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Kek confirms.
Doesn't rule out home grown terror, though. What say you, Kek?
Don't'cha know Canada is a multicultural paradise, Mohammed is a Quebec name.
>Quebec name
>Barack Ashamyr-la Tamyr Ushe Tshir
>W-what do you mean? It's a quebec name too, you racist xenophobe!
Maybe they should outlaw those full-auto AK-47s.
Oh wait, nevermind...
>pic related: Canadians are going to so tired of winning.
I'm gonna need a source.
Coulter's law, buddy.
The name muhammad is quintessentially British too.
whats a quebec name
in my area a Minneapolis name could be Muhammed or fucking Ahmed. Try harder.
They were Syrian refugees. Get the fuck out of here you fucking cucked reddit fag and take your fake news with you
>police, however, have not released such details
police, however, have not released such details
>police, however, have not released such details
police, however, have not released such details
>police, however, have not released such details
police, however, have not released such details
>police, however, have not released such details
police, however, have not released such details
>police, however, have not released such details
police, however, have not released such details
some random fuck is not a source
This guys source is a reddit shitposter.
if the shooter is 27 years old, then he is not white. the only time white folks shoot shit up is when they are mentally ill teenagers,
syrian refugee confirmed.
Not even a week into the country and they already scored a full-auto AK. Not even a syrup nigger could do that.
>Implying they didn't just brought the gun and told any officer trying to check them that it was their belongings and accused the cop of being racist, causing him to lose his job and putting their family into misery for the next 6 generations
>plsdontbewhite plsdontbewhite
Sup Forums right now
Definitely a white guy.
it is terrorists.
The original source from this was a reddit poster saying he heard it on a scanner
I'm willing to bet $100 these "Quebecois names" are something like "Jean al Husseini" and" Pierre al Kababi bin Muslimin"
>Mohammed al-quebecois
Yeah nice one (((media)))
we arr know who killed musrims..
those stinking japanese...
>Implying they didn't just brought the gun and told any officer trying to check them that it was their belongings and accused the cop of being racist
Those are some serious mental gymnastics.
>plsbewhitemale plsbewhitemale
reddit right now
>mentally ill immigrants
mentally ill immigrants
>mentally ill immigrants
mentally ill immigrants
>mentally ill immigrants
mentally ill immigrants
>mentally ill immigrants
mentally ill immigrants
>mentally ill immigrants
mentally ill immigrants
This shit doesn't matter either way.
Either way it will be Trump's fault, and this shit isn't even happening in the USA. Geez.
>newspaper says something
>police havent said shit
sounds like that newspaper is FAKE NEWS.
Muslim is not a nationality or race you fucking moron.
Difference is:
A) Cuckeau's timing makes this amazing if it's muslims
B)normies will see violent muslims (I know this seems pointless but violent muslims is always good)
>white people can't be muslims
>They're going to remove the crosses from the parliament
Farewell my Catholic brothers
If they're white, then it was a false flag 100%. White people are a religion of peace.
Mohammed is a top10 quebecois name
Whites who become Muslims are automatically delegated to shitskin status.
>Voi ei
>Some random twat
This guy knows what's up.
sure but they were white
white converts are also YUGELY more radicalized
>a 'quebec' name
>because its 2015
Let me guess- sand niggers come here, see virtue signalling faggots playing dune coon in a mosque and shoots the place up?
Wait..... what? What did I miss?
Is Taweed even a real name? Sounds like a meme shitpost.
I thought there was a debate about removing the Cross from the Upper and Lower House of Parliament in Canada but Quebec was stronger than the rest of the provinces. Or at least somewhat stronger.
>still equates islam with race/names
Coulter's law would mean
2-4 hours after arrest=white suspect named
4-5 hours after arrest=asian suspect named
5-7 hours after arrest=black/brown suspect named
>A Quebec name
Like Mohammed or Xui?
2 gud 2 b tru unfortunately.
Allahu Fritebar Bitch.
Kind of better if true. Shows that Canada is actually a deeply divided and racist country under Trudeau.
rolling doubles doesnt confirm shit
We know it's not a Muslim. We're just deflecting it to refugees because we know a white person did it
doesn't matter, pol only attacks enemies of Israel now
No U!
That report of a Quebec sounding name was based on fake news.
>Kind of better if true
So you support the killing of innocent people?
>full auto ak-47
>only 5 dead
Those are nigger tier stats
Yeah nice source there shlomo
>implying we would care if they are white
Either its mudslimes shooting each other or some hero shooting the mudslimes, either way we win
>Coulter's law
Exactly, it's taking too long.
But Quebec is Muslim.
I highly doubt it's an AK-47, most likely a CZ-58
AK-47 are prohibited
Criminals dont have a lot of regard for gun laws fucking leaf
Kebob stay and die for Allah. Whitey wants to live to be white another day. Being white is awesome.
roger boudrias
Maybe you guys should prohibit shooting people too, you know, to avoid things like that
But Mahmoud Ali Goatchien is a Quebec name now
Neither of these are solid proof yet. We need actual confirmation from the authorities on the matter.
Oh sheeit Kike, Looks like the tables have turned on (((you))) again!
based hues
RCMP has released stats that 98% of gun crime or something is done with illegal guns.
about as muslim as Texas
fucking imbecile
american education
So long whitey.
I know. You are hoping deeeeesperately that they are white.
You're thinking of France.
Quebec does get lots of niggers though because France taught French to shitty countries.
Mohammed is a traditional Quebec name
whats your point?
Muhammad Al Basheed
After thousands of fake "hate crimes" were leftists do stuff to themselves and blame white people, you still believe that shit?
Let's be honest, conservatives have other things to worry about other than cutting pig's heads and giving it shiping it to mosques. This is why you don't see right-wing protests when a left-wing president is eletec, the opposite however...
No, people have done that kind of shit legitimately in the past.
However, troll shit like posting them bacon and actually shooting the place up are leagues apart.
Animal parts on the sidewalk is a terrible hate crime, but Piss Christ is just clever art.
>Immersion (Piss Christ) is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist's urine. The piece was a winner of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art's "Awards in the Visual Arts" competition,[1] which was sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, a United States Government agency that offers support and funding for artistic projects.