Red Pilled TV

Can anyone name a "redpilled" TV show? I was just watching Orange is the new black for the first time and the left wing agenda is so obvious.

Watching this made me realize I can't think of a right leaning TV show.

Got anything? Or is all American television made by leftists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Million dollar extreme presents world peace

Rick and Morty is alright

If you want some shit on Netflix try house of cards it's about how the govt is shit

The Thick of It is a British political satire. Is cynical as fuck. Surprised it's never mentioned on this site. Perhaps it's too old school.

The wire

>Rick and Morty
>Reddit the animated series
>Red pilled

>rick and morty
>literally has episodes about cuckholding in a positive light
fuck back off to reddit you retard
good job outing yourself

To be fair at least it was old age/ non children bearing cuckolding.


Just hit cunts with axes

>implying cuckolding is ever acceptable.
Reddit everyone.

Doesn't the main character let another dude fuck his wife? Come on Sup Forums just stop watching t.v. and do something with your life.

I like rick and morty and orange is the new black, but I see what they're doing.

I couldn't think of anything with a right wing agenda besides maybe Christian films like God's not dead, and that's probably controlled opposition, right?

Real Rob is pretty red pilled.
But I guess you can expect that from Rob Schneider.

Man in the High Castle is a stealth red pill. Nazi America is amazingly clean and peaceful and the downsides are so cartoonishly absurd that even leftists roll their eyes. Good example is in the first episode when ash starts falling from the sky and the guy says it's Tuesday, which is the day they cremate all the disabled.

Like holy fuck how many cripples can you have where it's a weekly event? Nobody buys that shit. All they see is the Nazi character being based and the resistance being whiny, unlikeable sacks of shit.


>red pilled at all
that shit literally had 20 or so instances of cuckolding from the beginning to the current season
and each and everytime it happened and the husband of the slut that took the dick complains everyone shouts him down and says he HAS to raise the child because it was really odin that fucked his wife so he should just be happy with that and take it
>female chieftans
>shield maidens in actual combat
>prince of wessex gets cucked by a priest
>forced to raise the son by his father
>father than fucks his sons wife
>openly lesbian chieftain
also it's a show made by fucking canadians

There are conservative shows on television, but they aren't necessarily "red pilled."

pick up some reading material or start exercising. Hell if you're really set on not doing anything productive download an emulator on your PC and play some uncucked games from earlier gens. Virtually all new vidya is super cancer.

You'll never win with T.V.


Man in the High Castle

Hollywood Jews tried to make a TV series to show how horrible it would be if the Nazi's had won. Ironically all the main characters on the Resistance side of the story are either boring, irritating, idiotic, or psychotic and the main draw and interest of the show is the political thriller conspiracy shit going on with the bad guys. You've got spies passing nuclear secrets, assassinations, interrogations, coups, it's awesome.

As much as I like The Wire the show is not as redpilled as some people make it out to be. The creator, (((David Simon))), purposefully made the niggers' side of the situation a partial sob-story thereby absolving them of their own personal responsibility for their own well-being, neighborhoods, and communities.

That being said, he has also expressed his intentional portrayal of the Jew lawyers in the show as corrupted scumbags who profited from the continued criminal activity of the nigger community as an important aspect. A lot of media kikes were genuinely upset with his portrayal of their fellow tribesmen but he was steadfast.

I can respect him very much for that.

smash your tv now
thank me later


Spic and Shorty is literal cuck propaganda. Go back to Plebbit where your kind is accepted, faggot.

The over-the-top irony of the republicans in 30 rock is actually great

>Implying the Jews would allow a TV show to red pill their audiences

I can second this. The show is written extremely well, and by the end of the second season I'd say it's pretty damn reasonable that most people would actually be pulling for the Greater Nazi Reich (Central-East US territories).

The X-Files was redpilled for its day.

>The government conducts experiments on its citizens, Saddam is an actor who works for the CIA, everything you know is being orchestrated by higher powers, everything you see and are manipulated into feeling is all part of the agenda.

It makes you realize why that sort of show isn't tolerated anymore.

I've noticed a LOT of tv shows these days is about normalizing shady politicians, cops that break rules, basically normalizing corruption.

I label any show that shows how seedy and fucked up politicians and the government are as semi redpilled.

Those shows would include Castle (believe it or not) and The Blacklist.


>is all American television made by leftists.

MLP:FiM. And before I get b& for ponyposting, I am dead serious.

>2+ episodes showing why (((equality))) doesn't work
>episode about muslims destroying things

And it's made by the fucking leafs too.

please don't be serious.

Im praying for the new mount and blade and possibly a new napoleonic wars.

TV show is. These threads should be a bannable offense.


>muslims destroying things

No tv show is. These threads should be a bannable offense.

Man in the Highcastle.

Even if they tryied to make the nazis look bad they actally made the opposit.

no they really had a communism btfo and rapefugee episode

It's not just a meme on the internet.

>Can anyone name a "redpilled" TV show?




Even if that's true , calling MLP red pilled is a fucking stretch. Look whats it's done to otherwise perfectly fine autists.

first, tv is a dying medium
second, it's harder for a show to be "redpilled" then to simply just promote conservative values, and it's even easier for shows to be "bluepilled" (shows that are openly "degenerate" are somewhere in between). this is because it's easier and not terribly suspicious for something like an interracial or homosexual couple to be essentially shoehorned in and normalized without fundamentally disrupting the plot of the show under the guise of "broadening the appeal" and "reflecting real life situations" (even when the particular arrangements being depicted are not very common - just another pat of the normalization process). on the other hand, if a show encourages conservative values, it has to be more well-integrated into the plot or it sticks out more noticeably and risks alienating younger and hipper audiences who are more likely to complain and virtue signal due to their abundant free time.

