-approved news media blackout in effect.
>Illegals flooding in with the surge of confidence that a Clinton administration brings.
>Fucked trade deals being signed left and right.
>Limits lifted on immigration and H1Bs
>Welfare programs become even more strained with exec orders laxing their screening.
>Right supporters attacked openly. Self defense labeled as an attack.
>Massive outbreaks of violence over new exec AWB and weapon confiscations. Reported as racists getting mad if it's reported at all.
>Being white is more or less a crime.
>Debt already starts to soar and stocks tank.
>Germoney hate speech laws exec ordered in.
>I could go on and on

Yeah, day 7 of Clinton sure looks nice.



>day 7 of Hilary presidency
>she's crying in the closet eating her own shit
>her VP has been kidnapped and beheaded, used as a cum dumpster by the Russian army
>obama sits in the oval office looking out at the burning white house lawn
>his troops run for their lives as the Russian army and RNC charge the front gate
>he puts on his turbin and pulls out a detonator
>"allahu ak-"

Hahahahahaha blumpf BTFO stupid fat orange faggot

Because we're actually living in a reality where Trump is president and things can get worse. We don't have the option of switching at this point.

We live in reality. Not a universe of hypothetical scenarios we can just dip in and out of.

Hillary would be bombing the Shit out of the Middle East right now and getting you lined up for FEMA Camps

Im happy with the results, were just getting started.

We were close to civil war already anyway...

Saged, gay CTR nonsense


Seriously, though.

None of this shit would be happening under her, and you have to know it. There would no protests whatsoever.

The average pantshitter is a ticking timebomb with a long fuse. They don't do disruptive street actions. They simply stew quietly in their racism until they snap and blow up a whole Federal building (Tim McVeigh), or shoot up a mosque.

And honestly just one of these attacks would remind everyone what a huge fucking bullet we dodged by keeping Donald Dumbfuck out.

Oh, what might have been.

Oh, well, We'll do it our way. Daily protests with constant obstruction, screaming, and sabotage until Donald Dumbfuckers are thoroughly demoralized.

2018 and 2020 are going to be such Democrat wave years a whole lot of white boys are going to off themselves when they see Texas go blue and Nancy Pelosi back in the Speaker's chair.

>close to civil war
Please yes. We would win so fast.

>believing anything spoken by an English Catholic in denial
Don't you have an imaginary potato to choke on?

after taking away your children for Ritual Sacrifices to Moloch and drinking the Terror released juices of their Pineal Glands to increase her longevity

Just like obamas FEMA camps right?

Maybe you'd like Trump's black sites better.

he watched the shows... he gets his ideas from them.. leave him alone.

She would be quietly killing Muslims and suiciding anyone who got in her way

The protests are a good thing.
The whole media buzz is a good thing.
It's redpilling neutrals by the fucking dozen.

Nice COINTEL m8. You're getting better.
You almost sound like a real democrat.

Did conservatives act this way when Obama won his two terms?

Lefties are turning into little terrorists.

You faggots are going to get spitroasted in 2018.
Your lazy niggers never bother to vote in midterms, and you have way more seats up, many in states that went red in 2012 and 2016.

If Hillary had won, those Muslims in Quebec would be alive RIGHT NOW.


Trump and Republicans win everything on particular platform -> They follow through on that platform -> Somehow landslided out. Get real.


I'm neither english nor Catholic.

Also I have no idea what the second part of your post refers to.

>muh popular vote!
Doesn't work that way, cuck.

>close to civil war



First election not really because everyone hated Bush over the war/katrina.

Second election they bitched for four years.




It's true. Normal people are getting thoroughly "redpilled" realizing what a stupid, dangerous fuckface in chief the Russian controlled Pussygrabber is.

Fucking with normal people's Muslim's friends is literally the last fucking straw.

First Dumbfuck fucked with Mexico.

Then Dumbfuck fucked with women's reproductive rights.

Then Dumbfuck's evil sidekick vowed to target LGBTQ.

Everyone knows a woman, a Muslim, or an African American. Millions of Americans go to Mexico every year.

Pantshitterism is doomed to fail now that it's in the full light of day. And God, what a beautiful future it will be when the stake is driven through your hearts and President Dumbfuck is just a bad memory.

American in 2030 will be very feminist, very brown, and very Muslim.

There's literally no going back. A few more of Dumbfuck's campaign promises producing nothing except righteous fury on the streets will prove it. By 2018, Dumbfuckers won't even be able to sleep or shit without something getting in their face about voting for a monster.

Remember, you asked for this by letting Russia hack the Pussygrabber into office.

>Second election they bitched for four years

Did they shit up cities with protests every weekend? Did they attack people?

Fuck off kid.


The only people going HURR DURR CIVIL WAR are the same retards who have been shitting their diapers since Nov 8

Will you fuck off please?
You're not even convincing. Go back to r/The_Donald

>being too ignorant to realize that acting like screaming children is what got Donald elected in the first place

>Watching TV is worse than blowing taxpayer dollars on golfing vacations
Wowie, what a bait

Obama at this point was still giving free billions to Goldman Sachs to "end" the crisis and brought in a cabinet full of Citygroup bank recommendations as revealed by wikileaks

Then leafs got shot just now...

America NEEDS a civil war. Imagine how much shit would get done to advance the country if all liberals were killed off.

Fascism or democracy?