Uhhh guys...?
Is this actually happening or is he making shit up?
making shit up + never being involved in this before
Bush and Obama made the border and airports a constitution free zone. Libertarians tried to warn you.
I have no clue what any of that means
>us citizens being detained
Complete bullshit.
Jackson has come back as a glorious, fat, orange man. This time to remove Mexicans and Muslims instead of Indians.
>making shit up
I dunno, I wonder who law enforcement is gonna side with these days...
non-u.s. citizens dont have any constitutional rights. reddit cucks go home.
>Is this actually happening
I fucking hope so
I'd hang up on those congressional faggots too if I'm dealin with TaliAlQuaNursraISIS terrorists.
I'll take shit that never once happened for $1000 Alex
Apparently it was the Daily Double
They were warned, but it was all good while they were in charge.
And? Obama made it legal to detain anyone for as long as they want for any reason, all without needing to ask or answer/Inform the rest of the government and people. Not that i believe ops info but if it were true it would be completely legal thanks to obama and Perhaps liberals should have protested when actually evil shit was happening
Just watched this episode today.
>Adam Blick(((stein)))
There is no way the executive order could be interpreted to affect American citizens.
who the fuck cares what random twitter people say
its not fucking news stop making threads
If this is actually happening, do you know what this means boys? That our bureaucracy is actually breaking down at every level.
This is it. We're going into Civil War before the end of the year, guaranteed. WWIII to follow shortly after when we "discover" that China and Russia have been funding the separatists.
As far as I understand all these judges rulings can't over turn Trumps orders so hence why they are being ignored.
>Hanging up on US congressmen
So, we Night of the Long Knives now?
Fake news to push us further towards the upcoming civil war
>is he making shit up?
Do the math, sir.
Kristallnacht soon...
they are congressmen and not part of executive. so they can go fuck themselves.
Why the fuck are all these white people so against their own interests?
Anyway, the military is the one who has the true authority. Wonder who they would support.
He died because of a horse
>until you pay what you owe that shaved twat belongs to me
I'm not sure if Trump realizes how ready people are for the day of the rope. "Liberal" lawyer here. As soon as shit goes down, the ruse is up and I do whatever the god emperor wants. The silent majority is everywhere.
Kek I think this is becoming true. We will have another wild party with bathtubs of rum and brandy!
>white people
If not bait, then you should know that the jew does not identify as white. No jew does, but they love to imitate the white.
If you watched the entire story arc and genuinely believe this then I don't know what to tell you.
So, yes to stabbing them?
>but they love to imitate the white.
if they can imitate white that means they are white you doofus
This is the beginning of zombie apocalypse: people are staring at zombies seeing people in them, thinking they still can be cured, trying to interact with them. But later the survivors realize that zombies should be shot on sight...
This is our one chance to save westeen civilization and even the third world (shit will really be crazy there without western support).
I hope the military and the police have enough sense to back DJT instead of judges who make up law.
Partially true.
Non-citizens are understood to have the right to not be physically harmed for shits & giggles or disappeared into black site prisons. Other than that, they don't have rights in the US.
(((Blickstein))) almost certainly no truth to this, sadly.
If theyre brown flush 'em down. who gives a fuck. cuck
>Having rights stripped isn't a problem provided nothing goes wrong
Wew lad American liberals are fucked in the head
>Having a U.S. visa allows you to travel to a port of entry, airport or land border crossing, and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspector to enter the United States. While having a visa does not guarantee entry to the United States, it does indicate a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad has determined you are eligible to seek entry for that specific purpose. DHS/CBP inspectors, guardians of the nation’s borders, are responsible for admission of travelers to the United States, for a specified status and period of time. DHS also has responsibility for immigration matters while you are present in the United States.
>— U.S. Dept. of State, website, webpage “What is a U.S. Visa”
there is nothing about having a US Visa that guarantees entry to the country
this judge's order is illegal