What redpilled you when you were young? pic related
What redpilled you when you were young? pic related
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Always been redpilled, really. I didn't have a liberal phase. I guess you can chalk that up to my parents, though. I didn't start downright hating niggers and jews until college. Never met any until then, for the most part.
The economic crash in 2007 made me question the fundamental underpinnings of capitalism and I soon learned about the science of Marxism-Leninism
Communism is the real redpill, comrade
I remember watching Captain Planet as a boy and thinking, "this is kind of dumb."
When I remember feeling nothing for Holocaust victims. Always had a weird respect for Nazis even though I am not white.
my aunt telling me she had three abortions
liberal cunt
Where the heck is Jessica Biel and the older brother in that picture?
By the way, the middle daughter looks a lot like Lauren Southern. I used to love this show when I was a kid.
My grandma told me not to buy furniture from Leon's because it was owned by the Jews.
I watched this to make fun of it.
Actually hanging out and talking to niggers and spics.
It is not a surprise a decade later they are still doing the same bullshit. Sup Forums just confirmed things I have gone through myself
Is that Ben Shapiro in the back?
Your grandma is awesome.
Annnnnd now I hate the show. Pic related. Ruthie Camden, aka McKenzie Rosman (her real name) grew up into a degenerate whore....
Why do all women resort to selling their bodies like this? It's disgusting...
Fuck Hollywood...
Same as this really.
I remember once repeating to the teacher that "Enoch Powell had the right idea" when I was about 7. She made my life fucking hell for the rest of the year.
7th Heaven was the best tv show for its time
My dad had a position in my schools administration. I saw how him make hard decisions based on logic and reason, then heard liberal teachers and students berate his choices because of their feelings. Then the '04 election came around and noticed the same people that were "muh feelings" virtue signalers were the same ones calling Bush a Nazi etc.
I would say that made me conservative. Biggest actual red pill was guns. After buying one firearm you will literally never be able to watch the news again.
>The shooter had an ARSENAL of THREE guns and a STASH of over TWO HUNDRED ROUNDS
One of my main goals in life is moving to scandinavia and get a white woman pregnant. I was in middle school and one lad had a swedish mom, I remember thinking she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I've been learning swedish for a few months now, all I need is Trump to wage war against Mexico so I can get my refugee status.
people can literally not be redpilled without trauma. The entire point of the 'redpill' phenomenon is that it's traumatic.
A TV show about white christians in suburbia literally cannot redpill you. It's just targeted entertainment meant to affirm a certain worldview, aka propaganda.
Personally, what redpilled me was going through the whole college meme, and realizing that there weren't any fucking jobs and that unskilled women without degrees were picking up lab assistant jobs due to being hot pieces of ass when I worked myself to the bone for my degree.
It really made me understand the worthlessness of skillled labor and knowledge in the new economy.
Just being interested in worthwhile things like science, math, space and having parents that supported that. Once you go science, you kind of learn how to dissect whats bullshit
Why do they do this? Why can't they just grow up to be a normal and modest woman?
Holy digits, Kek te va ayudar, hermano.
WWeew those numeros
We're going to kill you. We don't like mexicans, only your food. 4 mexican tourists were killed last year because we dont like you.
My father.
>Hitler should have finished the job.
>tfw you've never seen media coverage like we have when someone has a gun
It's absolutely bizarre because it's a far cry from when this happened.
>Albert Dryden giving absolutely no fucks
>Tony Belmont keeping that stiff upper lip because the show must go on
The '90s were a much simpler time.
Good luck paco
I took the redpill in college. Sociology class: all feminist authors were jewish. Started noticing all the jews in entertainment, banking, government, supreme court. it snowballed from there.
i have a friend that works at an abortion clinic. they had a patient who had been there and gotten 16 abortions. wow!
Can't say when I've been red pilled, it seemed to have come naturally over time. Never really had a liberal phase. Didn't take much stock in what teachers told me. Tried to feed me that 'everyone is equal' bullshit while I could tell that some people are clearly superior be it through intelligence, wealth or circumstance. I did read some Marxist literature as a teen and thought it looked good on paper but not in the real world. I knew since I was a child that people are inherently selfish while socialism demands people to be selfless. It's literally a children's fantasy, that's the left's problem- they never grew up. I've known all along that life isn't fair, and that being a bleeding heart is a waste of time. It did help that I was born into a conservative family. Through all that I've naturally been redpilled.
Having said that I am frankly disgusted by our education system after living through it for 17 years. I grit my teeth and bore all the liberal bullshit they tried to feed me, I spit it out while most of my peers ate it up happily. I'm worried about my future children, how will I shield them from their lunacy? The problem with most children is they are easily manipulated, hell most adults are too. I need to safeguard against that and hopefully have them come to the same conclusions I did.
