Uh-oh Sup Forums looks like the shooter was not a Muslim after all... in fact it was a terrorist attack ON Muslims
>Cue the purebreeds losing their grip
Uh-oh Sup Forums looks like the shooter was not a Muslim after all... in fact it was a terrorist attack ON Muslims
>Cue the purebreeds losing their grip
where does it say they weren't muslim?
When a black person shoots another black person, it's still an attack on black people.
need proof fellow burger/proxy shitposter
Sectarian attacks by Moslems on Moslems is terrorism, OP. Shia on Sunni and vice versa.
proof! Now you see it was a racist can you final recognize the final redpill (see below)
Thanks Trudeau for solving this crime case so quickly!
has nothing there proving it wasn't a moslem
remember to sage and hide friends
> Trudeau's logic
Yes it does so that can be stupid. And has Canadian accent?? Canada is just racist and they are going to MUST change! Islam is not the problem, okay?
I think Trudeau is good. In America we have Donald A. Trump. He is not so good as Trudeau. I wish I loved in Canada and not here. Canada is more open and anEgyptian like you should enjoy Trudeau.
> confusing nice for capable
RCMP false flag, similar to CIA false flags to try to ban guns.
>saying stupid shit just for ((((you))))s
You should be Canadian. Well, have my (you).
Canadian Spring
New fragrance by the religion of peace.
>By muslims, For muslims.
>shooter was not a Muslim
the president is so far left and cuck'd hes probably just saying that so the muslims in canadastan dont get mad at him
Al Jazeera is reporting that it was white supremacists who ironically said allahu ackbar
Has Sup Forums been radicalized?
>If you identify the shooters they win
If Trudeau calls it before it's confirmed, does that mean it's true? I don't think I've ever seen any U.S. president condemn a terrorist attack until it was confirmed the identity of the shooter.
Canada is so fucked. About a third of the tweets under the quebec hashtag are in this weird desert language. Even cucked white people are speaking it
RIP Canada
>multiple people heard on the police scanners "Bashir Al Taweed and Hassan Matti"
>media later reported: "they yelled Allahu Akbar"
>media later reported: "one of the men is reportedly 27-years-old and has ethnic French last name"
>Matti is a French surname
>why is that the only information they are releasing? they only tell you one of the surnames is French
>media later reported: "police would not provide any information about the individuals who were arrested for strategic and operational reasons"
>Coulter's Law
The attackers had Canadian names:
>Bob and Doug Siddiqui
Good day, eh. And welcome, to the great brown north.
If it is shitskins, remember, gun control and mental health facilities.
Awfully white of you to keep everyone posted
underrated kek
>If it is a Muslim attacking Muslims Trudeau was wrong about there not being a problem with terrorists pretending to be foogees and sneaking in/ Islam radicalising youths
>If it was a white supremacist Trudeau was wrong about foojees being welcome
It's beautiful. He basically can't win.
If it was native Quebecian who converted to Islam, it speaks of even greater problem. Which is that there are enough muslim in Canada to start converting the native population.
Based Egypt.
Sisi ain't nice but he's a good leader.
even if they were muslims troodooo would say they arent real muslims
Sup Forums is now infested with zionists who blame all the ills of the world on Syrians
Somebody is making a comeback
Shooters shouted aloha snackbar
Only confirmed thing is two suspects arrested, all else is bullshit at this point
There is serious concern that it was two white guys who shouted it ironically. Like literally Sup Forums is shooting up mosques now ironically.
An attack on Muslims... by ISIS. Of course Trudeau will try to maintain the meme that ISIS and Islam are not connected in any way whatsoever.
>It was only an ironic attack
>they just ironically died.
Fucking hipsters.
Press conference coming at 1:30 will translate for you fags
>if you're wrong, you win.
>"terrorist attack on muslims"
What kind of mental gymnastics is he doing to defend our enemy?
If it is white, this will be talked about for a year as a result of Trump radicalization.
if shitskin, 2 days by msm, calls for gun control, and 2 months by alt right
Any english youtube link?
it's absolutely shitskins
this is such a fucking false flag. i fucking hate this world
Ok. It's simple op.
>did Muslims die in the attacking?
>we should kill all the muslims
>somebody kills muslims
>omg what a false flag
Stay strong, Quebec. Bash the fash.
Reste forte, Quebéc. Défoncer le Fash.
For mudslims. By mudslims.
>t. Trudeau
yeah ok
> using archaic terms for Muslims
Why do far-right wingers think they're clever when they do this.
Moslem, Mohammedan, Muslaman, Saracen, and other such terms are derived from non-Arabic languages. "Muslim" is the correct Anglicisation of the original Arabic term, meaning "one who submits [to God]".
Cap this post. It's going to be two WHITE converted muslims + a brown friend.
> claiming Trump is capable.
Pls heathen is fine. No need to over complicat it
>using pedantic points of order on a left handed Swahili embroidery forum
>muslims are the main target of islamic terrorism!
>muslims never kill other muslims!
liberal logic.jpg
>terrorist attack
so what terrorist group claimed responsibility?
The Grand Wizards of the Nordic Brotherhood of Odin, or some such autistic white nationalists gang.
>mfw I found out some Nords are actually upset Marvel burger-washed Thor and didn't respect their sacred ancient traditions and religions. Also pissed Thor sounded britbong and didn't say bork bork bork