has it begun?
Has it begun?
Other urls found in this thread:
the fire rises
It doesn't matter who we are
...for you
Where you're from, as long as you love me
Civil War is soon brothers
>soceity has failed the young men
>but it is time for the great Un-cucking
It shall come like a thief in the night, be on guard OP.....be on guard.
Well, shit.
Indeed. The day of the rake has come. It's time to remove all Canadians, be they Muslim or human.
I just woke up. What's happening?
Day of the axe hopefully soon
>I'm a virgin loser
>therefore everyone else is just as bitter as me
LOL. Young men are doing just fine in society. It's only fat ugly retarded white virgins like you who were left behind.
Sorry not sorry!
No, user. Just no.
>sorry not sorry
Nice try faggot
>society is failing young men
>have u seen the Japanese hickomori
So how should we start responding to these Antifa retards?
Should we organize in real life?
yes, everyone hates white people now and our numbers are dwindling due to autism. We will die out in the next 5 years.
driving around town tonight I saw more police cars than I have in the past 2 months, many with lights on, always driving in groups. Something is happening.
The war will fix it
I'm very lost what's going on?
For you
>I just woke up
Come on mate
>MFW it is beginning
What's happening? Should I get my gat?
Last stand. Shits gone sky high. Don't know whether to laugh or cry. Ho! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it! Ha ha ha ha!...
We're all gonna die...
Target the jews first, the wealthier the better.
yesh. the fire risesh
O shit they were Syrians. Top fucking kek
What happens when it happens? I can't shitpost when all the servers are smashed and communication lines are destroyed.
Do we have a wireless meshnet ready to go to shitpost
>got a gf
>tools new album is sure to come out in the next year
>trump is president for the next 8
>half life 3 is bound to be released.
>got a good job about 6 months ago
>started a band with a coworker
>we are actually really good
>got a new car
>Got a $1000+ shitposting machine (pc)
>have recently made two new gun purchases.
>its january 2017 and the race war is beginning
Holy fuck lads, the future is definitely bright
who here /optimistic/?
My life is as fucked as a sheep in new zealand. Don't judge
If you want to start the fire, go to a protest with these antifa fellas and carry a concealed firearm.
Express your political views then defend yourself.
what, what has begun? somebdy please tell me what the fuck is going on
they are shitting on the white people supporting them, it is fantastic
The bodies are rising Guillermo
Does anyone want to take one for the team?
>autism: the post
Pretty good life desu. I've got some things I'm working hard on now that will hopefully pay off in half a year to a year from now. Just hoping the race war doesn't fully take off just yet!
What has begun? Civil War? Any tips for a Californian? I don't want to hear lelelelel kill yourself etc.I wanna join in the action of siding with Sup Forums. Please I need your help. We're all friends here.
>tools new album is coming out in the next year
can't wait, system of a down is also coming out with a new album soon
whats your band called? I need to know just in case you become super famous desu
Congrats lad. I'm a struggling 18 year old trying to get scholarships but I know we're all gonna make it brah
lelelelel kill yourself etc.
(((putin))) and (((Soros))) are going to fund all kinds of extremist parties on opposing sides and the country will spiral into civil war because Donald dumbfuck is a nigger incompetent and it will drag Mexico and Canada with it, with the Chinese ending up on the top as a new global hegemon
Good job drumpfcucks!
We haven't decided yet.
>Failure to Thrive
is what I casted my vote for
We're all gonna make it senpai
what genre are you going for?
Yup, wait until tomorrow and you will their plans.
It's an entire fucking city of schizophrenics.
We're trying to do a cross between electric wizard and tool if you follow me.
Are music is extremely heavy with 3-4+ distortion effects on the guitar, but its really melodic and psychotropic. We've got the equipment for a vocalist but we can't seem to find one
And you will see their plans. sorry my mistake.
actually if you play the bane scene and that inauguration scene together, they're both saying the same thing
What plans? Is it aliums?
would you guys slap this?
Nigga I'm taking singing lessons lmao. Right now the highest I can comfortably go is some Frank Ocean songs (self control is the one I'm practicing on) and next week I'm getting surgery for my deviated nasal septum. If you don't have a vocalist you should really try singing, it's honestly not as hard as it's made to be. Try some scales and whatnot
>Sorry not sorry!
>virgin loser
You just sound like an aggravating white slut. Speak like a man goddammit.
shit user, good luck
>half life 3 is bound to be released.
I just heard the air raid siren.
Shadilay brothers see you on the other side.
The moment I'd start running up the stairs to slap it, I'd be shot dead.
Califag here, i'm with ya buddy.
I might give it a go.
No. I've never been attracted to ass implants. It's a sign of insecurity, just like tit implants.
That sounds fucking awesome. If you're desperate, i have a home studio and could send vocals to you. I am a beastly singer, part Dio, part bluesman
most people can't sing and play guitar at the same time, and if hes a drummer that will be kind of awkward since drummers usually do the background vocals and whatnot
Well, yes , if you visit other websites like beforeitsnews (fridge site, btw ) you will see that this event was long ago expected ,and they are the reason this "news" is spreading like wildfire accross the internet.
Guys. Theres tanks on my stree-
I gotta ask, how do you sing with raspy vocals? I literally cannot do it without feeling like I'm gonna fuck up my throat. I can only do clear vocals, which is why I'm mostly oriented towards r&b singers
I know you are joking , but did you see how the CanadaCuck thread about him seeing Pillars of Light ,UFOS etc just dissappered from the the catalog ?
Redpill me on the pillars
I've said this thousand time... YES YOU DO
two methods, scream your throat out until it hurts, builds tolerance over time but reduces range as well, aka phil anselmo (used to sing this way). Safer method is first building epic power using 'gospel technique' (for lack of a better word) and introducing small amounts of rasp over time as power builds.
Basically , Canada user said that he saw UFOS and quote "Pillars of Light" outside hiw view, some other people in northen Canada confirmed it , and as soon someone posted some "gibberish" like - code , the thread 404.
>just bought a new gun
>stocking up on ammo and practicing at the range
>finishing college and getting my gpa great
>gonna break up with coal burner gf and throw her to the curb
>reassessment of life and lifestyle
Feels good and the year just begun
OP if you can ride rock-hard desert-wasteland, dehydrated cock, then you'll make it just fine, don't you worry.
I bet it does habben today. Its my birthday. I deserve this
Bogdanov = Given by god.
That was the translation given by a Russian user a couple of nights ago, btw.
What matters is our plan.
Incredible numerals detected
Crashing this planet with no survivors , right?
Shooters shouted aloha snackbar. Trudeau btfo and leafs raked
Shiiiiiiieeet , fucking checked.
fucking ackbar friend-o
Thanks dude. From what you're saying, I now see that I'm going for the second method. Basically, I'm building a decent range and introducing rasp as it feels comfortable
now i know what it feels like to be a lib.
I'm actually shaking with nervousness and fear for the future.
>literally shaking