It's because of degenerate pop culture that promotes garbage...
My father
A man who never livet the life he wanted , so he became conservativ, thats when i realized politics is for those who dont have the ability to control their life from within , so they need a daddy to watch out for them , kinda like the fat people who want the state to limit shit Because they cant control their impulses
Obviously fake since Britain banned guns.
any /k/ommandos can identify the pistol used?
You cannot stop me.
pretty much isolation and reality
Inb4 edggyyyy xdddd
That wasn't until Thomas Hamilton in 1996 senpai :^)
It was some kind of Webley, but I can't remember the exact model.
Where I grew up it was based af as well. In middle school we would dress up for Halloween and one kid came as Hitler one year, armband, swastika, the whole nine yards. No one said a fucking thing. Not one student complained, not one teacher said a thing, he wasn't sent home or asked to take it off. This was in the late 90s.
Most white women have standards, those that don't are to busy gobbling on jamal or ackmeds dick to deal with your micro pendejo hombre
where the fuck is matt
>one kid came as Hitler one year, armband, swastika, the whole nine yards. No one said a fucking thing.
Top fucking kek.
My school was like that, but only up to a point. Once Stephen Lawrence was murdered they really pushed the anti-racism meme because it was directly because of that that the "hate law" was first brought in. As soon as that happened, well, goys had to learn their place I suppose.
I got older and realized my dad was right all along. The left uses manipulative tactics, women don't function with reason, and all political/corporate power are delegated through nepotism.
If life is about spiritual growth, state-enforced socialism won't get us there. Ancap is the best way to go because it gives us chances to give, suffer, and grow. I could be a better Christian, but my old man was right about everything.
>be liberal surrounded by liberals
>think all conservatives are dumb
>meet a conservative
>right-winger by end of the year
>fascist by end of the next
I just keep going right
Cobra. A Stallone movie from the 80s.
Nigger drivebyes
>even the dog is white
read any fascist theory yet?
I only recently was introduced to more complex ideas of fascism, and I was introduced to that by national socialism. I'm in the process of reading Mein Kampf at the moment. Any recommended reading for more generic fascism?
ifunny did
Age 8, year 2001
9/11, Metal Gear Solid 2, having a right wing crazy father who traveled around the globe for his job
I called Nelson Mandela a hypocrite murderer in a middle school essay and got sent to the principal's office. Did something similar in high school about Anne Frank (basically said she was a snivelling rat acting out self-preservation and thus not a hero since she never comitted any heroic, selfless action) and got a pretty good grade.
Fertile myrtle
Moving out of my black neighborhood and going to uni pulled me out of my liberal phase and helped me see the bigger picture.
I was told to never fight. I was jumped in a bathroom by a black student, and I didn't fight back. I got just as long of a suspension as the black student just because I was in the fight. The black principle said their hands were tied because it would look bad for the majority impoverished black student community.
Multiple encounters with Gypsies that were always discusting and loud.
i guess not being around guns they all lost the fear/understanding of them
they just stood there as he pointed the pistol at them
For some reason the thumbnail looks like a cockroach fucking a purple sponge
oh yeah, I used to scroll down to the bottom of wikipedia pages and it started to seem suspicious that so many of them were categorized as "Jewish" or "Jewish-Americans".
>be me
>5 years old
>family having garage sale, whole neighbourhood used to every June
>see Pakis walk by
>dad says to me
>"Son, if you ever see a paki go anywhere near this property I want you to tell him to leave."
>pakis walk up
>"please go away"
>they leave, looking disgruntled
Safe to say I was always like this.
Who's the chick on the far right, looks familiar??
British attitude. They called his bluff and paid the price. This happened 5 years before guns were banned, they were pretty common believe it or not, they just weren't carried openly so much. You still see them often now if you're in the country, albeit that is shotguns though.
>hey user we're all equal
>notice that certain groups of people only accept peers if they act certain ways (AYO DAT BOY ACTIN WHITE)
>see disproportionate amounts of ((groups)) in positions of power, or committing crimes
>see certain types of peers perform better than other ones, regardless of their general level of effort or economic situation
>well fuck i don't think we're actually equal
i was about 18 when following questions came up:
why does money have to be scarce for 90% of the population, when the trust of a nations currency is created by the economical power of the nation as a whole
why does tax equal redistribution from everyone to those who can create money/have money to lend?
why is the interest that is owed on debt not created while the debt itself is created?
after that i studied economy at 2 universities and still didnt hear any solution, yet even the knowledge, that money is created out of thin air by an accounting record.
PS: our monetary system is the last redpill you have to swallow. our current system does not allow democracy
My 12 y/o brother got jumped by cholos and I defended him and cracked some cholo skulls. I was in HS at the time.
