Post political compass memes
Post political compass memes
>shkreli boys
SpongeBob is the basis for most political beliefs
This one gets my degenerate ass rock hard.
Doggo does a compass
God damn it Bobby!
Little bit of Death Grips to change things up
Im not some edgy contrarian faggot trying to belong to a group.
>someone probably believes this
>It's money, mayne
Objectively best
Are you a plank of wood?
someone please explain green
does it not involve fundamentally changing human nature to enable some sort of magical voluntary mutualism
What would Dr. Seuss be?
I've always why isn't the top left seen as a holder of more conservative values? Yeah it rejects individualism but isn't that something that is united under a crown, religion, or common belief?
High quality
Not really, if if done on a small enough scale. The higher the population, the harder it is for people to work together. That's why it works with small hippie communities.
People would not rent his apartments and his business would collide ?
You mean collapse.
It's more inline with the rejection of a traditional/conservative view and the construction of a total government control of production.
Does this mean we finally kill the jews?
Audible kek
>tfw right wingers libertarians communists and hippies all hate the exact same group, they just have different names for it
delete this
in the compass last thread i was talking about how these memes were shitty when the creator of the picture was deliberately sucking his own square off (key offender usually being blue) or singling one out too much, but the purple pedophile ones are an exception, they're always gold.
/cgl/ | Sup Forums
/lgbt/ | Sup Forums
Bottom right/libertarian right are always the funniest ones.
>I'm going to Free Market!
>Fuck I love commie pussy
Normalfag detected
Sheev Palpatine for God 2k20
I feel with outsourcing and automation we'll need to move into the green to avoid destroying the middle class
>I'm going to Free Market!
I thought that was the weakest of the bunch.
Bottom left
holy shit what would it look like if you just kept going
like how would a communist see what a fascist sees what an ancap sees?
Give him a break m8. He's an ancap.
Same idea, different presentation.
based boyd
Get a less shit version. I ain't reading that mess. There are more artifacts in that image than in ISIS's favorite landfill.
I'm sorry
This could also be considered a compass
This is something
Damn libs
made one myself lads, how did i do?
You got that from ifunny, dont lie you stupid nigger
if data mining is so useful, why not pay for it?
Switch subway and asian kid, and you have the perfect political compass.
>free baby market
Blue and Pink should be switched
I'm socialist and that made me kek
I have not claimed that any of these pictures are original
>(((Keebler Elves)))
What did he mean by this?
>we did it Patrick, we saved the city!
What is the best, most descriptive political compass test out there?
>the game
fuck you
Which one Sup Forums?
I think ancap-fu is best
Gretzkys checked
Flip a coin
It was implied, alex
Öats, brother
>Politics are a distraction
>economics and free markets will always dominate
That is a name of a rapper. You ruined it for yourself.
Libertarianfu. Girls in cowboy hats are sexy.
Call me a giant faggot but I'd let the libleft-fu take me any day of the week.
Bottom left
>you will never have a natsoc dickgirl waifu
I'm totally okay with that
she'd kill you for this post
post the proper version
The original dialogue is perfect
>The senate will decide your fate
>Not yet.
>It's treason then
Imperialist raping the mudslime anarchist is obviously the best here.
Agreed but, autistic screeching is top tier
Yo but for real Ephebophilia is a perfectly normal sexual attraction. (Just to be clear sexual attraction to children under 13 is fucking sick and disgusting)
In fact in many countries the age of consent can range from ages 13-17. Only in America does their seem to be this stigma around a perfectly normal attraction between to consenting individuals.
Given a majority of the states have an Age of Consent at 16 with Juliet Clauses, no not really.
What is that on her leg tho?
It's 16 in most places