Let's see how redpilled is Sup Forums
Let's see how redpilled is Sup Forums
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I love Richard Spencer and I love David Duke!
yeah right, obviously the jews are paying him to spread the redpill on jews
Spencer is cool dude, comes off as really intelligent and well-read and is a great spokesman for the movement.
Duke is a retard who comes from the bygone era of degenerate, skinhead retards. His only claim to fame was being a very minor politician with no power for a handful of years.
Spencer represents pol well. Admit it
The idea that Spencer is a plant is so stupid. He has been involved in White Nationalism for nearly a decade and even coined the term alt-right. The only people who hate Spencer are r/the_donald cucks and 8fags. Stop allowing the media to gaslight you.
He's a fucking fop and I laughed when he got punched in the face and went off to fix his hair.
did they even hold that jewish extortion protest?
(1 post by this id protection)
This is the same as when that dumb nigress asked Spencer before he got punched "Do you like black people?"
Other than that, I don't really think about the guy.
Russian agents get your commiefucks out of here stupid bolsheveks. Spencer alone was supposed to take down trump, but I didn't work. His hail trump was low energy. He was married to a Russian propagandist one month before he did that gay shit. He Leads the faggy alt right with all his autistic followers behind him. Fucking white Manlet retards. It's obvious and fuck Sup Forums for making him popular. Most of those who love Spencer here are actual Russian agents. Bolsheviks.
He's a White nationalist, so many on Sup Forums doesn't like him.
Russian piece of shit fuck you. You know Spencer is an incompetent leader and anybody who follows him is incompetent too. White nationalist will be btfod just like Andrew anglen because of Spencer. When you faggots find out you've been cucked by Spencer, it'll be too late. Nigger lover here, choose a better leader.
>take down Trump
After he got elected? Why would he have any effect? You're fucking retarded!
He's a dumb faggy leader that's incompetent. He got btfod by some nigger. He looked like a bitch
How is dat jaw though? Find any sheep to herd around?
You want to know why ? Because the liberals now have all the reason to impeach trump because of Russia meddling with the election. The infiltrated the election through Richard Spencer. A fucking fake white nationalist that was married to a Russian propagandist one month before his hail trump speech. You must be a Russian agent, if your not, then your just an asset to spread gay Spencer around. Faggot. Fuck you.
I've never heard of this guy till recently in the election when he was plastered all over the news
>not /our guy/
>controlled opposition
He's not a plant and I supported him until he showed he was a fucking pussy. His cowardice gave ANTIFA a FUCKHUGE win, he will never recover from the Punchgate.
>Nigger lover here, choose a better leader
Statement stands on it's own t b h.
>everyone I don't like is a russian agent
Hmmmm, where have I heard that before...
Yes and he actually let the big bad Jews get away from Germany before he started his final solution. Not so much of one of course, atleast for anyone that's not jewish
hi (((ctr plant)))
Spencer says "hail trump". Therefore this proves Russia meddled in the elections. Therefore impeachment.
You are fucking retarded 8pol. Go back to your containment board.
We all know SAM HYDE is the true leader of the alt-right goys
Listen Spencer's bitch, you can suck his cock all you want. His sperm will never let you see who he really is. Look up who he was married to in august 2016, and prove me it wasn't to a Russian. Plus what kind of faggot fuck white nationalist marries a Russian, when he is a supposedly a white nationalist? Didn't even marry another white blonde blue eyed hunk. Cause he's not a real white nationalist. Plus trump doesn't give a fuck about him cause he knows Spencer will take him down.
i did not expect things to be so 50/50
He was married to a Russian dumbass, look up his exwife, that he was married to one month before his hail trump
Thanks Texas.
Oh boohoo so if someone is married to a Russian now they are part of some Grand conspiracy? Why do you even care so much about the russians?
flooded with shills. this is a psyop.
>mm btfo
>brock on suicide watch
sage this crap.
>and even coined the term alt-right
plant confirmed
Bolsheviks. Commie Jews. His ex wife was big propagandist. You must understand this.
thot is a commie
see pic faggot
> Plus what kind of faggot fuck white nationalist marries a Russian, when he is a supposedly a white nationalist?
'slavs are not White' meme. Kike divide and conquer strategy 101.
>Thanks Texas.
