How will he respond to this attack?
Serious answers only please.
How will he respond to this attack?
Serious answers only please.
>It's our fault
I'll give you a serious answer when he becomes a serious leader
The victims won
He's going to apologize at least 6 million times
"Fuck trump and fuck white people"
Sorry Canadians but your government hates you
Kill yourself you goddamned redneck oil loving inbred
The only way he should. Declare that this attack was the fault of Trump and his fear mongering. Those poor men were scared and frustrated because of all this anti Muslim crap being thrown around the world right now. We need to be helping these people not turning against them. Hopefully he will show his support for them and announce that not all Muslims are like this and continue to help those that America has turned away like the fascists they are.
Your cucked gun laws are gonna take it to a whole new level.
>We need to quadruple the amount of refugees we are accepting, to show that this attack will not shack our faith that they are good people!
I'm looking into moving to the U.S., hopefully I can successfully aquire the nessesary components. Canada sucks.
>How will he respond to this attack?
Mandatory diversity courses in schools and workplaces.
>We won.
holy kek 10/10
Diversity is our strength! This attack against muslims by muslims only shows how we need to take more since they face persecution on a daily basis.
Do you not have twitter? He's already made a statement.
Everyone on social media is already blaming Trump, it's such pathetic, lying, bullshit. Saying it's the "Trump Effect" and "Trump radicalized them".
"Thoughts and prayers, diversity is our strength, offenders will be punished, more gun legislation soon."
I think that will pretty much cover it.
Leafs should let even more muslims in.
If you decide to keep terrorists out of your country, they win.
With lots of lube.
"This is obviously our fault for being an inherently racist society, we are not as open as we must be. That being said we need even more diversity, because diversity is our strength "
kill yourself worthless leaf who will never achieve anything more than building a snowman in life.
He will declare victory since a bunch of his people got killed by the enemy.
If shooters are not muslims
>Trump is responsible for this with his xenophobic incitement
if shooters are muslim
>Trump is responsible for this with his xenophobic incitement forcing them to do this
Tolerance Tax of course.
When you say you will allow into Canada what the US Federal govt has not allowed into the US, you are creating a security problem for your own people. The meme govt in the North needs to get its shit together
"If you kys, you win." He then proceeds to take a shot of maple syrup, take out a licensed hunting bushmaster gun and blow his own brains out.
Sadly this.
"We must let more muslims in, regardless. George Soros assures me that is a good move for Canada, and he cares about the environment with his green businesses, so I trust him."
Fucking over law-abiding licensed gun owners.
Blame it on Trump and proceed to ban every gun right down to water pistols.
"Dear Muslims Canadians, please fuck my wife as payment for your loss
>I am outraged
He already did. He questioned thousands. He will more than likely have a public announcement soon. Thank God Trudeau is so based.
>*please fuck my ass as payment for your loss
>We need to come together
>Result of organized racism
>Think about the victims and what heroes they were
>Muslims need more money from the government
>White man, try to be better because you're the lamest thing this country has
"Five people won today!"
Public rape of a dog.
ban white males
are you retarded? trudeau would never blame trump. read the fucking news fag
just a quick rundown:
>BLACKED.COM bows before the Trudeaus
>Strong ties to the Canadian Leadership; evidence to suggest that they influence the Trudeaus' every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Belong to an ancient bloodline which has been associated with hereditary rule and Quebecois civil service
>Evidence which suggests that the Sikhs are operating under their supervision
>Owns gender research facilities throughout the world
>Extensively funding gender studies research regarding sustainable life in Moncton
>Rumored to possess powerful empathic abilities and are said to have IQs upwards of 73
>Largely believed to be in contact with George Soros
>Keep the Canadian oil economy down so they can get their economy based on Keneysian economics on the market
>Stephen Harper fears them
>Are working on several secret commitees dedicated to eliminating microaggressions in the workplace
"Dear Muslims Canadians, please fuck my wife as payment for your loss"
It's 2017
He won't unless it was genuinely right wingers and if it is, he'll talk about hate growing in the west and Canada needing to be more tolerant and loving
"If we let our enemies in, we win."
Increase tolerance to max and light a doob
He will blame himself and give tons of new bonuses to muslims just for being muslim.
Glass them all
Sadly, probably this.
What do you think? Should I go out tomorrow morning before work and panic buy as much x39 ammo as possible?
stricter gun laws and less oil production in alberta.
