Why is this man hated so much?
Why is this man hated so much?
Because he let's in thousands of rapefugees and is responsible for the mosque shooting
huge faggot and smug about it
He is not a white supremacist. Thus he is hated.
In a same way Soros embodies the stereotype of a scheming, nation-wreaking jew, Trudeau embodies a politician drunk on progresive coolaid.
he abandens any dude code
and playacates women and liberals
He was supposed to be a Hillary puppet but things didnt work out so now he wanders around the political spectrum and changes his stance on a daily basis like a lost puppy.
Trump wont even meet with him.
because he is a joke just like the country he runs
He scored tons of pussy. Naturally this triggers the Sup Forums permavirgin NEET.
because he could BTFO most cucks here in seconds and it makes them feel insecure
Can I get an example of the dumb shit he does?
We all understand that leafs are a bunch of cuck faggots but when you are smug about it... oh boy.
He is doing a great disservice to Canada and all the liberal cucks that agree with him by showing how up their own asses liberal cucks really are.
>Took money from rich fucks and lied about it unconvincingly in parliament
>Defending gender segregation in mosques with "Diversity is our Strength" - literally all he said to someone grilling him
>insufferable lisp
That's the quick rundown.
Why are you making a thread for it?
hes dumb as a bag of rocks
listen to him speak and try not to cringe as he lisps "diversity is our strength" every other sentence
Hes basically a living meme of a stereotypical ultracuck liberal
He so stupid that he's easily manipulated by Soros to fuck over Canada.
Did he really sell all of Canada's gold reserves or was that just a meme like the "if you kill you enemies, they win" quote?
He despises Anglos & uses diversity warfare
to destroy them
enjoy listening to the orator of a generation
He's a feckless weakling.
canada didn't really have shit for gold, he just sold the rest of what was left
Hes Castros son, and Trump watched one of his friends fuck Trudeaus mother.
Because Americans are painfully insecure right now about their own lives, and they blame other people when they start losing. .
hes just like a complete meme
hes like on of those pol cuck satire accounts you see on twitter
except hes actually real. and hes actually leading a country with millions of people in it
just a quick rundown:
>BLACKED.COM bows before the Trudeaus
>Strong ties to the Canadian Leadership; evidence to suggest that they influence the Trudeaus' every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Belong to an ancient bloodline which has been associated with hereditary rule and Quebecois civil service
>Evidence which suggests that the Sikhs are operating under their supervision
>Owns gender research facilities throughout the world
>Extensively funding gender studies research regarding sustainable life in Moncton
>Rumored to possess powerful empathic abilities and are said to have IQs upwards of 73
>Largely believed to be in contact with George Soros
>Keep the Canadian oil economy down so they can get their economy based on Keneysian economics on the market
>Stephen Harper fears them
>Are working on several secret commitees dedicated to eliminating microaggressions in the workplace