Top fucking kek!!

Top fucking kek!!

Pol BTFO forever!

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And that brownie would be living in a mud hut, probably with AIDS.

Natives should have built a wall

Good point.

America wouldn't exist either, and that guy would be eating bugs in a jungle somewhere in Africa.

those niggers were scalping eachother.

How nice of you to care

So you're saying immigration bans work? Nice job BTFO no one.

W e w

Are you implying the Native Americans are incapable of progression?
Are you saying we would still be living in huts?

Wow look at all the evil that could have been prevented if there were immigration laws

He's right, let's use the Native Americans as an example and close our borders to refugees

>100 million

absurd number

yo that's offensive
you can't use that word
only i can use that word

So there would be 12.5 million slaves in Africa?

>shipped from africa

not often do you see these people admit to the fact they were slaves before we bought them.

If whites never went to America
>USA would be UK
>leafs would be pic related

They make this argument but it makes the first guy's point. At what point should you learn from that shit and not let invaders in? Although if the US didn't buy those slaves, Brazil would have.

Fake history

Yes it would. The shooters wetent from any of those countries. They were also us citizens. 3 million are already inside.

A) A White Ban would have had zero effect on 100 million Native Americans dead, as that was an act of Mother Nature caused simply by the two worlds coming into contact with each other.
B) A White Ban would have little effect on slaves being brought to the Americas, as the overwhelming majority were not brought by White Men. A Jewish Ban would have stopped that though.

>muh 100 gorillion

If modern day reservations are any indication, yes.

What does equivalent deaths today even mean?

At least we all agree, across all races and religions, that niggers don't belong here.

>not understanding that Jews owned most of the slave ships and most slaves went to South America.
Ignorance must be bliss, especially when spouting leftist rhetoric. stupid nigger.

That is the classical number for both continents, North and South America, from 1500 onward. It's even debatable because the population was decimated by a pandemic prior to European settlement.

Somehow America is blamed for Spanish conquistadors and plagues on another continent 200+ years before it was even a country.

>100 million
Ayo, so you b sayin dat when it comes to genocide, we b white?

>with a white ban we would be relgated to our own 100% white country
>we would have advanced to the space age
>inhabited mars
>cleanse earth with nukes from orbit

Relative percentage of world population. Use your head canuck.

he agrees then?

tou coque fallacy faggot

I'm saying that black kid would be in Africa living in the stone age.

Based chinks doing population control since day one.

At least someone in this thread isn't a fucking moron

(((native americans))) should have built up an immunity to the flu, measles and smallpox.

As a percentage of world population

It blows my mind people think "Muslim" is a race.
It is incredibly racist to the various ethnicities that are Muslim.

So they're saying it works

Native Americans owned slaves too.


With a white ban all you savages would still be eating bugs off the ground

You're welcome

#WhiteBan, but what about white muslims who dindu nuffin?

Estimates of Natives in America are around 20 million right when colonies were set up... where the fuck did he get 100mil?

"Muslim" is a disgusting thing, whatever the fuck it is.

They didn't have the tech lol.

The natives would have been unable to enforce their ban and those Africans were already slaves and were getting shipped out regardless.

>tfw arguments and debate have been reduced to specious reasoning meant not to discover the truth but to reinforce one's own preconceptions and advance social standing
>tfw this is actually how it has been always and it will never change and Plato was right and mankind eternally has a tropism toward sophistry
>tfw twitter just gives a platform for sophistry to be showcased

It's all so tiring bros

He just proved him right. If the natives had had the organization and power to build a wall and keep foreigners out they would still be around. No mass murder, no smallpox blankets, just a continued way of life for the natives peoples. Why should the descendants of their conquerors repeat this mistake when they have the power not to? Because of white guilt? Original Sin? Then where does it end? If white americans are scourged from the world then the new majority will simply take their place and the whole process of ethnic guilt and revenge is repeated over and over. Someone has to break the cycle, and it might as well be us. Leftists sure are full of hate.

Careful injuns, without us there would be no firewater.

Second dude doesn't seem to disagree with the other guy. He is literally right. If the dumbasses of the Indigenous americans banned the white men from the start, maybe the empires wouldn't have bothered to embark so far away.

Too bad you welcomed white people and they raped you hard.


>100 million
Jesus Christ where do they get these numbers from? It's like they're not even trying to sound somewhat believable.



So they agree.

Freaking epic dude haha!!!

Das rite!

>Quoting a tweet

Hi Steve. No one likes or care what you have to say.

Aids was man made in the 1900s dumbass so that statement is false and you're a fucking idiot.

Yeah, they were still stone age cultures when Europe and Asia had gunpowder. So technologically speaking they were a step up from Africa, but behind everyone else.

Yes so he would currently be living in a mudhut with AIDS

They had a ban too. Just couldn't enforce it.

