Monarch and Council of wisemen, with representants from each region. Charges are temporal, access by merit and exams.
Commune/village system towards city. People can petition to destitute one if not behaving correctly.
Socialist type. But free exchange of goods between citizens allowed. Money to be eliminated.
Zen/taoist type metaphysics. Belief in immortal soul and higher being. Emphasis on impermanence. Meditative practices. Superstition eliminated.
Free. Elementary and medium a right. Upper education would have quotas for each trade/career according to needs. Philosophy, metaphysics, and history as post high education, for those pursuing places in the governments or community leaders.
Since there would be no capitalist type job market, the educative institutions would work directly or depend of the industry or branch were the people is sent to work.
Rural communities may have a local school/formative center for local needs.
Free of course
>population control
None at first, controlled after reaching a specific number. 2 kids allowed (2=2 no change).
Common artificial language
Basic ideals/law but each commune can manage on it's own customs as long as the don't affect the social order.
Only one nation
Homogeneous. Either by killing or mixing. Caucasian only or caucasian/north asian.
Machines to supplant man in degrading labours
But, basic education centered in self reliance (besides history, math and meditation/mind development). Kids taught to survive, not to depend on machines.
Every house gets a bidet.
Everybody gets the same type of house. No useless luxuries. Constitution may recognize violent revolt as a means to dispose government if corrupt.
Technology as a mean not as a goal