Tyrant shows an arab dictator family constantly killing muslim terrorists, complete with clueless sjw american wife. It's like Bashar the tv show

Colony is well written for a USA network show. Aliens basically enclosed humanity in tiny enclave, a la Vichy france. But the fascist collaborators are shown in a human perspextive, although played by (((them))), but fuck, its (((hollywood)))

>TV show

Last Man Standing, always complains about Obama

Home Improvement, always talking about being a man. Of course they make Tim Allen an incompetent white male.

I think the message fails when the communist dictator gets idolized at /mlp/

Its pretty strange all the mlp autists went to undertale.


I liked Band if Brothers, but it's neither very long nor something currently on TV
problems are muh six gorillion and muh evil nazis, but by the end at least they show that the German soldiers were just people trying to protect their homes and all.
not exactly redpilled, but I guess it's not bluepilled at least

TV is basically little Hollywood. Do you not see all the awards show for TV in Hollywood? Many who write for TV also work on movie, vice versa. Same with actors in TV and movies.

"Last man standing" with Tim Allen is good

I've been watching all new episodes of my favorite shows, which include, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."

Red pilled or not, I love that fucking show.

No it's not.

Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul Tv without degenerate shit.


Both of those are all time favorites. Red pilled or not. Can't wait until April.

That shit is an all time favorite as well. I bet it gets worse in season two.

The Wire is a kike nigger sympathy show. It's not as good as everyone claims

Some Dark Mirror episodes.

so so lesbian scene is great.

I know we all love the Trumpster but Omarosa is so fucking repulsive that i'm triggered just remembering the episodes she was in.
Too bad Bryan Cranston is a lefty shill. When I realized this I retroactively disavowed the show. You just shouldn't be supporting these people.






I need to watch it. Weird that I keep hearing people comparing it to "the nightmare of a Trump Presidency".

>The Blacklist
For a while the Cabal that Red was hunting was clearly a group of kikey globalists but then Jews shut the storyline down.

everyone loves the wire, lefty KANGZ love it especially because it's accurate and shows corruption in government and the shit some people had to deal with


I guess if I learned anything from the show, you can't trust Muslims.

shit im a few episodes in they definitely aren't making them look good. they are making hitler not look that bad though. it's making me think of the nazis as douchebag chads though i'll say that

The entire show seems to be soft core lesbian porn and race mixing. Don't forget tranny acceptance.

I can't find the interview, but Simon basically said even though most gang characters are based on real life members, it's really not their fault, but The Man's fault and oppression.

That fuck was on the front lines of everything criminal.


Tucker Carlson Tonight is honestly the most redpilled television show I've ever seen.

Besides the one cuckolding episode it was pretty based.

Remember the "oh Summer, first race war?" episode? But then again, the point was kinda that "can't you see we're all the same".

O'Reilly showed ratings for prime time shows, Tucker was about 100K viewers or so behind O'Reilly.

I watch TV shows while working

I can think of good ones but nothing red pilled unless u wanna watch Mormons and church shows


That was great.

The one and only Alf garnett from till death us do part.

I don't know if incompetent is the right word. He's usually vindicated by the end of every episode

Oz is cool. I personally love when the Aryan brotherhood crucify a pedo preist.

I guess more accident prone. Though Al did balance it out.

Person of interest, the first season, is pretty red pilled IMO. After that sjw ruined it

Terminator the Sarah Conner chronicles is pretty good libertarian pill and rly make u think

Childhoods End is a good miniseries but I'm not sure what it is politically. Aliens show up and bring world peace and plenty immediately, based on an old Arthur c Clarke book.

Breaking Bad is also a really good show, but more about psychology than politics

Black Sails

This, there are some good movies on the internet, but if you are looking for a TV show their are probably none.

Hey man , do whatever you want. Deep down you know you're only hurting yourself. Can't you even listen to music or some kind of audio book while you work? Maybe learn a new language or something.

Married with children

>what is a second computer monitor

You're speaking to one right now.

Television is degenerate. Cinema is the route of the patriot.

See: Look who's back


Black mirror, yeah some are good

>Cinema is the route of the patriot
Low quality bait. At least apply yourself.

Man in the High Castle is unintentionally redpilled.
LoGH is generally good.

kek I said dark. Time for bed.

Season 2 has Nazi Germany which is paradise.

>Million dollar extreme presents world peace

TV isn't redpilled outside of WW2 documentaries that don't bring up the Holocaust.

Stop watching Tel-aviVision.

The cuck was the butt of the joke in the episode, Jerry was sickened that his father was a cuck and the bluepilled females convinced him it was ok. Not everything is jewish propaganda you naive shits

>Not everything is jewish propaganda you naive shits
Where do you think you are right now user?

What about the other episode where Jerry fights to get his wife back from the surgeon hitting on her, and wins?

It's an anthology show, so each episode is stand alone. Some are really great, and some are kinda shitty. The one that people bring up a lot when they're talking omg that's how trump got elected is probably the worst.

House of Cards is pretty good. It's basically the character of Richard III as a politician turning America into a fascist country.

It's a teen show, and it's pretty silly, but The 100 is actually kind of based. It has some real themes, and doesn't overindulge in the whole girl power thing. I don't know, it's not that bad. I liked it. I watch tv when I'm working out. I've started watching The Americans, which is okay.

I never really got that. I'd watch Married with Children just to see the daughter, but it was a stupid show. Low-brow entertainment, a show about the underclass for the underclass. Nothing redpilled about it desu.