So everyone is going on about the identities of the suspects in Quebec

So everyone is going on about the identities of the suspects in Quebec.

What guns did they use? All I've heard is "ak47"

so what they really use? Ak47s are prohibited here, unless it was smuggled in illegally.

If another gun what are the chances libshit turdaeu will push from stricter gun laws?

>butchered sks

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AK can be grandfathered probably

Very few of those licenses exist, once that generation is gone, they're gone for good, they will not issue anymore

Guess it still is possible though, but i bet smuggled weapons are more likely

It can, but in order to retain grandfathering privileges one must maintain unbroken ownership of the particular class of firearm.

No doubt it was just a SKS, probably with the banana coming out of it.

No shit the liberals will push for tighter gun laws, fuckin RCMP has been fucking with the 10/22 mags and the .50 beowulf mags last year with no justification, so now they'll really go hard.

Dosent matter what gun they used,its what they used them for
Also ak//ar

Finnish AKs arent banned. Valmets

Get those m14 10 round mags while you can

I fucking hope it wasn't an sks. I've got 5 of them and i'd be so fucking pissed if they got made restricted.

>"unless it was smuggled in illegally"
>implying a terrorist cares about the law

I am leaf. It is definitely an SKS with a banana mag. Lots of SKS are sold with "tacticool" looks to be like an AK. An SKS is pretty much your best option as a leaf for a decent gun that won't be tracked.

Can't fucking wait until I get US citizenship so I can buy an actual gun that isn't a peashooter.

Even before this shit the RCMP said 2017 would be the "year of the mag". So things aren't looking great.

No that's exactly my point.

Law doesn't stop anything

>Ak47s are prohibited here
Oh well it must not have been an AK-47 then

Post yfw the guns used are back traced to Fast and Furious.

That's not butchered user, it's improved.

>i'd be so fucking pissed if they got made restricted.

I'm betting you'll just be soaking wet.

You know, from that boating accident.

isn't that a tavor?

>40 people.
>Hit 5.
Definitely an AK.

>boating accident



The tragic boating accident where you loaded all your guns onto your canoe, and then it tragically tipped over in the lake, where all your guns sunk to the bottom, never to be found again.

It was most like a totalty-not-an-ak-VZ-858 or an SKS assuming it looked remotely soviet like.

Mike from Canmore has all my guns, sold them years ago

We were beach combing looking for deer in a 16 foot Lund when we got hit by a rogue wave. The skiff almost capsized and a friend of mine had his Ruger 7mm go overboard. I laughed.

I wonder if this fudd made it himself

they probably wouldn't want to offend refugees by searching their bags so smuggling is easy

Maybe. People butcher their SKSs like nothing else. Like all the milling people do to their SKS receivers to fit that AR mag adaptor.


are vz58's legal?

Think so, they tried to prohib swiss arms and the cz 858, but they back tracked on both of those

Yeah. If the barrel is 18.5" or longer, you can get it non-restricted, and if it's under that it's a restricted, but restricted licenses are as easy as nonrestricted licenses to get.

do we know who it was/motivation yet?

I can go to my local gun store and buy multiple of them right now so I am inclined to believe they are legal.

The guy who shot at a victory thing after the elections in quebec 5 years ago also had an ak 47

Hate crime. Far right group was responsible.

People keep quoting some redditor who claimed he heard it was syrian refugees on the police scanner, but it was probably bullshit, considering the police bands here are encrypted.

Can't get an AK unless you're Muslim.

>far right groups
>not ghosts

I should have asked if they were still legal. Anyway, ho likely is it that it isn't an ak but something completely different with wood furniture?

It was probably a fully automatic catapult. Muslims love those things.

unless you're going to be sponsored by a company or have 300k to "invest" in the nation via business, good luck.

My money is on an SKS with a banana mag. They're really plentiful up here in Canada, and looks enough like an AK to the person getting shot at.

Those mags are total shit. I'm down with putting an Adjustable stock on the gun, but not those mags. Stock mag is best

we need to stop radicalising these young white males with antiwhite policies. say it with me Sup Forums #notallwhties #saynotowhitephobia #endwhitegenocide

Wtf guns are illegal how did this happen