Is there a more redpilled genre of music than black metal? Varg, NSBM in general, don't see that shit in hip hop.
Black Metal
No. It's for edgy teenagers who have been let down by their atheist boomer parents.
Motionless is metalcore anyway.
degenerate. That music will have no place in the thousand year American reich.
Atmospheric metal is 10 times better
Disgusting. Some death metal is ok, due to their talent and song structure. Black metal is just edgy autist music.
Beyond Creation
Maybe the norwegian scene in the early 90's was slightly redpilled with the church burning and even some nat soc influences, but it's become a shitty trend with today's bands copying the originators(sans talent).
It was mostly Varg who got the ball rolling, the rest were kind of sucked into it.
metal is acknowledging one's own degeneracy and embracing it, through this an evolution into enlightenment will occur.
your taste in metal will evolve as you do until perfection is achieved.
>wear makeup
>worship Satan
>sing like a 14 year old angry kid
>always using lipstick and other female blush
>use drag queen clothing
These idiots can't even burn a Mosque. They are the typical edgy Nordicuck.
yep, the modern bands are just LARPer's. I can't even stand to listen to it anymore.
hahaha Motionless in White is hot topic core for middle school kids
I guess I gotta self check, goddamnit
Thrash metal is the most redpilled by far.
Bitch please, you're just mad that you aren't hawt like Ronnie Radke ;)
don't forget that the founders or the trv kvlt blackened satanic terrorist norwegian black metal were a bunch of 14-year-old kids.
And Varg was a Tolkien chuuni.
Best part is how he's from the finer district in my town, where all the snobs congregate.
The black metal movement makes about as much sense as blacks still complaining about slavery today. so to the black metal guys and the blacks, it happened a long fucking time ago. get over it.
Rap music is the only music redpilled about modern women. Pop, country, etc is about how much they love a girl even though she left or cheated or some shit. In rap it's all "bitches ain't shit". I respect that desu
Also, some rappers call out the dumb shit in their own communities.
I wouldn't be surprised for that.
A friend of mine who likes metal, and who wanted to visit Norway due to the entire black metal thing, fulfilled her dream of going there some years ago and she told me that she had meet the guy from Taake (or some guy in a band) through a Guy in Spain who took her all the way there (or something like that - I don't remember well), She told me that that guy was really rich (not only for Colombian standards).
Taake is from the same part of the town I originate from, that was low/middle working class and still is for the most. Of course he's loaded since he's sold shitloads of albums.
Used to like motionless in white a lot back in the day when their first album came out. time flies. they aren't really black metal though
Taake is pretty cool
Don't know him personally, most of the guys here in Bergen are pretty cool though.
Christianity caused the SJW movement.
Modern Christians are role playing as Israelites, none of you follow the teachings of Christ, you are all a bunch of Gentiles, you refuse to justify the actions of Abraham or Jacob.
You refuse to admit that Christ came only for the Israelites, and insisted that he came only to add to the law instead of coming to replace it.
If Christians had any integrity they'd be just as foul and disgusting as ISIS. Killing gays and using women as concubines.
But they refuse, and instead, live like Pagans while giving all the credit to Christ.
Christians are the root to all the problems in modern culture, and if we don't use Germanic/Nordic paganism to walk back Christianity's influence over the West, then Post-Modernism will.
And if something as weak and stupid as Post-Modernism does it, then the Christians will reform and become just as foul and disgusting as Wahhabists and then after a couple hundred years we'll be just as stupid, impoverished, race mixed and inbred as the middle east.
frost is an alright drummer
Do you even akercocke?
God tier atmoblack coming through.
Fuck off you retard.
Go fuck yo cuzins
Middle Eastern religion causes inbreeding.
Bergen, isn't it?
>Christianity caused the SJW movement.
*tips fedora*
As far as it can be seen, it's atheists distorting Christian values as a strategy to give a veil of legitimacy to their subversive tactics.
By our part, we have heard enough of that since shit like liberation theology (teologia de la liberacion) made its appearance in these lands. Heck, even Venezuelan officials tried to use Christianity to base their discourse, as instructed by Fidel.
