QUICK! You have 10 seconds to tell me this man's name before you get ZAPPED!
Other urls found in this thread:
Hes Mike the man, the man to take over president frogman after he gets fucked for being such a stain.
Donald "From Iran? Change of flight plan" Trump
Mike "Static Shock" Pence
Mike "Tribbing sluts get gigawatts" Pence
Mike "No more gay in the USA" Pence
Mike "Tase the gay for days and days" Pence
Mike "Thomas Edison had the best Medicine" Pence
Mike "270 Electoral Volts" Pence
Mike "is that a queer? hold my beer" Pence
Mike "if you like to get pounded, please stay grounded" Pence
Mike "Like cock? You're in for a shock!" Pence
>not "faggot medicine from Thomas Edison"
Mike "I apparently don't like homosexuals as much as the libcucks do in this country" Pence
Mike "Shock around the Clock" Pence
Mike "dc makes this easy" Pence
Mike "Turning Fruits into VEgetables" Pence
Mike "Poofta Blaster, Electro Master" Pence
Mike "ACDC the LGBT" Pence
Michael "306 Electoral Volts" Pence
Mike "You like cock? Taste my Glock" Pence
Mike "If you like cock you're in for a shock" Pence
Mike "Disco Thunder" Pence
mike "you like the cock you get a shock" pence
Mike "Turning Fruits Into Vegetables" Pence
Mike "homo killer virtuoso" Pence
Mike "If you watch guys jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence
Mike "Carpet bombings for carpet munchers" Pence
Mike "gay not one more day" Pence
Mike '270 electoral volts' Pence
Mike "Trap Zap" Pence
Donald "From Iraq? You have to go back!" Trump
Mike "You like D's? Enjoy 100 V's" Pence
Mike "Electric Execution is my Final Solution" Pence
Mike "like dicks greasy?, then AC/DC' Pence
The Electric Pence
Mike "Zap the Fag" Pence
Mike "converting gays" Pence
Mike 'Munch on twat, get a kilowatt' Pence
M-Mike t-the
oh god I'm blanking
Mike the
Oh god... Mike the-
Shit I wish we could zap women until they grew hari long, dressed in short skirt, and sucked dick liek its their job.
Mike "suck on a pizzle, prepare to sizzle" Pence
Mike 'Frontal Lobe Strobe' Pence
Mike '240 Volt' Pence
Mike 'Three phase' Pence
"Electric fence" Pence.
Mike "if your ass is loose, you get the juice" Pence.
Mike 'Protecting you from aids with a faraday transphase' Pence
Mike "Like getting sodomized? You're getting lobotomized" Pence
Mike' Lighting for Lezies" Pence
Mike "Don't piss on the electric" Pence.
Mike 'gobble the cock, light up the block' Pence
Mike "Electric grid for G.R.I.D.S" Pence
Mike "DegenerAMPS" Pence
Not bad user
Mike "Like the dick? Take the seat" Pence
Mike "Queers receive Amperes" Pence
Mike "LQBBQ" Pence
Mike 'edison for girly men' Pence
Mike "Current year´s current" Pence.
Mike "Enough juice turns Caitlyn back into Bruce" Pence
Mike "giving queers volts times amperes" Pence
Mike "Chloroform to Thunder Storm" Pence
Mike "If they give the rump a beating, they get the shocks until they're bleeding" Pence
Mike "Zap a day keeps the queers at bay" Pence.
oh shit ! lol
Mike "suck cocks receive watts" Pence
Mike "Broke-Back Circuit" Pence
Mike "10 Watts if you like the cock" Pence
Mike 'Bringing you back to God with an eelctric cattle prod' Pence
Mike "If you like cock, you're in for a shock." Pence
Mike 'as a homo deterrent, you get the live current' Pence
drumpf penes
Mike 'High Energy' Pence
Mike "Swat Raids on Pride Parades" Pence
Mike "Gag the fag" Pence
Mike "High energy results" Pence
Nothing funnier than telling democrats they can be cured.
So fucking awesome.
Mike "If you're into cock you'll get a shock" Pence
Mike "Putting the Trans in Transformers" Pence
Mike "120 volts for you gay folks" Pence
In time, he will seek you out, and then you must bring him before me...
Mike "Watt Now Fags" Pence
Mike "Second pick, but it's a Trick" Pence.
Mike " Romans 1:27 keeps gays outta heaven" Pence
Mike " fag electrocution" Pence
Mike "bone a trap and you'll get a zap" Pence
Mike " Krispy Fried Cocks" Pence
Mike "You'll die from Ziklon B, not HIV" Pence
mike pence
Mike "Put the Fags In the Bodybags" Pence
Mike "Full Power to the Penis" Pence
Mike "throw poofs off roofs" Pence
mike "pike a dyke" pence
Mike "Raiden" Pence