>white men are all either maniacal, megalomaniacs, or villains
>MUH stronk white woman leaders
>MUH stronk black man scientist
>interracial sex
>black cock reverence
>degenerate sex parties
>Jews secretly run the park
Is This Show Liberal SJW Propaganda?
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Kek confirms, all primetime cable news stations are either Liberal, SJW or Jewish propaganda
Nah, literally God is an old white man
Everything looks to be alright
Damn that first season was good.
Is it SJW? Jesus stfu about politics and enjoy life every once in awhile.
He's the villain though.
You really liked that BBC scene didn't you?
Le intelligent strong blank women got BTFO at the end though. I also don't think Ford was presented negatively. Especially towards the end of the show.
If you say so frog deity. Bless us.
>MUH stronk black man scientist
this is how I know you did not watch it
No more than other propaganda
JJ Abrams is an executive producer on the show, and hes a jewish as they come
That's unfortunate, because if you had watched the show you would have found out that he's actually a robot made by Sir Anthony Hopkin's character.
>black man scientist
Bernard turned out to be an android.
That's how I know you did not watch it.
Only if you didn't finish the season. He's the savior. He literally sacrifices himself so that his children may ascend
What this guy said. Heck, every white man was based as fuck, tons of white waifus and every minority is a robot or a fucking moron. The series has a lot of issues thanks to HBO sacrificing pacing for epic twists but SJW-shit is not one of their issues.
What's wrong with strong white women characters?
Host is another word for star. The occultists are trying to pin the blame for our brainwashed and enslaved society on God.
The real Wild West was a lot less violent than is depicted by Hollywood.
Funny how people co-operate when (((they))) are not around to stir stuff up.
>Damn that first season was good.
No it wasn't by the 4th episode it was so fucking boring I dropped it. More like "Sleepworld".
If you watch it you will find that you only glimpsed the surface. It's chock full of some shit that is obviously just for attention and yet the overall storyline came together so well I can forgive all of its sins.
It was a lot more complex than it appears on the surface and was more of a parable for Gnosticism, ultimately it was pretty good but it had some flaws that almost, almost made me stop watching
>Implying a majority of what HBO puts out now isn't lib propaganda
kind of. but mostly it was just a badly done show.
too many twists.
>American White dies for immigrants to take his country
Based bro!
The one scene where the Asian and white tech are arguing...white guy says that's all you were ever born to do and all you are ever gonna be. Makes it seem like the outside world is more fucked up then the park. Maybe something like the world in The Giver kinda.
>>MUH stronk black man scientist
Didn't watch the whole show did you ?
Show couldn't be less political in regards to modern day politics or shilling
>white men are all either maniacal, megalomaniacs, or villains
there is no consistent theme to white male characters
>MUH stronk white woman leaders
who is the strong white woman leader? she's killed and not strong and literally tricked by a white man
>MUH stronk black man scientist
strong black man scientist is a fucking robot
>interracial sex
it's a black woman the has sex with a black male robot and a white woman that has sex with a black male robot
the only real "love story" in this show is between a white woman robot and a white male robot as well as the same white woman robot and a white human male
>black cock reverence
white and black dicks you fucking idiot, but I could do without any dicks at all in any of these shows
>degenerate sex parties
it's about a park that exploits humans that want to kill and fuck and be primal. it's a social commentary on this exact fucking thing
>Jews secretly run the park
Anthony Hopkins is the clear leader and runner of the park. He's not a jew as is the man in black, who also owns the park and is not a jew and is a white male human
I hope to god this is bait and you're not this fucking stupid.
They weren't immigrants, they were his creations. If anything, the customers were the immigrants and they fittingly raped and murdered the residents. And in the end they all got killed.
The more I think about it, the more I realize how redpilled this show actually is.
The white men literally get everything they want at the end though
This is true, and these guys are the only "normal" people we get to see, everyone else is pretty much hyper rich or a higher-up in a massive corporation
if there was any higher meaning to who holds the power and is the strongest in Westworld it is so obviously showing that white men are the strongest and smartest in the show... so this has to be bait
HURR fucking DURR
Women are not strong and need men for everything. If you believe otherwise, you will be c u c k e d.