What's happening in this timeline right now Sup Forums?
What's happening in this timeline right now Sup Forums?
Unspeakable evil
A lot of virtue signaling about how great Hillary is despite doing nothing of note
Cucking laws established for WHITE MALES
Also Parkinson's and shitting yourself
HRC signs one too many executive orders pushing the right into offensive war and purges begin.
The second civil war arrives.
Months later Sup Forums stills butthurt and the userbase drop 40%
Hiroyuki fears a imminent 4ch shut down because no money.
I'm probably giving medical attention to the few Pathfinder's that escaped the San Diego nuclear strike.
>Hiroyuki fears a imminent 4ch shut down because no money.
And in this Universe, Mexico shuts down because no money but Wall money.
She was arrested and impeached shortly after being sworn in and now America is riding the Kaine train.
Signs an executive order bringing in 550% more mud-niggers
America starts to completely fall apart as the lower and middle classes dissipate into non-existence and the upper classes spend all their time and money telling us how good diversity is and how we should be practicing Islam out of respect as well.
> Feminists and BLM fighting online over which inauguration was bigger
> Activist judge nominated to Supreme court
> No protests
> No wall
> Business as usual in the USA
> Putin executes his entire intelligence team
Absolutely nothing of note. Day to day life seems similar to Obama. Biggest happening of note right now is Madam President's calling for transgender rights although its just a flag to seem like some politics is going on. Meanwhile, the entire populus is being underminded by her reign.
>we truly live in the best timeline
Breh, how would America falling apart benefit her masters, the Saudis? They would not let her be so reckless.
I'd be amped so much on fear porn aka Alex Jones and shit...
Posting pepe the frog gets you a minimum of 2 years in a tolerance camp
Denying the Holocaust gets you a minimum 5 years in a tolerance camp
If you have extra bedrooms in your house that aren't used for someone to sleep in you get put on a privilege list. They then drop off two refugees at your doorstop for each unused room.
They outright ban same race relationships. Any child born to same race parents is considered a threat to the state.
Universal income for everyone. However if you disagree with the state they cut your funding so everyone is docile.
Trump News is seeing tremendous popularity as viewers abandon the existing propaganda outlets.
Breh Clinton is a Democrat, but she's basically only as liberal as she needs to be to get ahead. Once she's president, it would literally just be status quo bullshit and maybe some scandals involving Wall St.
4 of clubs is a symbol in a post apocalyptic world right? Like meaning you are part of some club?
It's how you spot a brother in end times my son
It is now a crime to criticize Islam
we're all being rounded up and killed
oh well maybe next time :C
They're all dead, there's some Mad Max tier shit going on in the midwest and there's a few Australians left alive too.
I need to make sure I put one aside
Media cock sucking
Queen of England tweets
Man lady bill Clinton hyuk hyuk hyuk
No action on much of anything
Donald Trump mocking the apprentice to fill the void. Or in plans to return to it.
Republican party in shambles etc etc
Mitch McConnell is crying about how the next president should appoint the next Justice of the Supreme Court.
Mitch belongs in a retirement castle. Euchre calls
pol wouldve a been much better board
If you listen closely, you can hear the faint whisper of some cunt talking about "50 points".
We're prepping for WWIII. Trump is giving us an "I fucking told you and you blew it" speech, before being disposed of. Sup Forums moves to Antarctica and is barely surviving off of fish and penguins.
>Finland becomes the warground into Russia
>against-White assaults charges are relaxed, whitewashed and suppressed from the main media
>1 Europe : 1 United States immigration plan
>several small skirmishes of patriots defending their 2nd Amendment, shattering police forces loyalties
>American HIV/AIDS skyrockets and hormones are on the house
>Churches are being demolished to be converted to immigration centers
>hard Internet monitors that track and suppress free speech (against government interest)
>increase of tax towards an increase of welfare
Praise kek!
Also I'm a fucking leaf
I really don't want to think about it, and it hurts to know that there could be other realities out there where she actually did win
90% of the worlds population is dead, the remaining 10% have to say madame president 5 times a day to recieve water rations
"Racism lost. Misogyny lost. Xenophobia lost.
We are stronger together."
A bit of virtue signaling like that then back to business as usual.
Absolutely disgusting.
I I don't know desu. And I'm scared. Hold me.
No homo
Northern hemisphere in nuclear winter. Shitskins invading Australia
>open curtains
say it with me
i dont get madam president though, we dont call trump sir president
spread this more, anons need to be aware including newfags
She's on her tour of victory still.
No work done yet.
Media literally jizzing themselves over all her accomplishments, which is being elected....that's fucking it.
White males have committed 3 school shootings since new years. 77 dead 7 year olds
Could save your life user
>The right went back to work.
>The left is still celebrating.
>Hillary is doing nothing because Congress is Republican.
>Bill is balls deep in an intern.
>Trump is still making money.
Mexishits getting amnesty, open borders, white males being jeered at in public, no jobs, faggots and trannies throwing parades in school zones, war with Russia for no reason, criminal punishment for saying racist things
>mfw avoided this timeline
>Huma is Secretary of State.
>Being groomed for the white house in 2024.
but Russia is also being provoked a lot.
and the media fawned over her cabinet picks from Goldman Sachs
And they finally selected an african american for the EPA
Hey boys sorry I'm a little drunk who's that Jewish cunt that falls under the Rothchilds that marked the houses of Jews on the holocaust to rob them when they were dead he finds the BLM movement I can't believe I forgot but holy fuck I'm drunk I need to redpill a friend who's talking shit
>WW3 is poised to start with Russia
>Virtue signalling is reaching incredible levels and liberals are calling for war because madame president demands it.
>despite having fufilled no campaign promises she is being touted as the best president ever
>SJWs and communists are openly hunting down and assaulting Trump protesters, with inpunity.
>The media is calling the Trump supporters racist and that they deserve violence