Why the fucking hate against my flag?

Why the fucking hate against my flag?
Every time I post something, anything, some autist will come out of the woodwork and always say i'm behind it or try to interpret the events in a way that it's always our fault in one way or another
Even if it may be true, I literally dindu nuffin wrong, I cannot post a damn thing without you retards calling me a leaf thinking aha that'll get those evil leafs!
and I cannot leave this board, I simply can't, it cannot be done. Flags were a mistake.
I literally feel like a fucking poo-in-loo, they cannot post a thing without someone telling them they can't poo in loo (though that may be true)
it's like being a white dude democrat, everyone hates you for being white even though you are trying to contribute to their party.
and I could never become left again, so I am miserable here with you faggots

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop making us all look like cucks.
Day of rake now


everyone needs somebody to blindly hate


Our flag is a joke. I hate our flag. It's not my flag. It's the flag of a slave.

Day of the Rake can't come soon enough.

Now you know how India feels

Fuck you and fuck canada


Suck a dick



Canada sucks, didn't you get the memo?

>Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program.

Immigration Minister John McCallum told Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, he knows of about 13 countries that are potentially interested in Canada's model for private refugee sponsorship, adding he has already had talks with the United Kingdom.

The release said the initiative will start by creating training modules for private sponsorship based on an analysis of the Canadian model and will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the programs.

>The joint initiative between the government of Canada, the UN High Commission on Refugees and Soros's Open Society Foundations will have a kick-off meeting in Ottawa in December, the release said.

McCallum said Canada's decades of experience with private sponsorship, going back to the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, puts it in a position to help other countries.

"I think we can offer practical advice to those countries who are interested in going this route, and I do believe, based on our own experience, that it will be a successful thing to do, and I'm grateful to the UN and George Soros for co-sponsoring this initiative with us," he told Barton.

>McCallum said Soros would contribute funding to the project.


>I literally feel like a fucking poo-in-loo
you probably are.

Pathetic. At least we don't cry like a little faggot bitch over the poo memes


Self raking leafs are the dankest of the Canadians. Kek will bless you with so many lulz you are going to say, plz mr Kek....no more lulz. My sides are BTFO


>a fucking leaf
>fucking leaf

LEAF got POO'd

good on you mr loo

Based poo

You are the last to get a loo

Chill out, man. Just ignore it, and move on. I like the flag - as far as symbols go, I would much prefer one that represents nature rather than something abstract like a star or a cross, which is basically every other flag.

Besides, the main reason people from the US are sometimes hostile towards Canadian posters is because of the meme that Canadians are super nice, thoughtful, caring, "better" etc. It directly conflicts with American exceptionalism. Canada is young kid that everyone loves, and the US is the older brother that doesn't really get enough credit for how much work it puts in to keep the family together. So, all things considered, I don't mind if they pick on us from time to time.

You motherfuckers spread degeneracy and logically fallacies all over this fucking board. I wish it was only a joke but holy shit every single of you leaf posters sound like the same person. Same. FUCKING. PERSON.

Fuck you. All of you.



A (you) for you leaf, my sides.


What is a flag, leaf?
A flag is a symbol of a nation.
What is a nation, leaf?
A nation is a group of people who banded together in order to protect and live with each other. To benefit from each other.

Now when some of these people from a nation start acting in a noticeable way, they will be noticed for that.
Leafs, they shitpot, leaf.
They shitpost a lot. They shillpost probably even more so.
Now, this shitposting, is inherently merged into the symbolic meaning of the flag.
Leafs shitpost. Shitposters are leafs.
Shitposting is Canadian. Look, you politics are just SJW shitposting. "Look we can take more rapefugees" great one Canada. You shitposted, to your own fucking national "forum".
Leafs shitpost, because they are, shitposts.

I know how you can redeem yourself LEAF
But you're not gonna like it

It involves a mosque and an automatic firearm.

This is poetry.

I guess a leaf has already redeemed himself that way today


Enjoy your ban rapefugees.