Why the fuck do people complain about voter ID laws? Seriously I'm at a loss

Why the fuck do people complain about voter ID laws? Seriously I'm at a loss.

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Because illegals vote democrat

See: California

Because Democrats have a long and proud history of voter fraud that ID laws would just get in the way of.

Only SJW ans illegals cry about... USA only 1st world country that does not use some form of Voter ID.

Fuck liberals.


It's just another of the white man's racist laws.

Niggers are too stupid to carry any form of ID. No joke.

>Why the fuck do people complain about voter ID laws? Seriously I'm at a loss.

It makes electoral fraud harder, which is why the Democratic Party hates it.

liberals need pet brown people and think they're too stupid to get IDs even though they've navigated the legal system to get everything else they need.

This is a great example of the left's brainwashing. It's perfectly reasonable for someone to require an ID or passport to vote, however one lefty once stood up and said "DAS RAYCIS", and now the entire left thinks it's a white man's conspiracy.

they literally do not ask for your ID here or check signatures for you to vote. anyone can come up and vote 50 times and say they are you. no cameras allowed. >> chicago

Because if we had voter ID, then they wouldn't be able to use illegals to fudge the popular vote.

Fucking California. The day I went to vote for Trump, I had my ID out and ready. The staff didn't even bother acknowledging the damn thing. I just stood saying, "You don't check for ID here?"

because niggers are too dumb and poor to afford the $20 that it takes to get voters ID and niggers vote democrat so democrats and liberals don't like voter registration laws

It blows me away that you guys are so lax about voting laws.

>the same reason the left here wants prisoners to have a vote
>the same reason the left here wants online voting
>the same reason the left here wants to lower the voting age to 16

liberals know that they could never win elections with voter id.

that's the thing, they're free. they literally have nothing to bitch about but yet they do.

Because its racist to confirm you are a legal citizent lol

It was proposed to be free.


seriously guys, if you can't even organize yourself some type of formal ID here in 2017 then how much value are your political opinions likely to hold?

Does Trump have the power to make this a law?

I don't see why not but expect a shit storm from illegals and leftist cucks

Because not everyone has the money for a voter ID? Because not everyone has easy access to a place where they can obtain a voter ID? Because not everyone has a car or a license to drive to wherever they'd need to go to obtain an ID? Because it largely affects poor people? Because it affects a disproportionate number of non-whites? Because it is both classist and racist? Fucking dumbass

They are already shit storming and it's not changing any Trump voters minds, it's just pissing more ordinary people off and cementing him a second term as long as he doesn't fuck up too bad.
Seriously what are they gonna do? Take more crying selfies? Have the msm run 1200 anti-Trump article a day instead of 1000?
Like a baby having a tantrum, you ignore it and it will burn itself out when it doesn't get it's way

because back during segregation, voter ID laws were used as a workaround to stop black voters. It helped to enable jim crow laws, which is why Lefties hate it

>can't drive to go get a voter id
what do they do? just never leave their fuckin house? Voter fraud is a huge issue and needs to be dealt with. I could understand an unprincipled left would complain since it benefits them though. You guys are INSANE.

niggers are too stupid to acquire a drivers license, so it hurts the democrat voter base. yes, thats the only reason why.

these same dumb niggers votes count just as much as yours too. democracy is filthy.

USA must eliminate voter fraud from the system

Make voter ID law please nothing hard about it

Nice bait, however even India has voter id's, and that place is a shit hole.

They can't make it to the DMV but they can make it to the polls?

All of those are solvable problems. Make voter IDs free for people in need. Give free transport to get them (partner with Uber I don't give a fuck) for people in need. Those two things fix all of your complaints, and they ensure that someone can't cheat our elections.

>Implying niggers would take the time of day to vote even if it was free

No, what they do is just have their pollsters submit forged ballots all day long like they did in Detroit.

then why require an ID to guy a firearm? Isn't that racist too?

I don't believe this. Surely it can't be this unorganised? Couldn't a candidate hire people to vote at one location then keep drive to another voting location and so forth until the elections are over?

they do that now.. that's why they don't support the voter ID.

Funny how the first gun control laws on the books were Jim Crow laws.

Its fucking crazy. Literally you could drive across the bridge to Michigan, sign an affidavit saying that you pinkie swear that you're allowed to vote, and then you'd get a vote in a US election as a Canadian.

>because back during segregation, voter ID laws were used as a workaround to stop black voters. It helped to enable jim crow laws, which is why Lefties hate it
those darn republicans and their Jim Crow laws right? ffs, read a book

that's fucked.
I think it's safe to say Trump won the popular vote too

the argument appears to essentially be that poor and working class people don't have as many opportunities or even incentives to get licenses
not considering the completely obvious point that it's necessary to have a license to fucking drive or identify yourself to an officer, it's pretty much ridiculous to imply that an individual cannot spend the equivalent of maybe, at the absolute worst, an hour and $10-20 A YEAR for this absolutely essential document
it also begs the question of how they are actually making any money to begin with, we do have fairly universal suffrage (which is a meme), but i feel as if our founding fathers would be wary of giving these types of people, who probably cost more economically than they contribute, suffrage, in order to avoid a dreaded "tyranny of the masses" situation aka "vote for me cause i gib".

Yeah, Hillary won the popular vote in the same way that moot won Time's most influential person.

I'd be fully willing to have those things subsidized for poor people as long as we get a working voter ID system out of it.

India, where they shit in the street, and pigs eat newborn babies, that India, has voter ID laws. Do the lefties call them racist?

We have them here in Australia, I don't know why it's a controversial issue in your country.

Here in NZ we are mailed an "easy vote" form that you tear off and take with you.
If you lose it or don't have it it just takes a couple minutes longer. The people will look your name up in a book of registered voters and mark that you have voted.
You have to register to vote here. You register to your electorate if you're going to be 18 before the next election. It's simple as fuck.
If for what ever reason you weren't registered and you still want to vote then that is counted as a "special" and it gets checked out properly. These votes take weeks to come in.

The problem we have here though are lefties (labour party campaigners) driving around poor pacific island areas picking people up in a mini bus and taking them to vote then giving them KFC vouchers. I'm not making this up


na tala

>Why the fuck do people complain about voter ID laws? Seriously I'm at a loss.
Because they vote for their side, several times.

There pretty much already ARE ways to get the gov to pick up the check if you're so damn poor/jewish, the cost of getting an ID to use is an issue.

Next election (YOU) need to volunteer to work as the staff. Then you can ask everyone for IDs.