For the rest of school I basically had to go and fight cholos every single day because they are like a fucking backwards tribe of disgusting filth.
Ever since then I've actually wanted to shoot every single Mexican I've ever seen. I hope Mexico burns. I hope those that harbor illegals are put up against the wall along with the illegals.
Going to a more than 50% nigger high school.
Having lived in France for 18 years.
i just finished mein kampf, thought it was great but his rants went on too long. next for me is Charles Maurras, one of the most important early French guys
Hey, that's pretty good
have you read Vilfredo Pareto's work on wealth distribution yet? i havent but it should be relevant to people on this board
Friend died in a ""car crash"". Two Muslims high as kite hit him at a 120+ km/hour speed.
Both were find guilty and sent back to their home republic to serve their sentences. Both walked free at the moment they arrived to their home state (they even bragged about it on social media).
Police said they were going to investigate, but did nothing of the sort.
Then my close friend got knifed in the face for smiling in public, in Muslim dominated area. Thankfully we had money to buy him a good plastic surgery, he is alright now.
I agree, some of Hitler's explanations and laments over certain problems go on for quite a few pages. I haven't heard of Maurras, I'll look into him.
My father was a huge influence on my life. He always taught me to be a good man and prepare for having a family. He used to vote democratically, but felt betrayed during the Clinton years and turned to conservatism.
In my childhood, we lived in Brooklyn and he worked as a postman. Every weekday he worked, he told me about how all the black people in the projects up in Queens would wait for their checks in the mail. "The Itim(Tagalog word for Black) would crowd around like animals by the mailboxes in the apartment." He'd say. "They don't care much for lines or for at form of order."
At school, the black kids always bullied me for being Asian. I always felt like I was in a sea of coal everyday I would pass the hallways. All those guys were aggressive and the teachers barely cared for their future. It got so bad that I had to move out of state to Florida. Since then I've met better black people in my life. Now I keep a personal mantra that: "I love black people. But I hate niggers."
Years later, my Dad and I voted for Trump and haven't looked back. I love my jungle Asian father.
On a side-note, I played Adolf Hitler in a dramatic scene once during a High School performance. It was one of the stepping stones that led me to the redpill.
Getting jumped by a gang of Mexicans in elementary school. Getting jumped by a gang of blacks, in elementary school. Getting a knife pulled on me, by a Mexican in fucking elementary school. Got into a fight with one black kid, in elementary school, and having him go back home, and get like 15 of his brothers to try to find me. Getting my bike stolen by Mexicans in elementary school. Getting my fucking boots stolen from me, in elementary school, no I was not wearing them at the time of the theft. Watching my dad's car get broken into over and over so they could steal his junk ass stereo, while I was in elementary school. God, I fucking hate southern California. I'm glad I left.
>Admitted pedophile Stephen Collins taped an interview for 20/20 after penning a lengthy confession to People about the girls he touched or exposed himself to up until 1994
"Unfortunately, it is a reasonably regular occurrence where we do find people lawfully in possession of firearms." -Detective Superintendent Dave Gill
WOOOOOOO britannia, got to keep legal weapons away from citizens, fuck!
Russia should re-colonize Kazakhstan and those other Central Asian Muslim shitholes. Remove kebab and take their land.
I knew something in general was wrong sometime in high school when I learned of the facts regarding Japan in WW2. You see, during my time in elementary school we read the story of "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes". Sadako was two years old when the bombs dropped in Horishima. She survived but developed leukemia at age 12. She folded 1000 paper cranes because she believed it would grant her one wish (to be cured). She did not survive. The entire time, I remember my teacher making us feel ashamed to be Canadian, to be white even. It was our people's fault and we did this horrible thing to the Japanese.
So of course years later in HS, when I discovered they had conveniently left out the part about the japs being brutal fucking monsters in WW2, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the rampant abuse of comfort women, Nanking, etc.. I quickly realized that many things they had taught me in school were half-truths at best. And it just went on from there. Things that seemed so simple like multiculturalism suddenly turned out to be not so simple with a few new facts added into the mix... schools really are a form of indoctrination and propaganda at this point.
being white and being jumped by niggers in the school bathrooms every other day in middle school and me telling my black principal and him laughing about it.
I used to be a lefty. Fell out after I realized that none of my fellow lefties were worried about trying to reconcile their beliefs with evidence, or whether their ideas were anything but vaguee posturing on what would be ideal.
I was sort of centrist for a while. But what really pushed me over the edge was the "refugee" crisis.
This is when I realized, with disgust, how much sheer bloodlust there is on the left for the idea of destroying white races and culture. How much insane derangement they have for us.
I also always knew a lot of history, but in a comparmentalized manner. In the last few years, I started making the connections and realizing how little humans have changed.