Lol this is why Mexico will never be anything more than a shithole.

No ability to grow, organize or support themselves.

The spanish word for telephone is "telephono". Why? Because zero technology has ever come out of mexico


Did this seriously need to be explained to you? God damn, you leaves. And this is from an American.

more like 40 million

>liberals always cite the most shit historians.

Wetback are part indian. They havent improved themselves in millennia

>chinks and mongols hold the record
jesus fuck, what the fuck is wrong with the chinese and everyone around them?

>Natives should have stopped immigration.
I agree.

>tfw conquered before being able to travel to the moon to build moon casinos
Truly sad

He also would have still been living in a mud hut instead of shitposting on twitter.

He's absolutely right, if the natives had put in a whitey ban they would still be alive. Let's not repeat their mistake.

Seriously this talking point is possibly the most retarded one there is, it only makes sense as an attempt to guilt trip you and not much even then.

>when leftists lack self-awareness so much they make the case against immigration.


But the natives didnt have a whiteban and they all died, we should make that mistake too and let muslims come through just like pilgrims?

it isn't even possible for the Earth to SUSTAIN a hundred million hunter/gatherers...

>What, you think immigrants who bring violence and a culture incompatible with your own is going to end poorly? Did you forget that your ancestors were once immigrants who wiped out the natives and bought slaves? I bet you feel real silly now.

With a Muslim Ban the San Bernardino would happen anyway.
Farook was american and his wife was from Pakistan.

The seven nations banned are: Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Libia and Iran


You listerine guzzling savages are not even advanced enough to make HUTS. You live in the stretched flesh of beasts, strewn over sticks. My god, you stone worshiping prairie niggers are a blight on good, civilized America. You live for your next HEAP BIG GOVERNMENT CHECK. We should have wiped you primitives out instead of allowing you reservations. We would be far better off without your foul sub-human race.

You do realize the meme makes a case for US right?

Did you miss the part where the invasive enemy whipped out the North Americans?

That's what we're fucking concerned about, you dumb shit.
and it could happen.

Fuck liberals are dumb.

>thinking the slave trade to North America was at all relevant in history

Shit, most of the slave trade went to Brazil and Caribbean islands. A very very small portion of it went to North America.

>native Americans weren't already slaughtering each other over land and resources

Yes, that's probably true.
The fact that they failed at protecting themselves means America can't protect itself this time?
We gotta let this milk spoil too, because some milk got spoiled in the past?

I forgot Somalia

who did the white man buy their niggers from?

thats right. other niggers

>your foul sub-human race.

wiw arent you a slimy-haired nerd child

>immigrants to America killed 100 million natives
>we should let in more immigrants
Never fails to make me laugh


That's true though. That's why the native Americans are now endangered. The current Americans are trying to prevent the same thing.

This is you when you view all human history as composed of oppressors and the oppressed, and side with the oppressed unconditionally. It is the authentic Christian morality. Their ultimate victory is phantasmal, or moral. "If you kill your enemies, they win."

It's so fashionable to apologize for this in tech circles. I've never seen anyone state that they are unapologetic, that they endorse what happened, and would have it happened again. Look what it has brought us? How can people feel sorry?

Aren't you forgetting something?


They probably would have because they actually knew how to keep their culture from degenerating, unlike whites.

Normalized proportionally for the number of people alive today.

As in, if Genghis Khan ran a train on Asia in the current year, the equivalent conquest would be akin to 800 million dead.


If we quit going to Twitter, we wouldn't read people bitching about white people.

> Immigration = death

The niggers would all be dying in Africa if they weren't exported out, slavery is literally the best thing that happened to niggers. They should be thanking white people for saving them from their own savagery.

>moon casinos

Top kek

Have you ever seen a Canadian res? I'd rather visit the Calais camps

Most of Genghis Khan's kills were in China. China has always had fuck huge populations and fuck huge rice fields. He was also fucking brutal (but the Chinese are also brutal too).

People like to focus on what he did to Central Asia, but destroying Chinese cities was his business.

>present day
>circa 100-500 years ago
very cool my dude but Im a native, so if you want to ban immigrants, Im all for that.
Remember everyone has "immigrants" as ancestors.

it was actually spaniards and latins from portugal!

viking showed up decades before and they traded with natives and left (evidence is in metal tools and weapons found on reservations burried, whilst in norway and iceland they find beads and pelts.

the problem is the white men made the indians not fear foriegners.

after the spainards slaved raped and slaughtered and left after they realised there wasnt any gold.

then poor europeans(germans dutch norway) came to farm the lands and to create society.

fuck all the people who purpetuate this meme

fuck christopher collumbus and anyone who thinks hes white (he also owned a slave ship named jesus along with marlyland and santa maria)

lastly lets get a King Eriksson DAY! instead of columbus day!

he discovered america!