>You refuse to admit that Christ came only for the Israelites
As far as I understand about this issue, Jews rejected the revelation, they rejected the Covenant so they didn't inherit anything.
Also, Didn't some of these guys in the early days of black metal wanted to return to old times because they idealized and romanticized Viking violence and thought Vikings used to kill each other in a senseless way? They idolized murders for revenge and shit like that, as far as I remember.
Also, what's the reasons for inbreeding in non-Christian places like Japan?
>motionless in kike
>black metal
degenerate media goes into the bonfire
No retard, Feminism and LGBT wouldn't exist if it weren't for the bible promoting the killing of gays and the exploitation of women as concubines.
According to his own words, Jesus Christ came only for the sheep from the house of Israel, and not the gentiles of the heathen nation.
Get over it.
Most black metal is just faggots in penguin face paint pretending to look evil.
You don't know where to look if you don't find redpilled hip hop, OP
>bang bang on his knuckles
My 15 year old little brother would spark this fucking puffter out in 2 seconds flat.
No way, Ronnie is hard. He went to prison for owning brass knuckles!
Why would you start a thread about black metal but use a photo of a faggy metalcore band?
This guy knows whats good!
WOAH just take it easy now! I don't wanna be within 10 miles of that hard man!
The whole clusterfuck that was early black metal (though really just mostly Varg and the people he hung around) doesn't represent the entire genre. Most metal is all posturing as aggressive and dark and shit and it's all an act. That isn't redpilled.
Not that it isn't good though.
ITT degenerate Anglos and mongrels chimping out against the White Man's music
Ya man you don't wanna fuck with him, Ronnie goes HARD!
Can't wait to see what those colorful numale tats look like when he's 50
Most metalheads are straight up commies, OP
Loudness: Thunder in the East
Also, who are those emo faggots? Disgusting.
It's pretty good.
MFW anyone things someone like that is not gonna die of a drug overdose by 40
Bergen, yes. Taake is from Fyllingsdalen, Varg is from Fana.
If it's just edgy Satanic shit, it's not red-pilled in the slightest. In fact, it's what made the edgy tongue-in-cheek, pansexual, alternative dykes you have today. Gorgoroth being an example for this faggotry.
NSBM, however can be pretty red-pilled, especially during their later albums where they decided to go more prideful rather than KILL ALL SHITSKINS LOL. Nokturnal Mortum for example, though they're kinda weakening a bit too much.
Some Satanic-esque bands may dabble in the occult, but when they push the FUCK JESUS IN THE CUNT shit, much like death metal does, it's full-on cringe.
Atmospheric metal is fucking redpilled
Black metal is for edgy teenagers, even Varg himself came out against black metal
Modern black metal is just a show of who can be the most edgiest while not being political whatsoever
Fuck you OP that's not black metal. This people are emo fag try hard posers.
They'd be more
"I work a cushy desk job at a tech company but I dress like a 30's working man lumberjack despite not working a hard days work in my life"
That guy looks like he's had some sort of physical labour in him, these numales will look like fucking idiots.
Maybe anally transmitted HIV?
Hi ho
Hi ho
Off to reddit you go
t. Mariachi.
Adding to this
Eastern European black metal >>>>> Norwegian and wannabe Norwegians.
I like you guys, but Varg and Ghaal ruined shit, especially when the trend had a moment of fame right when MySpace started. At least Nifelheim from Sweden acknowledge they're just having fun and being silly, much like Immortal.
>This people are emo fag try hard posers.
While I'll agree, I can tell most people who say this are bitter fat fucks who were jealous people who "sold out" managed to succeed with fortunes.
t. Someone who used to be a "metalhead" back in the day and not get laid until he stopped being a faggot.
I never think about "selling out"and I think people who sell out we always sikd out, whatever that means. Music/metal comes from the heart. I despise people who think it's cool to be "metal" and go for the lool, etc... it's hard to explain. It's like death metal vs core. You can easily tell the difference. I don't really care but, I just don't like fake people.
Atmospheric black metal is the best though