Why do you hate Muslims so much, Sup Forums?

Why do you hate Muslims so much, Sup Forums?

Do you realize that if we hadn't tried to democratize their countries for Israel's safety and invade Iraq because of 9/11, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now? There wouldn't be any Muslim refugees and the world would have been a much better place.

Why do you promote hatred?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?sp=SBTqAwA%3D&q=Buddhist Muslims


Islam is incompatible with civilized society.

Why did Muslims attack us?

And this...

9/11 Missing Links [FULL Length]

maybe if islam wasn't such a religion of peace there'd be no need for hatred

How's Toronto op?

It's not our fault these savages are terrible, we just made it worse

Even without the West's involvement, Islamic countries would still be shitholes.

Why is that our business?

>Do you realize that if we hadn't tried to democratize their countries for Israel's safety and invade Iraq because of 9/11, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now?
Islam had been warring and conquering for several hundred years before any of that happened, and they are also terrorizing countries which have nothing to do with war against terror.
Also like this user said Islam is just incompatible with modern values. Having people like Pope pretend it is, is just ridiculous.
Yes, our culture is built on trust, tolerance and reason, but when the other side is at clear odds with it, why should we give them time of the day?

Why do terrorists groups exist anyway? Don't you think it has anything to do with the CIA propping up dictators in their countries post-World War II, creating anti-west sentiment?

Why bother changing their lifestyle when it only leads to more violence?

Islam would have kept themselves in their sand blasted shithole if you wogs would leave them alone for five seconds. First Israel, then Iran, than Iraq, then Kuwait. There isn't a single country you havent plundered, destroyed and installed oppressors for your convenience.

>because of 9/11
You said it
>Arab spring was a movement to
change dictators

That is a pretty good list, but Bush, Cheney, and the other well know figures not listed are still responsible for it.

Mostly because they come into my country as something other than tourists.

>Do you realize that if we hadn't tried to democratize their countries for Israel's safety and invade Iraq because of 9/11, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now
That wasn't my decision, bud.

It isn't our business. I'm just saying Islam is shit and they'd be murdering each other in tribal squabbles if we had never gotten involved. Literally no reason to respect or import these people.

It's our buiness as long as Islam exists. Islam is the troublemaker of the world. That's because Muslims think they have to dominate the world (they won't, of course, only retards see any value in this back warded piece of shit Ideology).

So stop being Muslim and start becoming decent human beings. Because those things are mutually exclusive.

No, it largely ended towards the decline of the Ottomans. Iran, Iraq post WW2 were Democratic, stable countries. Then you had to install the Shah, a literal monarch dictator because you wanted their oil. You deposed an efficient, democratic Iranian government and overthrew it's rightful head, Mosadeggh, because of oil.

Fuck shitskins.

It looks like someone was trying to put together a list of obvious jewish participants. Bush, Cheney and the rest are crypto-kikes with blood on their hands as well.

Why would the CIA try to spur anti-west sentiment?

>American priding themselves on democracy until they can use it to avoid blame

Your elected leaders did this. Bombs paid with your tax dollars.

But that is exclusive to the Middle East.

Most Muslims live in Asia.

Pic related

He means installing puppet governments and overthrowing rightful, democratic ones for your interest. See Shah of Iran

Job security

Look up post cold war Iran, Iraq or Kuwait.

Sufis are cool, but a lot of Asian Muslims are violent too.


Have you even read a single one of those articles?

No concept of Co-exist in Islam
even if no wars for 'muh democracy' happened in the middle east or north africa there will still be usual terrorism in the west until the entire world is pretty much united under ONE sector of Islam

>Do you realize that...
Yes, I do. And yes, I blame the USA for the refugee crisis in europe.

Guys if you just leave Muslims alone, they won't hurt anybody.

>Leave Muslims alone in the 1200s
>They conquer everything from India to Spain

>Leave Muslims alone in the 1400s, they conquer Constantinople and deface on of the greatest architectual wonders the world has ever seen. Try their damnedest to conquer Greece and Hungary

>Colonialism happens in the 1800s, >Middle East is a better and more stable place now that actual people are in charge

>By the 60s, the middle East is again Muslim dominated
>Most countries ally or at least butter up to the Soviets

>70s roll around, and the first wave of radical Islam starts.
>Revolutions, bombings, and hijackings everywhere.

>Muslims get somewhat left alone in the 80s and 90s
>9/11, London and Madrid happen in the early 00s

>Aside from fighting in Iraq, world calms down a bit during the mid 00s. America pulls outta Iraq, Obama starts championing #notallmuslims, ISIS happens

Do you see a pattern here?