Thanking someone like a little bitch. lel
BTFO to plebbit you leftard braindead zombi
Here's some proof Spencer cock suckers
>being this fucking schizo
This is why we can't have nice things...
Spence and the girl are not kike, but otherwise the pic is correct.
White nationalism and collectivism in general is stupid. Duke and Spencer are gay.
*Lauren Southern.
Although she is a coalburning lolbertarian.
Hitler was a kike?
There's a reason why you're the most cucked country in the world, so I see why you don't mind getting cucked by someone you think you like.
Btw did you know you just posted a kike? Either You're oblivious to your cuckery or you just love it.
Dude have you listen to DR. David Duke he's not retarded and very well read and educated
Get over hatred dude. You can be proud of your heritage while still promoting equality under the law and living in harmony with the other races.
Never heard of this guy prior to the 'alt-right' boogeyman. Definitely a plant.
What's his endgame goal, is he even making money off this shit?
11 posts by this ID
Not a big fan of Spencer t b h. What is he going to do for me? And he is probably a faggot. But he does make some good argument and goes all out, i.e. White nationalism, so he's ok.
Couldn't care less what you american do as long as you stop fucking up everything with your wars and your leftist kike academics - that have had a large effect on Sweden.
Molymeme is a half kike, but it's a good meme and his ok for a kike.
Chile in charge of math ladies and gentlemen
oh boy, i do love when you shills have to eat your own shit
>Spence and the girl are not kike
Spence - youtube.com
>the girl
So what bro? Jews aren't bad people. You're all racists!
I have listened to him that's how I know he's retarded, The last thing I tried watching with him in it was him babbling on nonsensically about the federal reserve. As a professional econometrician I can confirm that everything he said was just conspiratard level nonsense.
Spencer on the other hand isn't anywhere near Infowars level of dumb like Duke is.
No, that's smart, why waste energy on distractions? Be normy - maximally acceptable in every way - except the main message you're trying to push, because God knows it'll meet enough resistance. It's just tactical, it permits focus, it's not cucking.
>oh boy, i do love when you shills have to eat your own shit
Still a coalburning whore. Not defending her.
Well you just need to get out more.
Attention whores do not represent Sup Forums well. Its funny at the end of the day, but the exposure and threat to our memes when they are being birthed is too great. Nigger.
>He was married to a Russian dumbass,
>(((Our guy Spencer))) is a dumb stupid retard how can't even properly larp and act as a white supremacist
>(((He)))s been exposed
>Oy Vey.jpg what should we do
>kikeing intesifies:
>"i know, we should throw him under the bus by memeing that he's sikret ruskie kgb hackszor" spy
So let me get straight: (((Spencer))) is a "russian guy" is a new (((narative))) that (((you're))) pushing
i expected one side to win by a land slide desu guess WE aren't an echo chamber
There's nothing wrong with race mixing, man! What is your problem bro? Black lives matter!
not sure if ironically shitposting
or being new nerd virgin at the first day in (((CREW)))s job
He did do a fucking nazi salute in support of Trump right in front of the media. That was fucking retarded. Hes basically a nazi ken doll. Look at that faggy picture.
He's another Andrew anglin. I'm surprised how he has the throne in white nationalism. He's like a napoleon, except there's not even a little winning in him.
Oh yea blame America for all your problems. After the US BTFOS THE EU ARMY, then you can blame us for saving your asses, whatever left of them of course.
Aside from being a kike he's also boring. Only interesting interview was was Alex jones one day before election. Both kikes, nothing less
How can you think he's a plant? He's obviously a person?
> Jews at NPI
Everyone knows - some of them heiled. You implied this was evidence about Spencer.
Pic related - guy on the left was known to be a Jew.
I agree, well put.
If we are delegitimized by people like Spencer then we gain the advantage of irrelevance, we'd become a non-entity in the minds of everyone powerful.
Don't forget how we got here.
you don't have to be from israel to be a jew
What exactly is wrong with Spencer? Other than the hitler salute he stupidly did in the beginning. There's nothing wrong with pride in your race
Half and half. I think identity politics in general is stupid whether it's hating whitey or being a white supremacist.
Bolshevik commie Jew dumbass. He's leading stupid white nationalist alt right faggots off the cliff. This is your warning. But go ahead, keep defending him. You're movement, not mine.
