>One of the two men arrested in connection with the terrorist attack in a Quebec mosque would be of Quebec origin and the other would be of Arab origin, according to information obtained by Félix Séguin from our Investigative Office.

Libtards BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

Wasn't that anti-feminist shooter in Quebec back in the day (Lepine?) like half Algerian or something?

Of course, they always forget to mention that part.

I've seen this posted a lot. Is this a legitimate news site?


So one FrenchLeaf and one Arab?

and just how reliable is this leaf website

yes unfortunately

Any news if one was a refugee

An earlier one said "one sounds Quebec" without mentioning the other

So yeah, the other is probably Arabic

would make sense how the Canadian jewish government is taking so long on this


>>One of the two men arrested in connection with the terrorist attack in a Quebec mosque would be of Quebec origin and the other would be of Arab origin
So do they mean one first generation immigrant and one second generation immigrant?

Religion of bits and peaces!

I think so. I've seen this channel before on TV.

Another thing to note is that "Quebec origin" just means born in quebec, not necessarily a white guy.


Using the Swede's tactics!

And don't be surprised if the one "of Quebec origin" is actually a 2nd/3rd generation called Jalal.

One of the earliest reports had "Quebec sounding" for one of them

Since they neglected to mention the second name, it would have been against the narrative.

My father is a snow-white French-Canadian, my mother is a muslim Syrian immigrant, I lived in Quebec for a bit, now living in Montreal. AMA.

why can't you shoot for shit?

When do you go alluh Akbar?

Do you understand why much of the West loathes you?

Kinda funny you ask that, because I'm actually kind of a fan of shooting. Killed a moose last hunting season, made a tourtière with it.

Do habs fans want to kill themselves?

not after we win the Cup this year

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?




Why do you think anyone would value your opinion just because of your ethnic background?

The reuters article has the following statement:
>Zebida Bendjeddou, who left the Quebec City mosque earlier on Sunday evening, said the center had received threats.

>"In June, they'd put a pig's head in front of the mosque. But we thought: 'Oh, they're isolated events.' We didn't take it seriously. But tonight, those isolated events, they take on a different scope," she said.

>Bendjeddou said she had not confirmed the names of those killed, but added: "They're people we know, for sure. People we knew since they were little kids."

people we know, for sure? what do you think she means by that


When do you plan on taking your whole family back to Syria?

Yes, he was.

or one is ginger

Two Christfags?

Did you shoot the mosque?

In usual, I'm more of the kind to go "Fuck sake!" or "Tabarnak", but I have some good friends that would also go aloha snackbar. One yelled that when a drunk driver rolled on the sidewalk yesterday night.

I'm on Sup Forums, of course I do. They are scared of the unknown, and they have little enough going on in their lives to exacerbate any fear they have. Add a bit of scapegoating and wanting to blame unrelated issues to foreigners, and voilà.



I can give some context on racial relationships in Quebec, I guess. Also, I got 7 sweet, sweet (You)'s so far, so people are interested.

I wanted to visit a few years ago, but then what happened, happened. I don't have any plans to go there in the near future.


The twitter hashtag trend was removed within 5 minutes of this being known.

so the mudslimes literally false flagged their own mosque?

we can NOT allow these mentally unstable people in our countries

Subhannallah..... Why is this happening....

And while they were praying too....They are now martyrs in Allah's eyes.... Inna lillahi wa inna Ilayhi Raajioon.

you think Shea Weber can hit 25 goals this year?

>please be muslim, please be muslim

Also, I visited Quebec City last month and saw an anti-Muslim/religion demonstration by some woman. She had signs against circumcision, priests, Mohammed being a pedophile, etc.

A muslim walked by an said "Allah is great" and she said, "Fuck Allah!". Only in Quebec City could this happen, she'd be attacked by SJWs and Muslims in Toronto or Montreal.

What's up with the gibberish

Coulter's law is always right

If his dad's white he's white

Do you lean right wing? What do you think about Canada upping the amount of syrian "refugees"?

whats wrong with your dad that he had to knock up a disgusting non-white 3rd world shitskin instead of a nice normal white women?


Are you Sami Zayn?

I actually hate this- I lived in Quebec for a little bit when I was a kid and remember wandering around Vieux Quebec and eating ice cream and looking down and the river on the boardwalk... Such a peaceful, happy place and now it's marred with more fucking arab terrorism. Now I'm gigamad.

there are different types of shitskin and they all hate each other even worse than they hate us. its like catholicism vs protestantism in christianity, except they have had 1000 straight years of constant brutality and war among their groups

even then the same group throw each other off buildings, stone the women to death, and fuck the little boys cause its totally not gay or anything

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?