Israel is the only example of a minority group who have lashed out in revenge after the balance of power has already shifted. It's crazy to hear Jewish people whine about muh colonisation when Israel only exists because of it.

Sure bro, we sure pillaged them for their fucking sand, just like Vikings.
Frankly it was our fault for thinking that these people who follow this religion would be willing to have democracy, for believing in the better of humanity.

>swallow some white guilt goyim
>d-don't hate Islam like those anti-EU anti-globalist nationalists want
>I need my shekels

t. Shlomo

Have you?

>Islam would have kept themselves in their sand blasted shithole if you wogs would leave them alone for five seconds.

You are allowed to oppress people in your own country, not ours. maybe we got a big head, and tried to help you understand your ways, but islam hasn't had a reformation since the 1400s, and you in fact went backwards with Wahhabism. So in reality islam does not belong in the west, you don't belong here, and you never will until you renounce your oppressive ways

Because we can

>only in the Middle East.
Not true. Muslims are annoying civilized people all over the world. It's in the Qu'ran where the pedo mass murder wants you to strive for World domination. It's retarded. Also stop fucking kids and goats you savages!

I did?

That's pretty much the redpill on this topic
The muh democracy wars however did accelerate and gave a surge and a motive to commit 'jihad' in the west

Ya I'm pretty sure we did that all by ourselves and no Iranian officials stood anything to gain from that. Why don't you come back when your twelve

Sure have.

Muslims have been invading European lands for hundreds of years. Fuck off back to your shithole country.. oh and here's another muslim shooting that just happened 5 minutes ago in Canada: bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38793071

In 1950s Iran democratically elected a prime minister, Mosadeggh. He wanted to nationalise oil, kicking out foreign corporations like Standard Oil and Shell. The US government and other western backed powers, fearing increased oil prices, instigated a coup which put the Shah in power. The Shah, by the way, was a corrupt monarch and he and his familyplundered the nations coffers.

You invaded Kuwait for the same reason.

>Hey refugees! Come on in! We don't care if you hate us, have no skills, and don't want to assimilate!
>What's that? You just raped my daughter and beheaded her with an axe? Don't worry my brown friend, this is clearly America's fault. #notallmuslims

You've already tried to destroy Europe twice. Don't do it a 3rd time Kraut.

Thanks Mike

We don't hate Muslims.

We just hate everything about them.

I don't hate them.

I just don't want to live with them.

Isaac or Ishmael?

I'm talking about modern times. But sure, your only defense is to bring up non existent empires from a thousand years ago.

While the US has installed puppet governments, funded violent coups and bribed officials in the ME for decades.

Argument from ignorance. Islamic terrorism as we currently know it goes back to the 60s.


Fucking loser white guys go to the Philippines to fuck kids everyday

Europeans, especially Belgians, are the biggest pedos of the world

I hate them so fucking much. If only my intense hatred for them would generate enough energy to completely vaporize them, only then I'd be happy.

I don't hate Muslims as a whole but I do hate Islamism and I do hate individuals who take advantage of "refugee" programs to fuck up their host country.

The countries of the Middle East were, once upon a time, civilized. From North Africa all the way to Pakistan, you saw the flourishing of great societies and stories told of great men, even extending back to before Europe started to show those qualities. But Islam is a cultural virus, and it shares traits with biological viruses. Like HIV, it took a long time to bear symptoms, but where a long time for a human can be ten years, a long time for a religion is centuries, centuries where knowledge flourished before Islam became a case of full-blown AIDS-like fanaticism. Like HPV, it caused all sorts of cancer, and its most common cancer is the kind that hurts women, in Islam's case manifesting in honor killings, female genital mutilation, and an epidemic of rape that makes even the most sexually violent white Westerner look like a quadriplegic eunuch. This isn't like Africa where you expect the locals to act like chimpanzees because of how little there is to distinguish them from that very animal: once again, the people of the Middle East were once great, but now they are savage. The virus that is Islam must be eradicated, as we seek to do to polio.

Oh, and before you say "but Christianity is bad too!" take a look at just how vast the differences are between the followers of Jesus and the followers of Muhammad. Christianity is just another idea practiced by humans, with all those same human flaws, but Islam is so much worse.

>Why do you hate Muslims so much, Sup Forums?

Because every civilized person in the world has to be searched before they get on an airplane, have their phones tapped by the government and generally be treated like a criminal because these ass backwards savages can't keep from chimping out.

The world is becoming progressively more Orwellian because every time the government wants more power they can justify it by pointing to some stupid shit that a Muslim did to try and impress their child molesting, war mongering prophet.

Middle-East was fucked up long before Israel.

They never recovered from Mongols and suffer from Hills have eyes tier inbreeding.

>Mossadegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP) and to limit the company's control over Iranian petroleum reserves. Upon the refusal of the AIOC to co-operate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country. After this vote, Britain instigated a worldwide boycott of Iranian oil to pressure Iran economically. >Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided to overthrow Iran's government
>Classified documents show that British intelligence officials played a pivotal role in initiating and planning the coup, and that the AIOC contributed $25,000 towards the expense of bribing officials
>In August 2013, 60 years after, the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda.

Sure, you just bribed, armed and organised dictators. But it's the Iranian fault they existed!

> thousand years ago
Ottoman collapsed in 1918. But nice try.

You guys always say muslims aren't a race so tell me, do you hate brown folk or just mooses? It seems to me like race plays a factor in this.

>attack nationalities
>Muslims act like it's an attack on Islam
I think they deserved it.

(((radical islam)))
we've destabilized their entire region for israeli interests

Yeah but we did and they are. The sins of our fathers are not ours to bear and I intend to do all I can to protect this country until the day I die.



islam is not a race

>You've already tried to destroy Europe twice. Don't do it a 3rd time Kraut.
Yeah you are right, it's actually our fault.

But it's your fault that the jews were able to gain power.

word. same shit with vietnam and korea and cuba. trying to stop shit just creates more shit. I say let them sort themselves out.

and fair enough. so stop shaking up the snowglobe.

OP - observe the little canadian muslim shit whining about Israel

You people will never take responsibility for islam being a crap religion
How many chances have your people had but they can't stop fucking up

I'm half-Arab and I fucking despise Israelis.

Hello Samefag

>Why do you promote hatred?

I want you to rephrase your own question, BUT, now from the perspective of the most TRULY peaceful religion on Earth: BUDDHISM.

>youtube.com/results?sp=SBTqAwA%3D&q=Buddhist Muslims

If the most RELATIVELY peaceful religion on Earth comes to the conclusion that the best way to deal with you is genocide then there must be something wrong with you.

seems like islam is the perfect religion for loser white guys then.

when does Sup Forums start converting en-masse?

The Sykes-Picot act is probably the worst thing that the Brits did to destabilize the entire region...

but again, a white male was the one offering an alternative, but no one listened.

pic absolutely fucking related.

it's the worse religion out there, by far

Because they hate doggos.

He tried to nationalize the infrastructure we paid and built while completely cutting us out.
Also fuck off with your mossadegh meme, the only reason he's popular was because of the promises he made - not what he actually did.

I know it isn't, but it gets treated like one. I.E. a brown athiest dude gets treated like he's muslim cause people assume brown = muslim

Last time I was there I met this sick old Swedish fucked who was banging this 16 year old chick.

> a militaristic religion founded by a literal warlord would have kept to itself and not try to conquer everything like it did for the past 1500 years if not for israel!

There is even a disturbingly high percentage of cousin marraige of muslims in the UK today.

>Samefagging while keeping in mind there are poster ID
It was a continuation.

The fact is that we had nothing to with bombing their shitholes, our corrupt politicians did. we don't have an obligation to let them flood our countries of western civilization when we had nothing to do with their crisis. The Clintons and mccains are eating $10000 meals while everyone suffers including white westerners

Our pedoa have to travel abroad to 3rd world shitholes in order to get away with it. Islamic countries make it law where they live. Just ask pakis, they love their childbrides.

Those people are ignorant, and that doesn't mean you can't rise above the stigma and prove them wrong. Assilimation is difficult, as is anything in life. first impressions are a bitch. look a man in the eye, shake his hand, and move on. judgement for us all is reserved for the hereafter.

Blowback. Listen to Ron Paul and get woke senpai

The Asian population in Sweden is like 85% female

All mail order brides

its almost like there's a book telling them to live like barbarians


but islam dindu nuffin, he a good boy

Let me just rock your world view:

I love NOFX and would vote Trump any day.

>Do you realize that if we hadn't tried to democratize their countries for Israel's safety and invade Iraq because of 9/11, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now?
Of course we do, user. We should have outright colonized their countries - and Israel too.

You guys don't need to worry about it anymore, I'm a Muslim and I condemned it so supposedly that means it will stop happening. Wew. You guys owe me.

We hate wahhabis and salafis more accurately
I don't care if they want to stone a woman in their society
Just dont bring it here

Bullshit you fucking Paki fuckhead! Your fucking mudshit rape gangs are all over the UK! Fuck you pedo cunts!

I don't care about race in the slightest. I don't even care about religion. But I can see that there is a higher propensity in Muslim people to disrespect the values and culture of the countries they live in, which is dangerous.

Who cares if you're Muslim as long as you can abide by our rules, cultures and values.