He raised a glass in toast a-hole. This is clearly visible in every version of the video.
sthap memeing (((spencer)))
it's never gonna happened
he's to much and everything around him obvious that it isn't even funny
that guy is as much as plant as it gets
>splitting no into two categories so it looks like yes is winning
Fuck off with your Jewish tactics, OP. Sup Forums will NEVER follow that larping faggot.
>Oh yea blame America for all your problems
Not doing that, but admit it... you guys are extremly cucked by the joo.
All the wars in the (((middle east))) has caused the rapefugee crises in Europe and the fact that the kikes control the US music and film industries... means that (((they))) have a large effect on the world's culture, thus weakening both Europe and the US.
You let the jews walk all over you and this is the result. In Europe we didn't do that.
You also helped to defeat Hitler. Something you should be very ashamed of.
That's right, don't get your hopes up about anything so you don't risk disappointment.
vid related
i know it looks like that but i wanted to know how many people just dont like him and how many people think there is something going on in fact i planed in dividing yes in 2 answers as well but the other one was to memey
who said anything that i'm defending him
he's literally a full on kike planted as the controlled opposition mostly by the soros
him being a ruskie commie kike is nonsensical
>Bolshevik commie Jew dumbass.
also Putin BTOFed Bolshevik commie jews a long time ago
it is your government that is still being infested with the kikes
>Only interesting interview was was Alex jones one day before election. Both kikes, nothing less
one shekel for you CREW
I ultimately support him. But Richard is Anglo Saxon. So you have to understand there are probably shady ties going back to the (((Crown)))).
Never the less he's another drop of water in the bursting dam that must break free from this anti-White oppression. The Anglo's will stab us in the back history tells us. It's something to be mindful of.
>I ultimately support him. But Richard is Anglo Saxon.
can you even be more obvious than this
Richard is a JEW
>What exactly is wrong with Spencer?
yes fellow JIDF ask me some obvious stupid questions,
so i can answer them and promote this spencer dumb retard to Goyim
What is your point? I guess my comment was a little too high IQ. Go ahead and read again. Then 5 more times.
>Never the less he's another drop of water in the bursting dam that must break free from this anti-White oppression. The Anglo's will stab us in the back history tells us. It's something to be mindful of.
You know today I saw on the news all these protest at the airports. There was sjws and feminist out there with "Refugees welcome" signs. This really hit me today and it's something that I'm going to have to be very observant on. While (((Richard Spencer))) goes and fights for (((white nationalism))) he doesn't fight for American values. He could be out there redpilling people on how refugees are bad for the country, but instead he calls for a unity of white supremacy and only makes problems worse. He's one of the reasons why trump is often seen as a white supremacist.
It's because there's nothing obvious. Dude's alright
The thirst of some anons to have a leader over them instead of building up their own leader mentality is mind boggling. You don't need a leader. You need leaders. Good thing the combined 'No's are great in number.
Go to sleep, Spencer.
Are you saying that infowars isnt owned by Time warner? Unless you can prove otherwise, go gas your kikeness with a can of raid you fucking heeb
>As a professional econometrician I can confirm that everything he said was just conspiratard level nonsense.
yes as an internet keyboard warior and 100% goyim you should be definatelly know how is money being created
we trust mister sir econometriciawhataboutfuck
we totally do
>more obvious than this
Richard is a JEW
Not sure if you're shilling and if so who you are shilling.
If you shilling against Spencer you're doing a bad job. Need to provide proof for a statement like that.
Especially since he posted this twitter.com
>yes fellow JIDF
wew lad.
Slipping up? lel
>using the term white supremacist
>proceeds to concern troll
top kek newfag
>he doesn't fight for American values
That is muh freedom. You guys helped to kill Hitler. Never forgiving you and the bad teeth for that.
> he calls for a unity of white supremacy and only makes problems worse
Not true. You're either an idiot or shill at this point lad.
Wait... I take that back you're a (((civic nationalist))). Right?
Controlled opposition is certain. We just may have different theories, but mine makes more sense because of his marriage background sir. And yes I do know our government is owned by kikes, including Trump. There's just different elite kikes at war.
>caring what SJW's think of you
>muh perceptions
Are you one of those basement dwelling faggots who thinks it's 1991 still. It's literally the current year. lol the fuck