Maybe we can turn this into a productive thread about the MSM and Hollywood pushing their race-mixing agenda.
I keep seeing this ad
And have to ask myself; what are they trying to sell me on? Race-mixing? Or soda?
Now Coca-cola is a big, rich, powerful company for one. Two: Antarctica, just sayin. Three: selling us soda really seems like an afterthought in this ad.
This shit is getting more and more blatant. Is there an agenda at work here or am I just paranoid?
naw, leadbro your not paranoid. this has been going on for a very, very long time. WE ARE IN A PERPETUAL SOFT WAR with an occasional hot war.
I would recommend reading the melting pot by israel zangwill for some more perspective. it's the play that the term 'america is a melting pot' comes from. it's literally just about racemixing, white guilt, the collapse of western society - you know all the same ole shit.
Is that his second or third wife?
Please young fin lad I can't this shoop the daesh flag my sides
fuckin saved.
Will do, I just wrote that down.
I'm also reminded of this infamous ad
I get the feeling that it's the consistent exposure to this shit is part of the agenda, to normalize it, globally, y'know?
The thing is I don't really look twice if an ad just happens to have a gay or mixed couple (proof the agenda is working maybe?) BUT when the ad is for selling the agenda itself (like this this ad to normalize gay marriage) MORE than the product. That shit really creeps me the fuck out, like '1984' or 'they live' style.
Shut up.
Republicans are done
on very few occasions when im feeling optimistic i like to think that all of this shit is being pushed by accelerationists who have infiltrated the progressives. i mean why do they constantly push x-male/white female? don't they know that white men are pretty good at analysis/pattern recognition? but then i remember that white women are children and herd animals who will do what ever the pack does. to be clear i love white women and all but... they are easily misled..
"I just wanted to let you know how proud I am to stand together with you.
Soon we will all be so interracially intermixed that race will no longer matter. I can't wait for that day."
i wish they understood how reality will go
first the whites get extinguished
then the coloureds get killed by the pure black
then the hispanics/muslims enslave and castrate the pure blacks.
all of these morons condemn all of our progeny to certain... terror.
they just can't seem to figure out that history is cyclical not linear and that if you do not learn from the past it will for sure happen again.
maybe that last remaining whites will get their shit together this time. but i doubt it...
Who doesn't like a big black coke?
>"but I thought this is what the Elders wanted me to do"
It's less about a secret agenda and more about ability to profit, they're a company and need to turn profits. Leveraging hot topics for advertisement is nothing new, and it's a time tested method of having more success advertisement campaign. It's standard marketing. If you get something people care about, they'll probably listen to you as opposed to something that don't give a shit about.
No digits no listen
bullshit. the burden on you is to prove that this has anything to do with marketing.
all evidence shows that people breed in their own race. those who mix are statistically insignificant therefore not a viable market segment to capitalize on. further pushing this issue alienates the largest segment of consumers aka white people.
finally, this is not a secret agenda. it has been published on numerous occasions most notably in the caligeri plan.
you are either a damn fool or a propagandists
(obligatory) FAGGOT
Whites are God's children. Non-whites exist to challenge us, something to fight against, to make us stronger, to test us. The test ends when all the whites are gone, or all the non-whites are gone.
BTW. if there are any ADULTS lurking this thread freakin chime in already.
dude your id is 4dsfed
>for dis fed
>dis fed
>this FED
looks like KEK blew your cover
How awesome would it be though if the Feds were on our side though. Look at how much damage whites were able to do against their enemy with governments backing them
as a redblooded white american male who as raised to respect authority and the law I would love that to be true.
but it is not.
law enforcement are not heroes and that makes me sad.:(
....when i was i child i thought like a child....
Me too user, I wanted so much to join law enforcement or the military. My main interest was in science, but law enforcement was always a back up. Back than I used to think earning a Ph.D meant you made some major contribution to science too. I envy the child filled with love, respect, and hope for the world and it's institutions that I was. But don't you worry user, we will forge such a world for all the future white children of our world. I have faith in our people
>It was posted by the ugly white girl in the pic
>I grew up around ASTOUNDING racism