I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish that these SJWs and feminists had never ruined my country.
I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish that these SJWs and feminists had never ruined my country
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Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Oh you're telling me.
So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
Do not fear. We will ethnically cleanse the muslims after we are done with the blacks.
We'll it happened. So what are you going to do to fix it?
Whine on an internet board or march with you brother in unison singing the song of Horst Wessel?
Take heart
Its far from ruined. I we were totally cucked Trump would have never been elected (with a sizeable popular vote i might add). What we're seeing now is the most vocal and mindless of the left on display. A small fraction in reality.
Brave and Valiant Gentlemen of Poland, it is not here
only requisite to make good the Glory which your
Ancestors Valor have aquir’d, in making us consider’d
as the Bulwark of Christianity against the Arms of the
Ottomans: It is not only sufficient at this present to defend
your Country, which the loss of Vienna would expose by a
necessary consequence to the Invasion of those Infidels, with
whom we are to fight. Here it is necessary to defend the
Cause of God, and to preserve the Western Empire, which
hath done us the Honor to have recourse to our Alliance;
an Honor which our Ancestors dust never aspire unto, and
was reserved for your Valor. Entertain therefore no other
thoughts at present, but either to Conquer, or Nobly to end
your lives in this Just Cause, to which the Glory of our common
Master is annexed: Think now that you are to Fight in the fight
of so many Brave Commanders who are engaged in the same
Cause and Peril; reflect also that your King Fights at the Head
of you, whereby to have a share both in your Glory and Danger;
and withal be confident that the God of Battles whose Cause we
defend will undoubtedly Fight for us.
Kek I was truly expecting a Leaf
I remember when minorities were just minorities and there wasnt a huge anti white push to change that. I could live happily and peacefully along side of them if that were still true but leftists just couldnt handle that reality and now i have to play the bad guy
GOAT king or GOAT king?
>SJWs and feminists had never ruined my country.
They didn't ruin it. They are just the symptoms of the real cause.
>wanting to work, have a wife with kids and not live among violent foreign peoples is considered extremism
How did we end up here?
I sincerely hope the lord of the ring movies are never remade, it would be horrific what they would do to them.
Thinking back to the days of Anita Snarkeesian...when all this shit started...
siding satan during ww2?
I was once a happy lad...
Now a fire burns inside me, fueled by hate and liberal tears. It's quite literally the only thing left that brings me joy.
Are we the baddies?
no. the fire is fueled as much by righteous hatred as it is love for our own. it is natural and we are literally the only race that has tried to move past it, now we are reaping the consequences
>le feminiss n le SJWs
And the cucks and redditors and normies that make me REEEE, right?
We can do better, we can be better than those of the past, we have first-hand experience with every mistake man can possibly make.
We just have to try.