Why would Muslims shoot a Mosque?

The "Canadian" shooters shouted "Allahu Akbar" it does not make sense to me

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>Mexican intellectual
It's ok Paco just write a check for the wall

Sunni/Shia violence
look it up

bonus points if ironic

Who knows? Muslims are fucking retarded.

>He still thinks terrorists are real muslims

Ironic shooters, probably.

Imagine if Baptists started shooting up Catholic churches. That's what is going on in islam.

Sectarian violence

It doesn't make sense to you because you have no understanding of what Islam is

White supremacist trying to make it look like Islamic terror

These are people who fuck goats and stone apostates for fun does it really have to make sense?

>Why would catholics attack a protestant church?

There's different types of Muslims and they all hate each other because Muhammed was a warlord whose children and grandchildren all went through powerstruggles all claiming to be the TRUE successor to the messiah and his wealth. Different Muslims believe different ones and will behead anyone who says differently.

why would mexicans chainsaw another fellow mexican's head off?
It does not make sense to me

My personal guess is that this was a legit mosque, not an ISIS recruiting facility, and the pig-fuckers decided to use them as an example to other mosques.

this is fake news as we all know islam is a religion of peace.

>legit mosque

No such thing.

Hypothetical situation:

Just because I claim I am a Muslim doesn't mean that I technically am one, follow Mohammed in any way, other people think I am, and behave or look like a Muslim does.

As a Christian I don't believe that a lot of people that claim to be Christians are Christians (majority of most and vast majority of niggers).

Coulter's Law.

The longer we go without being told the race of the shooters, the less likely it is to be white men.

bait noted

The number one victims of islamic terrorisim is other islamic people. Sunni vs Shia, Shia vs sufis.

If it's really white people, it was sarcasm.
I can't believe I have to explain this, but let's say some guy punches you everyday and say: "have a good day, mate".
One day, you snap and punch him back and say: "Have a good day, mate" sarcastically.

Post YFW the "Hey Rabbi, Whatcha Doing?" comic has come to life

>We're crashing this mosque.

They may have felt that mosque was not preaching "true islam". Or perhaps that mosque was receiving christian visitors that day and some did not like it.

Let me guess: the IRA aren't really Irish either.

Finally a based leaf. But what I mean is a non-ISIS mosque. Maybe a mosque that recruited for Al-Qaeda (ISIS and them are in war)

What I meant is that this shooting was IS S using a shitty ass mosque that wasn't following their rules as example.

>the syrian sunnis shout "allah akbar" before shooting syrian shias. it does not make sense to me


Hello Ahmed

probably rival muslim clan

sunnis generally arent radical tho famm

Is he /ourguy/?


I don't know spic, why have they constantly murdered each other for the last few thousand years?

Oh yeah, different brands of Mohammad.

>Muslim hardliners blowing away liberal Muslims

Shit has been going on for thousands of years.

It's consistently easier to follow a religion while killing and raping and whatnot when the religion makes a vast number of exceptions for killing and raping in its name.



Almost as rare as Canadian shootings nowadays eh?

Ahmaddiya muslims are considered worse than infidels.

muslims have been killing muslims forever

Because there's something like 50 major sects of muslims all with different mosques. With the refugee crisis you're beginning to see first hand what it's been like in the middle east for hundreds of years.

>There's no way Muslims would attack each other

>What are 'Sunnis'

>What are 'Shi'ites'

> What is 'sectarianism'

>Why can't I stop sucking big black cocks esse?

>shooting up a mosque


L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y ----------

t. Ahmed.

the majority of extremists are absolutely sunni.

isis, al quaeda, al nusra, FSA, bla bla bla bla bla the list goes on.

>What is ISIS

Who knows. Maybe they aren't muslim.

pay up ese, kek wills it

>"...police would not provide any information about the individuals who were arrested "for strategic and operational reasons", Doyson said.
Religion of Peace!

Pro-tip - Google: Sunni vs Shia conflict

>Implying my White Genes haven't been spread already.

Kill yourself Tyrone, talk to me after you leave your basement.

