The US (CIA?) dispatched a Special OPs team deep into Yemen for the sole purpose of killing an 8 year old girl, Nora Anwar al-Awlaki, just as they killed her father and brother in 2011. The killing was meant to send a message to terrorists everywhere.

The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said.

Other urls found in this thread:

D-Did they r-rape first?

nice source faggot

I hope you get gunned down by a nigger, faggot.

Eat shit.


Oh, right:

Cute tbhfäm

No fuck off

remember, terrorists aren't people.



She's dressed like a whore, she was asking for it!


CTR are you even trying anymore. I like it when the girl puts up a fight makes me harder.

>Manufacture a story on a quote of Trump
>Give no source on the killed child

Sure, we believe you.

>Blaming the military
That'll sure pan out when you demand their protection under martial law

>OP fantasizing about Trump killing little Yemeni girls

How very progressive of you.

Also guess since an R is in the White House, liberals are going to start caring again about innocent Muslims getting caught up in drone strikes?

>no source
>guaranteed replies

BS, but I wish it was true.

All sand niggers deserve to die.

would fugg.

Nice trips.

Yeah, he said it on camera and it was reported on CNN. But he did say it. Was he lying in 2015? Or is he just keeping another one of his promises?

The girl recently showed up in Yemen to visit her mother. And she died from a double tap, the preferred method of assassins everywhere.

Actually, Obama cleared the way for this one by killing the father and brother first. All three were American citizens. Obama set the precedent that the President can kill anyone anywhere with no Congressional or Judicial review.

They're doin' gods work.

Good. No more shitskin offspring.

What a cute little girl !

Hope she's okay!

SEAL teams don't do that they're Christian white boys who serve God before country more often than not.

sounds like her father shouldna dun tahat

heres the actual source

shes hot

This is fucked up. I thought Trump was going to pull out of doing this shit.

Maybe her father shouldn't have bombed orphanages

Zero Dark Loli was a great movie.

It should say "2 Americans Killed," since the kid was American, too.

This desu.

Oh fuck

That's actually really, relly sad
And Trump will keep doing this

I agree with President Trump on this one.

Fire with fire

I hope you get raped desu


Poor little thing. May she rest in peace. Little ones don't deserve this.

It's bittersweet to have all these Republicunts get in. Although I still think this is way better than what would've happened under Hillary.

Most likely she was killed by a drone strike. But I would not be surprised if she was shot and canoed by a SEAL, they are known for having no qualms about shooting civilians and mutilating bodies.

why are we suffering these fools?
sage this shit. there's nothing to this fucking post but some loli tied to a short story.

>killing little girls because their daddies are our enemies
Get the fuck out, commie

>Hurr you should be killed for what your father did even though you're not at fault

Bootlicking swine.

Kill yourself edgelord

Probably not a military operation. If it happened it would be paramilitary. Think CIA's special operations group, a part of the special activities division. The military has rules. Special operations groups like Army special forces or rangers or Navy SEALs can bend these rules to an extent, and JSOC units like Delta or DevGru (SEAL team 6) can really really bend these rules and frequently do things that the government won't acknowledge (the latter also being quite common in Army special forces). CIA's SOG is a whole different story. It recruits former Delta and DevGru guys, trains them some more and then uses them as a paramilitary force for the CIA. Something like this is what I would imagine the SOG doing (though it would be super easy for them given the lack of security).


I want to feel bad but then I think about the danger muslims pose to my race. The only good sand nigger is a dead sand nigger

Get off the trip you fucking faggot.

>all these faggots in here who actually believe that whatever sandnigger faggots living in Anwar al-Awlaki's house didn't use this 8 year old girl as a human shield...

Fuck you you giant fucking faggots.

Fuck off edgemaster this is a little fucking kid

I want to hold her ;_;

>crusades are unironically happening

Shut your mouth out of ever special forces group out there in JSOC the SEALs are notorious for jumping in front of civvies and saving children's lives. If the kid was shot she picked up a gun.

mudshits used trucks to run over children all the time last year
america did nothing wrong fuck you you stupid cucked prick


Hello newfag fuck

t. IDF

Just like how the Palestinians conveniently had weapons in all of the UN designated safe zones that were filled with children?

You clearly don't know what we're dealing with.

They must all die.

>SEAL team
Pick one you fucking autist

kids grow up and become adults

Get off the trip we don't have personas here newfag.

