First shooter identity confirmed.
Samuel Hydeaux
White Male
Age: 31
Well fuckin' done. Heard the Don's voice.
Watch it Mohammed!
ameribro they stopped citing races for crimes in toronto since the 90's
remember Coulter's law
It's actually illegal for us to disclose race during arrests. But the rcmp does collect it for statistic purposes, which they never show to the public.
>multiple shooters
>one of them is 27
>happened in a mosque
99% sure the shooters were brown muslims.
I heard it was a couple québécois. If so, leafs are never going to live this down.
The gunmen were just bustin the mosque-goers balls a little bit and they started gettin' fuckin' fresh.
Also bullshit.
Confirmed a Syrian rebel soldier!
we need more Sup Forums memes on Sup Forums tbqh
Thread theme:
holy shit Im actually fucking laughing out loud thank u op
its a meme you dip
this is how i feel right now
dude coulter's law
REMEMBER. The fact that they haven't immediately said "white extremist" means that the shooters were definitely not white
Plus witnesses report hearing the shooters yell alla snackbar
Does anyone know when/if we will find out? I know Canada has some dumb laws about it
I work global intelligence here in the US. We have been told both suspects are white, Canadian citizens. Likely right wing militia types gone rogue or lone cell. No info yet on the circumstances of the arrests. Bummed out here in control room. Won't be good for Trump tomorrow.
A.K.A. Peanut Arbuckle
CTR pokes its head out of the sewer.
A.K.A Al-Shalom Mofukker
I bet you're a jew
I work global intelligence here in Finland. We have been told it was the russians again.
Prove it
>mfw it was 2 SJW nu-males trying to false flag the right wing but backfired making the progressive left look even worse
Jihadis do not get arrested. There is usually a shoot out with police which doesn't appear to have happened tonight. This was a targeted attack on Muslims by white extremists.
>it's a Sup Forums-posting on Sup Forums episode
In quebec even if they are dead they will be declared in custody.
Released picture.
African decent.
Anyone else think Trump sounds like Tony Soprano here?
>Look, I know your a sophisticated guy
>whatya think a couple more people are gonna get angry, the worlds an angry place
Anything without a source is FUD
Why did they imprison him in a sphere?
i can't recall a violent mosque attack ever being carried out by whites.
it's always slime-on-slime violence.
If it was white guys, we would all know their names. The media would have released it the second they got in police custody. White names are released instantly
>This was a targeted attack on Muslims by white extremists.
Stop wanting (you)s ignore this id
abc news just tweeted this
>Jihadis do not get arrested.
Incorrect. One of the two Boston bombers were arrested.
that was fake news bro
jk it's fake lol
>"like omg! he's so hot!! he is only just misunderstood, he should be let free!
>#Notallblackterrorists #OpenCanadianBordersForSomalians
>I work global intelligence here in the US. We have been told both suspects are white, Canadian citizens. Likely right wing militia types gone rogue or lone cell.
Shitposters, bait 0/10
.....Go away
no shit you fucking dweeb
Why the fuck is it taking so long? Will we know tonight or should I go to bed?
What a cucked country.
>Candian citizens
>right wing
lol the most rightwing guy in all of Canada is a dude who doesn't believe in trannies. You really think you could ever get multiple white Canadian males to go full DOTR?
Probably tomorrow at some shitty press conference. But in the morning information will likely leak to the press. I fucking hate this country
>they end up publishing their retarded reddit posts and everything
>doesn't know who Christopher Dorner is
This Leaf is wrong. The City police departments report ethnicity and skin colour all the time.
Aka Pink Dress
Don't know if thats a shooter or not
f & g
I am unexpectedly sobbing right now after hearing this news. I live on the other side of the country, and I can't believe that this kind of terrorism could happen in Canada. I love you Quebec. We have to do everything that we can as Canadians to fight this climate is Islamophobia, racism, misogyny and other prejudices, and I promise to do my part.
> implying that's a shooter and not a victim
Easily cornered user
>What a cucked country.
Right, burger. Kind of the way in your country 50% of the newscasters are black, and when a black shoots a white they call the shooter "an urban youth"
Your country has been cucked for years, burger. You're just not smart enough to notice.
All we've been told is there was no police shoot out. Both in custody. Uncharacteristic for jihadi attacks. Our clients would be receiving travel warnings if this was Islamic terrorism.
Sorry all niggers look the same to me. Also this clearly wasn't dorner or these two wouldn't be in police custody
You fucking newfags.
>can't corner the dorner
I work gamestop here in the US. We have been told both suspects are faggots, Canadian citizens. Likely right wing NEET types gone rogue or lone cell. No info yet on the circumstances of the arrests. Pumped up here in break room. Won't be good for Trump tomorrow.
I knew it... you're a part-time travel agent. Say Hi to that pedophile David Brock.
could have at least put some inspect element effort into it
Kek already confirmed they were syrian refugees
boochie makes the finest sweatpants that you could buy at the mall
that you could buy at a black persons mall
Please be white please be white
Fair enough. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Forgot your proxy?
You be smelling like candy apple
They won't be white. We would already know their name's, hometowns, GPAs, etc.
Back to your cuckshed Justin.
I'm head burger chef at Wendy's, working part time at CTR. Drumpf is finished! BTFO losers!
lurk moar. It was trips
best thing to say in a tony soprano voice: "this is a tricky fuckin situation" just try it
Top kek
Hey Trix, help me swag this kid out.
well done
>never cornered