>A witness told Radio Canada that one of the attackers shouted “Allahu akbar” as he opened fire.
What did he mean, Sup Forums?
>A witness told Radio Canada that one of the attackers shouted “Allahu akbar” as he opened fire.
What did he mean, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
The tricky thing is it could turn out to have been one of the mosque attendees shouting that.
Reddit'sand millennials are about to get BTFO
>"i-it sounded like they had a quebec accent!"
That's such a pointless empty non-fact.
All of the major news outlets seem to think it was an anti-Muslim hate crime.
The timing on this is too perfect.
If it was Syrian refugees I think Trump may actually be a time travelling wizard.
Eye witnesses are pretty terrible. Especially when bullets are flying over your head.
I believe he meant "God is great" in Arabic, OP.
No! Some tanned canadian's freedom fireworks went off early! It was a big accident!
reports coming in that they were speaking Mandarin
that screenshot is of a parody account :^)
rt is fake news
thats great that they are coming here
please be muslim
Parody that's not actually affiliated with Reuters in any way
How'd you make this so quickly?
Coulter's law in full effect.
Trump is literally blessed and we are changing reality. He's proven right again.
It's mostly accurate news with a heavy pro-Russia spin. Plus they're just citing a radio station.
Did someone troll them into thinking matt forney shot up a mosque? is this real?
from previous thread
t. CNN
Is there a legit source on this? Are people just linking dumb shit or is this actually some-what real?
>Coulter's Law
Quick rundown pls
inb4 newfag
it's being blown up right now
its actually a troll account
It is, america blocked new immigrants from syria and we're sharing the cultural enrichment with our neighbor. You're welcome brother.
Allahu akbar
means Muslim
Muslim on Muslim violence means Syria because no brainwashed homegrown kebab would give a fuck about the Shia/Sunny split
Is my reasoning good?
the longer it takes to announce race, the less likely its white.
>still no details released
basically confirmed muslim rn tbqhfam
Video from inside
Coulter's law: The longer it takes the media/police to reveal a shooting suspect's identity, the more likely he's a muslim.
the longer the media takes to identify the shooter's race, the more likely it's a non-white
that seems racist to me
Thanks Straya
the longer it takes to identify the shooter, the higher the likelihood he is not white nor christian
Really did shout Allahu Ackbar but witness also says they had a good quebecian accent
It's something like "the longer the media takes to release the name/identity of a shooter/mass-killer, the more likely they are non-white"
Very, very true.
It didn't happen. Nobody died. Diversity is strength.
Truly a most blessed thread
Is the only source that someone heard "allahu akbar"? I mean, it's a Mosque. Literally all of them could have shouted it out.
Kek has awoken. The Great Meme War II has begun.
The dailybeast took the troll
kek's blessings from previous thread, please update as needed
I heard it's real easy to activate them.
facts are racist, so...
nah it isn't, whenever it's a white man they just report it immediately. it's based on science my dude
Someone give me a quick rundown of the shooter's identity.
sunni on shia?
yeah, they all kinda yell out aloha snackbar whenever something happens. youtube.com
>Reddit'sand millennials are about to get BTFO
it will be hard to top the Orlando reaction
Allahu akbar means "we come in pieces"
The USA is about to go through a huge event if things keep going the way they are.
First He will not divide us goes viral.
Now there are people taking over airports (Which is bascially terrorism)
Then there is this twitter.com
Which by the way it already has.
[YouTube] Breaking News Pro Trump Supporters Attacked At Anti Trump Airport Takeover Riot Portland OR (embed)
Notice how ALOT and i mean A LOT of people were recording it all on their phones, commentating on it. Obviously posting it on their various social media platforms.
Now watch this video.
[YouTube] This Video Will Make You Angry (embed)
The meme war will kill us all.
Why would a muslim shooter shoot up a mosque?
Witness claims 2 masked men came in shouted it as they started shooting not just that they heard it. But now other sources are saying that there was 3 shooters so maybe that witness was full of shit
The keks get bigger and better every day.
It was Trump, now he's trying to freewheel it outta Canny and across the border before the Muzzies can get him
It's a quick way to explain the phenomenon observed where there is an inverse relation between time elapsed and probability of the perpetrator being white.
3 foot 5, green, big head, 3 fingered hands, and big eyes
I love Illya!
Why don't you go back to knitting doilies for your cat to sleep on?
muslims hate everything. even other muslims.
I didn't think this was news.
Thanks breh
what sort of 3d chess is this guy playing?
>when you get a (You) but it's just a mass reply
3 shooters and 5 deaths? Seems hard to believe, unless they were using nerf guns or something.
That Orlando shooting was definitely planned. The gunman's dad sat right behind Hillary at a rally.
>last week: shia on cam
>this week: shia on shiite violence
shit wrong link sorry
Trump has the sight, he's called so many happenings and given little credit, I remember the time he was talking about illegal immigrants killing our own and Kate gets shot in the same week and I thought this guy was some powerful conspirator.
Why are they even surprised? All trump do is holding his promises
probably shia, they're the more violent ones
Why are you responding to yourself?
Trump's supporters will rally around him after this, and Canadians will continue to open their assholes to brown cock.
its been upped to 8 now. Shooters had AK-47s
Read that thread, just a coincidence
IP ban this person GOD MODS
Serious? Muslims have been warring with each other since day one.
>one of the attackers shouted “Allahu akbar”
motives seem unclear to me
CNN doesn't play chess. They can barely play checkers. Chutes & Ladders is more their speed.
Trump is Muad'Dib. The Spice gives him his powers.
>A fucking leaf that can't read IDs
You bring shame to your trips.
Still a low number for 3 shooters, we'll see.
Why are mods deleting these threads
Nothing of this means anything though. The accent could be some misheard thingy or be from a muslim who's already living there for years and the Snackbar shouts could be faked. If I was a right-wing shooter I'd shoud AA as well to false flag.
you have a way with words
Any non fake info yet?