> If you kill your enemies, they win
> Muslims killed muslims (?)
> Muslims win
4D fucking chess
It's our fault. Our country has not become diverse enough and caused them to do this. As of today, Sharia Law is now in effect and all white men will be deported due to their racist presence.
"Dear Muslims Canadians, please fuck my wife as payment for your loss. I'm sorry".
probably smoke a bowl, act quirky like his dad for a bit, then have the PR team make a few more tweets
Panic buy.
I'm going to cabelas tomorrow and buying two crates at least of the cheap commie 7.62
Declare all dead official Canadian winners and award them posthumous medals shaped like a weed leaf
why? planning to shoot up a place?
le mayo
No, just worried that other retards are going to go panic buying for months on end, and I want to make sure I have ammo for spring fun at the gravel pits.
He'll double down on leftist retardation.
And then a month later, it'll happen again.
>"My heart goes out to the children harmed by this terrible tragedy, the boys and girls left fatherless after racist Canadian law enforcement unjustly apprehended their "frustrated" fathers. It is all of Canada's fault for not "relieving" our beloved Muslim community of their grievances. Let it be known that love trumps hate, and that the actions of these poor victimized men does not reflect their people as a whole. BUT, if it does I am sorry for assuming it didn't. Please know that if you or a family member is suffering from D.M.S (disgruntled muslim syndrome), there will be while guilt kiosk stationed around your mosque in the coming days. Please feel free to take the wombs of our prepubescent children, as they will be complimentary of the Canadian Parliament and located just behind the kiosk".
Forgive them, otherwise they win.
Central Ontario bro?
This is our fault for not bringing in enough refugees
The same way he responded to Parliament shooting.
They'll take a really long time to write him a speech about multiculturalism and how great it is while not addressing anyone concerns.
If there were armed /k/anadians at that mosque, those terrorists would have killed less people and stuff.
Let this be the start of Canada wide CCW
He's going to say "Diversity is our strength." again.
Islam is a religion of peace.
If we don't double the amount of refugee admissions, Muslims will get violent you see
"we have to counter hate"
>nudge nudge donald truimp
His writing team does like that line.
Diversity is our strength.
Slavery is our freedom.
War is our peace.
The parliment shooting guy was whitr
>If we don't let them in they bomb us.
>If they bomb us we win.
Probably same as trumps speech of you'll get tired of so much wining,but connected to his own speech of when you kill your enemies they'll win,I guess he wants to bring as many refugees as possible as a trap so white canadians end up wining
10,000 syrian refugees for every 1 that was shot
This would be a powerful message to those alt-right nazis who wish to do this nation harm.
HEY! Trump said you can't post here anymore! I'll call DHS if you don't leave immediately.
Ban all assault rifles
Blame Trump
His estranged father was Muslim.
But he was really just some loser transient who got fired from his job out on the west coast and made his way to Ottawa, probably stole the gun in a B and E since a 30-30 lever gun is a terrible rampage weapon.
he's going to take in 10 times the amount of syrian refugees
we are fucked
>"This proves that Muslims are victims of hate just like all of us."
heart goes out to the victims, not representative of what canada is about, send more refugees.
honestly, the greatest service he could do for Canada as a nation is to import as many refugees as possible but to send them to Quebec exclusively. I could jerk off to that shit.
The tragic ironies never stop lately. My faith in the unknown is restored.
Only one man could have prevented this tragedy...
The actual response will be something dramatic but evasive, like:
Today we mourn for the senseless loss of five proud members of the Canadian Muslim community. I am heartbroken to see this act of such irredeemable and unjustifiable hatred, but I remain hopeful that this intolerance is a lingering fragment of the past, and that one day, all Canadians will embrace wholeheartedly our diverse origins. Some pockets of the world are seeing insurgence of hateful and dangerous ideologies, but we must not empower these movements. We must continue to stand strong and resilient, and oppose bigotry and xenophobia. This travesty in Quebec City is and must be the last cry of this diminishing movement of intolerance.
We cannot forget their lives, their impacts on our community, and we must be supportive of our fellow Muslims during this time of scapegoating and attacks against them. And one day, through this energy, we will live in a community which those five victims would be proud of.
Summon parliament for an emergency session to approve a bill requiring the arrested shooters to chill the fuck out and smoke a blunt dude