The ones who aren't terrorists support the ones who are. Those bullets don't grow on trees or sprout from the ground, they're bought by "moderate muslims" who give them to the terrorists, because they support them even as they claim they oppose them.

Puc related, not a single one of the "moderate muslims" in this pic reported the ISIS headchoppers to police.

Source on shooters shouting anything?

That doesn't happen here also only Canadians who live In Quebec Ontario and BC should be allowed to post

black on black violence is obvious
sunni/shia is obvious and fucking brutal at that
south american rape and drug lord violence is obvious and common
even chinks and their horrible treatment of each other is obvious but i can't put my finger on white on white violence.
does it exist? is it beta liberal whites ruining fucking everything for us? white people have terf wars for years 600 years ago but in modern times white on white violence is unheard of.

There's a group that does a lot of public killings and they shout allu abkar every time

This is another (((CIA))) (((false flag)))

eyewitness report. cbc or something, i dont have the link myself.

How bad did Sup Forums piss of Shia?!

The Quads of truth hath spoken

Deus vult

truck murders and muslim shootings didnt used to happen in europe either, leaf. the times are changing, because of your stupid laws.

get used to it.

Muslim extremists hate Muslims they consider not extremist enough. Sounds stupid, but that's Muslims for you


We raped his mind

Bought by USA and ISRAEL

There's no such thing as Isis mosques and AL Qaeda mosques here you retard

leafs aren't supposed to make sense, some can't take the pervasive niceness and crack

It was a sunni mosque. Barely in shia in quebec.

Good point. Since they yelled Alluha Akbar and shot muslims, its suspicious. Why on earth would terrorist shoot his fellow muslims.

This is fucking hilarious. Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, but terrorism against Islamists is suspicious.

They were not true muslims


how the fuck would you know? have you been to every mosque? have you inspected them personally, every room, gone through all their computers and paperwork?

you are so stupid.

>why would a terrorist shoot fellow muslims

I don't know, go to the Middle East and find out

Remember this when the shooter is revealed to be white

yeah but then they shouted "SIKE" right after

Radicalize the moderates, bring it all on.


When they shout that first, they're (((CIA)))

now imagine baptists and catholics in a predominantly muslim nation having nothing better to do that take eachother out and become the dominant overwhelming minority. Logical. Good thinking burger.

You sound so paranoid and stupid

you've never watched anything from the middle east, it seems. it's their custom.
when they are revealed to be muslims, you will start pretending to be white on Sup Forums again.

muslim detected.

>Good point. Since they yelled Alluha Akbar and shot muslims, its suspicious. Why on earth would terrorist shoot his fellow muslims.
Takfiri kill anyone that isn't wahabists or salafist. Western politicians don't understand.

Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

i thought it was the shia that were more nigger

>religous bullshit
>something that makes sense
pick one faggot

maybe it was a progressive mosqe
maybe they told on some extremist
maybe it was a sunni shia type of thing
but im getting a feeling that it was whites that did it.

they all are. but sunnis are the ones who cause the most trouble in the west.

you can't pick a side.

You owe us some money

How can you even ask? Do you not see Muslims killing each other literally all over the Middle East? Every single day Muslim on Muslim murder.

>B...but... they're Muslims...
>Ma religion of Peace...

The sheem and sunnym are two fractions that fought over the corpse of Muhammad or something look it up in Wikipedia.

The only fraction of Islam that I'm ok with is the druz, they seem honorable. And they are oblige to serve their host nation and it's armies. if Israel would to aid in Syria, I wish we would help druz domination there.

If in fact it is Muslim on Muslim violence, I'm guessing one or more of the leaders of the mosque were "moderate" and not teaching that the west needs to wiped out. Basically they were probably seen as apostates and it was the attackers Muslim duty to kill them.

Again, IF.

The shooter is 95% sure to be quebecois. The cops just decided not to name him yet.

Sorry guys.

You have been hanging out with Isis and Al-quida too much familampai.

presser in 22 minutes

I heard it was Matthieu Fournier



wew well fugg then i could've sworn that they were the more moderate sandniggers oh well

i saw another post saying 1:30 there was going to be a presser. no proofs tho.

was doing some reading on a catholic facebook page a while back actually

literally called "the patriarchy"