I'm surprised it even got reported. I imagine shit like this happening all the time. But, I suspect it was leaked because "they" wanted it to get a lot of publicity. Like when the Israelis bulldoze houses. They don't exactly hide it. Also, I wonder how much input Bannon had on this. I'm just speculating, but it sounds like something he could get behind.

You're a jew aren't you?

>Hurr terrorists did bad thing time to literally become terrorists

Kill yourself unAmerican fuck

If they do something, key word being THEY, then it's different not when they're little fucking kids.

There isn't a trip you newfag fuck lurk more

oh shit, maybe he should have cited infowars??? please clarify.

>she covers her face
felt bad

Nice work that man!

This is what we have to do. They think that we won't reply with the same degree of force they do. Let them see their families die and then we shall see if they are still willing to die for their false pedo prophet when they know any attack they make their families and friends will receive ten fold!


Get off the fucking trip newfag we don't have personas to identify ourselves here. If you want fame fuck off to Reddit.

It's out and reported on because Trump's in charge. Obama had no qualms droning little kids but you never heard about it.

They are evil, they aren't children they are fucking nits that need to be eliminated.

>Doubling down on your retardation

Unbelievable. Typical /r/the_donald cuck transplant.

>December 3 2015

Says you, "literal 12 year old whores being offered in cancun" man.

When i see this my first reaction is to let all the refugees in but i know this kind of thought is extremely dangerous. It's us or them.

It was literally ordered by Donald Trump
Holy fuck

Her father was a U.S. born cleric
LIterally dindu nuffin, He was feared by the Saudis and that's why you killed him.


America did nothing wrong
more dead mudshit babies to come

Get off the fucking trip. Take your faggot namefagging elsewhere.

Sounds like she was collateral damage in the raid, not the target.

Of course, that doesn't give CTR shills the narrative they want.

leave no inheritors to the throne

>Hurr this 8 year old little girl is evil

Literally insane.

Kill yourself frog posting /r/the_donald fag

>12 year old
Who cares though?

Get off the trip newfag you're not welcome here.


More like, COINTELNO. Sad!

Yes the Central Intelligence Agency who reports to the Director of National Intelligence dispatched a United States Navy Special Operations Task Force who report to the Secretary of Defense.

>Doesn't even know what a trip is

t. Newcuck

>CNN: 2015
>Trump was president in 2015



You're still using the trip faggot. Get off the trip you're not welcome here.

Sorry but you don't talk for all Sup Forums

>>Hurr you should be killed for what your father did even though you're not at fault
says the group that blames me for slavery 200 years ago

Fuck you for making up edgy crap so you can jerk off to tears of pity. You haven't proven that the girl you posted is even related to any terrorism.
Now do me a favor sweetie and go back to your kind on Reddit

this image is of a mudshit preschool

This is a trip fäm

fake and gay like you :)

What is the left's obsession with 8 year olds? It's always 8 year olds in their propaganda stories. What is so special about 8 year olds?


What the fuck are you on about now?

It's kind of telling you don't deny tourist get offered 12 year olds while in cancun.

>send a message to terrorists
>send a message
In other words, terrorism. Oh, and killing an 8 year old is fucked.

what do you think happens in war clever poster

>implying there's any practical difference
Trips are for fags, names are for fags. Stop acting like we give a shit about either

That happens in every touristic zone in the world
Why not here.

Racism can only take you so far. Don't conflate the identity of Sup Forums with your COINTELPRO shit.

Short answer? Too many fucking pedos

>Newfag fresh off the boat from /r/the_donald speaking for the entire site

Why the fuck are you using my goddamn name you American piece of shit? STOP, THIS IS MY NAME

Fuck off and build wall.


>if you care about U.S. military bombing kids you're a Pedo

Shitty tactic, cuck.

Nope, it's not.

Eight-year-old Anwar al-Awlaki, the daughter of U.S.-born Yemeni preacher and al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al-Awlaki, was among the children killed in the raid, according to her grandfather. Her father was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2011.

>What is your name?
>I don't know.
>Shit she must have forgotten the rest of the script. Quick have someone prompt her.
>Guy behind the camera starts prompting her while waving around a snickers bar as her reward for them exploiting her for their own agenda.
>She covers her face at the end realizing this is her life, no one care about her and she's only being used my liberals and the left o push their message and she'll be left to die.