Should America go back to being anti-catholic?


Other urls found in this thread: controlled by jews&oq=catholicism controlled by jews&aqs=chrome..69i57.4663j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

No, protestantism is a mental illness.




Catholicism is the true redpill

Yes. They are the biggest cucks in the country

Day of the Cross comes soon heretic



Sure. There is nothing more redpilled than christianity stripped of all european traditions.

Where did the anti Catholic rhetoric come from in the first place?


The only reason catholics were allowed into this country in the first place is because the slave owning aristocracy in the south wanted to flood the north with democratic voters.

It is not a coincidence that democrats continue to flood the US with catholics. The goal of the democratic party is to reduce the USA to roman slavery.

If you're removing Catholicism then you're pretty much removing the only christian religion with call backs to paganism or as some would argue the "religion of our ancestors"

>The only reason catholics were allowed into this country in the first place is because the slave owning aristocracy in the south wanted to flood the north with democratic voters.
niggers were worth more than irish

From Catholicism being a bloated, corrupt, licentious, neo-pagan, Italian-only Europe wide racket

If America had listened to Catholics, it wouldn't have imported so many Africans.


Wew lad.

The church is literally open to anyone and anyone can convert.

just look at what the current pope is spewing out of his mouth and you will know the answer to that question

Catholic nations have been know to be illiterate,lazy, poorer, and plain stupid compared to Protestant nation that actually READ the Bible and don't bow down to some guy in a pointy hat

You'd end up dead considering they're more catholics than anyone else except Evangelicals. You tried fucking with the irish and they out-bred you.

Fuck off stormweenie.

FUCK off you divisive niggerfaggot

Yes, Catholics hide Pedophiles. Absolutely degenerate.

Papist Rapist

Catholicism is the one true church. People will all stamp their feet and argue that it's not with a bunch of silly accusations (such as praying to Marry is idolatry, even though it is adoration and is totally acceptable), but at the end of the day, it's the true church whether people like it or not because it was the original church. God bless you.

Yes. Killing protestants is way better than killing saracens and the New World Reconquista is close at hand.

>this goy

The upper echelons of the Church were disproportionately Italians

The British empire was at war with the Spanish empire and spread an excessive amount of anti catholic propaganda, unfortunately the Spanish armada was destroyed by a freak of nature and, well, the winners write history

The Pope is a faggot and I hate him, but that's no reason for us Christians to be even bigger faggots and start fighting over muh blue blood or muh Rome


Pope Francis jerking leftist cock at every opportunity and the Catholic Church blindly fawning over his abscibed infallability

If by that you mean anti-pope, yes.



Take a history class sometime, dumb nigger.

I advocate for this shit all the time... google John Winthrop

Your home-grown cults aren't really foreign to you by definition, Burger.

Yes, the Catholic Church has been taken over by South American leftists.

All real Catholics should create ans support an Antipope.

You are mentally ill

He can also time travel.



Learn some history dumbass


All protestants are dumb and illierate

Catholicism is literally Jewish controlled. About 500 years ago the Jews began infiltrating and subverting it and now have it FULLY under their control.

The Pope wears a Yamaka ffs. This is to show his allegiance to his Jewish masters. If you join Catholicism, you are just a Jewish slave.

Only Catholics that accept Vatican II

And you can independently verify this yourselves. Maybe google "Catholicism infiltrated by Jews"

America is still anti-catholic. We've only had one catholic president and it took the mob to get him in.

Christianity has been so warped from the original intention that all Christians are pretty much cucked slaves now.

Catholicism has produced a lot of assholes in history. Just look at the Spaniards.

Orthodox Christianity seems to be the coolest most legit form.
That's what Brother Nathaneal is and he hates Jews with a passion (despite being born one)

Catholicism controlled by Jews for the past 500 years controlled by jews&oq=catholicism controlled by jews&aqs=chrome..69i57.4663j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

tin foil hat tier


Here's the tip of the iceBERG for you:

Catholicism is a Jewish front to control good goys. Donate to Israel good goy.

america was founded by protestants and was overwhelmingly protestant during its early history

protestantism by definition is anti-catholic


And Australians were worth fuck all. They just shipped you all to that hell hole and hoped you died.

How's that coming along by the way?

Fuck off you baptist cousin fucker, Protestants have no morality and that faggot Martin Luther King caused hundreds of years of religious wars.
Catholicism is the one true Christian religion founded by St. Peter.

>Citation needed.

after we deport the mexicans

It may have been founded by St. Peter but it has been infiltrated and is now fully controlled and warped by the Jew. It is not what it originally was.

