Why does everyone except white Christians find pig so disgusting?
Why does everyone except white Christians find pig so disgusting?
Because they're all stupid. Bacon is the tastiest shit.
Everyone except North Americans, South Americans, Africans, Europeans, Indians, Asians and Australians.
Because it's unhealthy
They do not want to share their oats
>everyone except white christians
you mean only muslims? blacks, whites, and asians all love pork
Because they roll around in their own shit
Really makes you think!
And Jews
Cause Muslims consider it on par with cannibalism to eat the descendants of the prophet
wtf I hate bacon now
Pork isn't particularly good for you and it was also a pretty risky thing to eat back in the day
Literally only the Middle East doesn't dig pork. Pig is so delicious that Jews in the 1st world decided fuck all that kosher shit.
>everyone except white Christians
>find pig disgusting
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese want to have a little chat with you
It's only Jews and Muds that refuse to partake.
Pork is eaten all over the world
Its almost like they dont wanna eat the thing theyve put their dick in HMMMMMMM?
Because Jews followed the Old Testament where eatting pig in the desert carried health risks.
Muslims never left the desert, and took a step back to barbarity, so most of the old rules still apply.
Where as Christians had Jesus come and give then the New Testament, which basically said "yeah, you're a bunch of fuck ups. But I love you anyway. Try and used some dam common sense guys".
gooks fucking love pig and put it in literally everything. You cant even buy 1/4 of the cuts you can get in asia. burgers are shit tier with their pigs
A cultural holdover from the early days of subsistence farming. The humans had to live in close proximity to the animals, and pigs have this quirk where nearly every communicable disease a human can get, a pig can also get. Which is a real trouble if you intend to survive off of them, and people in your village are sick with fucking anything.
This desert animal-cohabitation lifestyle is also the reason Jews and Arabs kill their animals in really specific ways.
Thats not true. Its just muslims and jews. They refused to air the pig on CCTV in china during the year of the pig out of fear for offending minorities too.
Human flesh actually does taste like pork.
isn't that a cowe though?
America needs more police pigs to guard airports and the border and sniff for drugs.
Literally only Jews and Muslims.
All stems from some irrational bronze age superstition.
I always thought it was something like this.
>x is bad for the community and could reason in everyone getting very sick
>x is forbidden by the dominant religion and it is sacreligious to consume it
I know which one I'd follow if I were a desert farmer 2000 years ago.
>middle east couldn't properly prepare pig in ancient times
>blamed parasite infections for "muh demons"
>made them against the (holy) law of their respective religions
>virtually every other ethnorace can prepare pork properly
>TFW anything from a pig gives me heartburn now.
At least I can eat turkey bacon.
nobody cares about your pigs feet and pigs ears. and chiashu is a meme
Actually, i have read it tastes like lamb.
>tfw you like lamb
Honestly, turkey bacon is fucking delicious, and has a better texture than pork bacon
I'm not a christian but I like pigs.
i have roach friend who isn't muslim but was raised in a muslimy environment and he eats pork at every opportunity in america
It's not a better texture on average unless you nearly burn it. Which i mean who doesn't with bacon that's the best fucking way to go about it.
pigs are worthless animals whose only defense is shrieking. they've also got a fantastic feed to meat produced ratio, and the way their fat marbleizes makes the meat perfect for long storage during long winters and virtually every part of the animal is edible. they also double as muslim repellent and they're fucking delicious and they're also assholes with bad attitudes who deserve to be eaten. gtfo with your abrahamic anti pork agenda
I actually like it when it's chewy/leathery
it makes meh chew