Yeah I'm moving there in September... I figured it was just Anglophone-hating Francophones and bikers I'd run into.

That she knew the victims

did you wife her or what


>and the other would be of Arab origin

I think she was a bit crazy to be honest, but I took it as a good omen

I'm moving there next Fall. The city is like 97% white and there are some years where there are 0 homicides. Regardless of how people feel about the French, they know and have pride in their history and tradition and are a people.

Shows you the Power of Diversity.

>They are scared of the unknown, and they have little enough going on in their lives to exacerbate any fear they have.

I hate mexicans in gangs, but I don't hate mexicans. I hate radical muslims but don't hate muslims (Maybe I do).

Kind of hard to tell radical and regular apart, so y'all get fucked.

Maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it. He's doing good though.

Actually I look more arabic than white, and I grow a pretty mean beard. But we're all caucasians here, right?

No, I'm a libtard through and through. I think helping out actual refugees from warzones is our moral responsibility. I do not agree as much with the concept of economic refugees if starvation or disease is not involved. I also believe that while it presents integration challenges in the short-term, immigration is beneficial to countries.

Actually he knocked up a white woman before my mother. He left her and went for the Arabic girl, though. I do love my half-sisters though.

I'm his height and I like BJJ, but I don't think I'm him. My hair is jet-black.

Muslims have been peacefully living and integrating into Quebec society for decades. This event is undoubtedly a result of the present political climate.

Pretty much. Well, not on Sup Forums, most of the silly lads here are honest-to-god white nationalists, but the immense majority of people acting xenophobic toward other humans are simply being misguided by our natural tendency to take our prejudices at face-value.

>Kind of hard to tell radical and regular apart, so y'all get fucked.
Right? Not my fault I follow my natural instincts. Stop blowing people in my country up I'll I change my stance on your cancerous ideology

Pour la séparation du Québec?

Parles-tu français chez toi?

Est-ce que ta mère parles français?

Tu t'identifies à quelle religion? Si oui, es-tu pratiquant?

Pour quel parti tu veux voter au provincial et fédéral?

>"Ess qu'on a des informations cool concernant c'deux personnes".

Québécois, I love you guys but your accent is just too funny.

>liberal logic right now


Refugees can't assimilate

Prove me wrong.

Pro tip; if one day you get the urge to go allahu akbar boom boom, come to America and go ahead and do it in the middle of Chicago. We wouldn't mind at all.

What does Quebec sound like for French men?

For Americans, British accent sounds posh/homosex. Australians sound like British Californians.


Stupid fucking leaf, gtfo.

No one here wants your self-righteous stuck up holier then thou attitude. It's so sickening that you actually believe half this bullshit you type.

Every day is beautiful.
Praise Kek.


I love that when all evidence is against it being a muslim. IT'S A FUCKING MUSLIM

am I in the right thread or no what is habbening



dude fuck off

Praise KEK, brother!


KEK, blessed me!





>They are scared of the unknown, and they have little enough going on in their lives to exacerbate any fear they have. Add a bit of scapegoating and wanting to blame unrelated issues to foreigners, and voilà.
You are incredibly retarded

Man o man

pick both or none.

Contre la séparation, j'aime la culture et la société Canadienne, mais je pense aussi que le Québec as une culture différente du reste du pays, et que ceci devrais transparaître dans la législation.
Je parle français avec ma famille mais j'étudie en Anglais. Mes amis/connaissances c'est à peu près 50/50.
Ma mère parle français depuis son enfance en Syrie.
Je suis athée, mais je participe au Ramadan et au Noël.
Provincial, probablement Québec Solidaire, à moins que le parti Québécois ou Libéral font quelques changements à leur plateforme. J'ai voté pour le NPD aux dernières élections, mais je pourrais voter Libéral si Trudeau rempli assez de ses promesses. Je suis le trudeaumètre de près.

My mom. The Kebab guy next to my highschool. My research supervisor. A few others.

Also, you didn't successfully troll me, I'm mildly amused at best.

Thanks for the (You).


Thank you for your input.

Checked nigger

Kek is lulzing right now.

Kek needs more Chaos!

What did Kek mean by this?

>No, I'm a libtard through and through. I think helping out actual refugees from warzones is our moral responsibility



US has a new week to start the news, how will (((they))) cover this bombshell after a full weekend of "MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS ARE SAFE!"


It sounds very rural and they use antiquated words once in a while, along with quite a lot of words in English.

It sounds decent on girls, at least. And Québécois humorists get popular here just because they talk with that accent.


>of Quebec origin
Ah, just like Marc Lépine.


Stfu tonight was a turning point

>yfw it isn't a white guy

Powerful and convincing argumentation, friendo. You can see my convictions are shaken at their foundations.