>giving even half a shit about the bible

choose 1 and only one


christianity is a cuckold-tier religion.

bruh, every form of christianity was started by jews. jesus was a jew. judaism has no influence on catholicism.

this article is tin foil hat bullshit. mary is not the focus of catholicism.

>Martin Luther King

The current pope is a globalist. Nice digits btw.

>what is the book of revelation
>what is jesus warning us about this?

your whole argument can be summed up with the spirit of jezebel rather than "the jew"

yes but does it say anywhere you can't read your own bible in church?

>desert religion
>of our ancestors

Protestantism makes no sense historically or logically. Apparently Christianity just didn't exist until Martin Luther or Calvin, and the bible just fell out of the sky when the world began.

It's really not though. From what I've seen most people don't really care what denomination you are as long as there's a cross beside it. Trump is some weird branch of evangelicalism and he's president. Obama is a non-practising baptist. It really doesn't matter anymore as long as you pay lip service to jesus.

Jews, Muslims and atheists are still fucked though

Yes. America is WASP country. All the others must go.



All Christianity is roughly equally garbage tier. Continue worshipping a dead Jew and giving money to organizations that hide pedophiles if you want to, just don't act shocked when the rest of us notice how degenerate that is.

You bible cucks are just as bad as Sunni and Shia Muslims fighting over nothing. Still believing in religion at current year. HAHAHA

the protestants started the shit lol

or how about you let us read our own bibles and have our own relationship with jesus, as intended by god?
you don't need a fucking big man in a crown to tell you what the bible says

>Hates Catholicism
>Is a Baptist

There is no better indication that someones retarded than if they're a Baptist.

If you think we ever stopped being anti-Catholic then you've never spent any time in the South.

I grew up Catholic in the South, and when you tell people where you go to church (its a common question here), you get one of three answers.

1.) They straight up tell you you're not Christian or you're going to hell
2.) They subtly hint that they think Catholics are pagans
3.) They act like they never asked the question and move on.

They also immediately assume you're liberal, we get lumped in with the mainline Lutherans and Anglicans, when in reality the Catholic Church is more conservative than most of the Baptist churches these people probably go to.

They never stopped hating Catholics, some of them just started being a little more polite about it.

>There is no better indication that someones retarded than if they're a Baptist.

Amen user.


Do you want to start

christianity is about how god is not a vengeful god and that he will never abandon us, and how he will forgive us, no matter how far we stray from his light
we just have to let him into our lives and he will show us the light



Pope Francis is literally everything Americans feared the Catholic Church would bring in the 19th century.
>foreign born
>interests align against America's
>wants to mongrelize our country
>mobilizes his legions of both nonwhites and White Catholics against America
>encourages American Catholics to swear fealty to him instead of their country

They're getting to be just as bad as Zionist Evangelicals.

In all of these you need to remember that there are "cultural catholics" that are included in these stats.

There is no such thing as a cultural baptist. When you break it down by frequency of attendance the responses shift dramatically.

Of course there are nominal baptists, how can you say there isn't?

Aren't* :)
Church attendance is strongly linked to heritage in every denomination

Kek no. You've never stepped foot in a protestant church then. You papists are cucked beyond belief

Very good statistics, but lets check out the catechism.

Chastity and homosexuality

>Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

>The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

>Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

Homosexuality is fine, homosexual acts are not.

There is no better way to create an atheist than to send them to Catholic school, most come back around in their 30's though.


Trust me, I have, people up front waving some kind of prayer flags, way too much time spent preaching, sometimes a fucking guitarist is there, and the singing and music uniformly sucks.

No aesthetic ability either, nothing in a Baptist church ever lifted my spirit and impressed upon me the glory and greatness of God. Unless you count the tin roof damn near all of them have that magnifies the sound of rain x100.

Atleast we dont cuck to the Jews


I'm glad for the more conservative stances of the Catholic Church while they last, and I understand the responses to the survey won't align

The catechism doesn't jive with the Bible at the end of the day, all homosexuality is an abomination
Being feminine at all is sin

Thankfully, there is no sin that Jesus' sacrifice can't atone for and repentant homos can be saved

Took my disabled grandmother to her Baptist church every Sunday DESPITE her still treating me like I'm going to hell.

You shake hands, sing a few songs, and listen to what the Preacher found interesting that week. No sacraments, no reconciliation, nothing.

Even though the Catechism is not in itself infallible.
>Homosexuality is fine, homosexual acts are not.
lrn2read user.
> This inclination, which is objectively disordered
What use difference does it make if you read the bible if you dont have reading comprehension?

They read the ye olde King James version, and since most of them aren't too bright they read much but understand little.