Isn't it strange how the progressive mentality is so protean? Every other race or nationality is the perpetual victim; the white race is always the bad guy.
i was redpilled since very little since my parents never lied to me about santa claus, and i had to stay quiet about it. Jesus felt much the same, and everything after.
Wasn't even liberal as a teen. Had extreme/naive conservative views when I was a teen.
Dad redpilled me when he said he was republican and I got mad--then I found the truth
So you were lied to and are now lashing out. Poor little you was lied to by the big evil system and now they must be punished, and that will be done by being contrarian to anything they say.
btw I had the exact opposite education to you (that japanese were in fact brutal in WW2) and came to the same conclusion (that civilians aren't fair game in war).
He will most surely get killed sooner of later if he stays here, so...
His point was that they lied to promote multiculturalism and demean the white race, rather than tell both sides and teach children than any race can be victim or sadist.
Who said anything about lashing out? It was just the moment I began to look deeper into many things I had been taught. Fuck they could have framed it as "it was a horrible war on both sides, this girl has suffered from the actions of bothher people the and allies the previous decade."
My mom fucked an illegal immigrant and aborted the child. I feel like she's changed ever since, She used to be so full of life and my best friend but now she seems so empty to me. I feel guilty because she asked me if she should keep it and I told her it was her choice (she wanted to abort anyway and so did the guy),but I didn't say yeah keep the baby, so in a way I feel like part of this sin is on me because I could have convinced her not to. I've felt all fucked up inside ever since and we just pretend like it never happened. She broke up with him after she caught him trying to hire an escort.
I miss my childhood everything was nice and not fucked up. I graduated highschool a year ago and feel dead inside and purposeless.
I hate this timeline anons.
Dealing with nigs.
why? they have the same population as japan and more land than they need
friend, you didn't kill your baby half-brother. that sin is not on you at all. dont carry that burden.
your mom is a whore. Mine is too. We have to accept it and try and become better people than they are.
What redpilled me was reading Peter C. Newman books in my late teens.
Newman is a meek Canadian biographer who is in his 80s and has spent his life writing on Canada's "Establishment". You can read all about Israel Asper, who owned the majority of Canada's print media but would fire anyone who wouldn't shill for Israel. You could read about PET's Paul Desmarais, CEO of Power Corp who installed his former employees Jean Chretien and Paul Martin as Prime Ministers of Canada. Chretien's daughter even married his son in some sort of aristo fuckery.
It hit me that I will NEVER read about ANY of this in Canada's public or private news, because they own it, and will distract you with some fucking snowboard teacher prancing around in a Pride parade and astroturf social progressivsm. The public unions are a bloated vote-buying and nepotism scheme and we're selling ourselves out to the Chinese rather then trying to cut down on waste.
Canada by rights should be the wealthiest nation on Earth and instead it's filled with retarded leftists struggling to make rent money on their Soviet-style housing bloc because they blew all their money on weed while the loos and chinese take another inch every day. And they call this 'virtue'.
utterly based leaf with titanium tinfoil hat that repels all jewish MSM brainwashing
Military service. Protesters crying about war like they know anything about it.
The news, and my worthless piece of shit family on my mother's side. Also my parents.
I saw how basically only white people are held accountable for their actions while the niggers can riot non-stop and get praised for it. As a kid I saw the LA riots and how all the niggers cared about was race. I knew they were a problem right then and there at the age of fucking 5.
My family is also a complete wreck and it's all because of SJW horseshit before SJWs existed. The over-tolerance of dangerous degeneracy because feelings are more important than functioning as a human being.
My mother is a psychotic self-centered cunt and my father is a bitchboy cuck who can only complain about things. The worst most degenerate self-imploding members of my blood have jew and sandnigger genes and that's all the evidence I need to know they need to be exterminated from humanity. Not to mention the mounting evidence within the past few years.
My parents seperated before I could walk and I now hold a proper mother and father household in the highest possible esteem because of the torture it put me through in my childhood. I will not settle for anything less than a conservative wife who understands loyalty and functionality takes precendence over any pathetic and pointless circlejerking drama.
I could go into more detail but I am easily one of the most redpilled people on Sup Forums right now because I have been through what happens in it's absence and I desire it for no human*.
*shitskins aren't human
i hope you make a family for yourself that you feel good about
Even the damn dog is white...wtf
>there are people here who were never always redpilled
As far back as I can recall. My earliest memories. At that time some folks were rational, calm and effective while others lied, got emotional, capitulated, and complained while never having any positive effect. later maybe 5 or so iIbegan to associate these behaviors with their different political names and groups. in school I observed folks of certain ethnicities or groups behaving badly or irrationally while others acting reasonably with positive outcomes.
Basically, I just figured it out I guess. then later I found all the history and data to back up what I already knew. It was nice in early childhood to find out I was not the only one thinking some of these things.