What went right Sup Forums?

What went right Sup Forums?


Bannon is a genius.

Came here to post this

This is the best timeline ever


I love how stubborn he is. I love watching the left eat itself trying to think of ways to take him down.


Pandering to suburban and rural retards.


I love president Trump. He makes me proud to be an American again.

The stars were right.

Dedication, surprise, inherent ability, Sup Forums, and the blessing of God.

I stayed up all fucking night to watch the libbies protest at Seattle and no one got beanbagged. Sad.

>What went right Sup Forums?

beautiful, wonderful, democracy

a peaceful revolution, a rebuking of the elitist noninclusive ruling class

the restoration of power to the people

Well, you know...

>implying trump isn't leftist
he is a 21st century shit version of FDR.

btw guys thanks for putting ivanka and jared in the white house. always good to know there is one of us in there.

City people can't even make their own food or maintain their city, name one city that doesn't have to ship in tons of food a day from rural people and bus in suburban people to maintain their infrastructure.

so far, nothing

Trump hit a few key points in the midwest. Globalization's effect on factory jobs, drug crisis affecting small town communities and suburbs, and the effects of immigration on demographics. Couple with the fact that Hillary assumed she would hold states like PA and Ohio just because, it was a winning combination.

This. Cultured city people all voted for Hillary.

the tears sustain us

we bathe in it

we pour it on our corn flakes

the salty tears of leftists around the globe fuels our glorious revolution

Already talking about in memorium eh? Eat major shit conservacucks, much losing will come, kek wills it.


already living in 2020 are we ?



8 years. Cry shills I am powered by your tears.

What happened was we had a future where everyone was cucked, nationalism almost lost, and the last few whites got together and figured out time travel before we became completely extinct.

We have entered multiple different points in past timelines and have slowly slid things our way. Getting the enemy over confident, over invested in the wrong things....sabotaging their cognitive models used to manipulate people by rewriting their scientific data by misleading the scientists who originally came up with it.

This is the culmination of our efforts. We are in the final timeline. The best timeline.

Unfortunately, it is a complex process and altering the berenstein bears, changing C3po's leg in starwars to silver, the ford motor logo change, etc.... were ripple effects of other necessary changes that could not be avoided.

Japan now having their Emperor back (There was no emperor in the berenstein timeline, that position was phased out after WW2) was a necessary change. Japan is going to come through in a big way in this timeline.

That's the situation in a nutshell.

>Dedication, surprise, inherent ability, Sup Forums, and the blessing of Kek.

Fixed that for you.


I think the easier question is what didn't the left do right?

We could, but we're too busy doing something with our lives, it's just easier... especially when you have the money. If you had a brain, you could make the money to join us.

>too busy doing something with our lives
Most city people don't even own their own homes and pay way more for rent, goods that have to be shipped in, and taxes from all the extra crime, you are too busy slaving away to pay for all the things you can barely maintain with the help of "retards".

Based Steve Fuckin' Bannon

Literally everything. It couldn't have been more perfect

Democrat policies only favor the very poor. Blue collar and white collar American workers get fucked under Democrat policies.

I hope you're joking... do you actually think this? "slaving" says the slave, I guarantee you I work half as hard as you do buddy. I definitely don't have trouble paying for my lifestyle either.

Other Gross City People won't want to stick their dirty cocks in your mouth forever, don't you have some black lives to go make matter.

I don't have to make them matter, they do matter a lot more than yours little guy. I'm not doing anything for the next 3 days except for what I'd like to do. It's nice only working 3 days a week & making more than you ever will just because my parents were smarter than yours & passed me the genes.

A rural farmer can make more in a single day off one good lot of cattle than you can expect in your yearly salary.

Don't make things up bud, you're not smart enough for that anyways

Honestly, it was the scandals.

Liberals were so smug and sure they would win that they didn't even go out and vote.

How much do you think one steer is worth and how many head do you think a single farmer could sell in an afternoon?

A shitty candidate on the democrats side combined with a toxic voting base that drove traditional democrat states to vote for Trump this election cycle

Make mummy Natalia the president already.


drumpftards dont know that if america was a democracy their shitty candidate would have lost


Nobody saw him coming, and neither party could even prepare to take him down.

>I love how stubborn he is

This too. His confidence allows him to not fall under the same trap as the others, where they have to do a PC dance when he can just own his shit and move on.

Plus he self financed his own campaign and was not bought and owned like the others helped too.

I think the biggest thing is personality. America loves brash, witty, confident people. It's who we are, and Trump embodies that like a modern JFK.

How much do I care while I take shots of Hibiki and look off the highrise at this beautiful city?

see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya

>c3pos legs in star wars to silver


Yep, get nice and liquored up to make that money, those dicks won't suck themselves.

just about everything

F. P. B. P.

>ID is QEK

WEW I never noticed that