Bill to prevent any funds from being given to "moderate rebels" ever again
Is Gabbard /ourgirl/ ?
cant get any more blue pilled
>Sup Forums WILL find a way to shit on this girl and her service
Someone needs to show her Sup Forums so we can continue her transition to our side. She's slowly dipping her toes in our waters, but she's afraid to come in. Once we planted the seed, the redpill and bogpill will surely begin to take effect. Then, and only then, shall she be /ourgirl/
Gabbard is a Republican by 2020 you heard it here first.
Her and Webb are waiting to see if Trump crashes and burns and if not they are switching teams.
I don't even care that she's a pog officer who just ran a sick call station and shuffled some paperwork at an S shop. I'd eat her ass.
> Grace Hopper
Fuck you she was a mad bitch
Tbf, women do not belong in the military and only make things shittier.
Yas i would totally vote for her
isis is shaking in fear
Tulsi Gabbard's butt is solid. I bet she squats 200+
No she's a liberal.
Madame President . I like how she triggered leftards cause she met with Assad the undefeated 2 weeks ago
Yes she is.
I thought she was a bernie retard during the primaries?
Did she swallow a red pill recently?
reddit still fawns over so i am still skeptical of her
if she can become a jim webb level democrat that actually gets votes in the primary that would be sweet.
I would rather the democratic party get coopted by the jim webbs than the warrens and (((Frankens))) because no matter how hard we meme they will get back into power at some point.
A lot of people made fun of her acne scars in a different thread. I think she's qt.
What about a closeted gay military accountant whose daddy pulled strings to get him unearned medals?
get the cross
I giver her credit, she is finding out what is really going on with the proxy warriors over in Syria.
I'm not a fan of how she's got some pandering anti-gun legislation nonsense said before but otherwise I like that she calls out the Saudi beast and isn't a partisan hack obsessed with politics over policy.
>in cult
>Sup Forums
Respectable Democrat, very few of them left
Her bill should be passed