Can gays be red pilled?
Can gays be red pilled?
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I don't know, but that guy's fucking boring.
>not having to marry a woman who bitches and complains
>living with someone who can actually fucking help around the house
Yes, but only if they overcome their gayness to breed at least two times. Or at least adopt some white chidlren.
I fucking wish I was gay
men are better than women
Peter Thiel
th-this i am n-not gay either
Gays can, but not Jews
He can be blackpilled...
as in taking my BBC as a suppository
If you want to be gay then be gay.
It's because he's not aggressive in expressing or pushing his beliefs during an interview.
He listens and interviews, he doesn't debate.
That is great if you want to learn something new by listening to something interesting, but can be boring if nothing new is brought up.
Bogdanovian theory would suggest that no, gays cannot be redpilled. They can be salmonpilled at best. They can speak the words 'gas the kikes, race war now' but can't hold to it in action. they would suck eachother off rather than fire their weapons, in a frontlines on the battlefield scenario.
this guys entire shtick is saying regressive left a million times
i cant believe how much money he makes on that donation site
He isnt that redpilled.
no. fags belong in gas chambers
Gays were the original redpill.
>they would suck eachother off rather than fire their weapons, in a frontlines on the battlefield scenario.
Knock knock
Here comes dat Sacred Band of Thebes
No but bi guys can be.
Is that guy on Sup Forums?
Only redpilled homofag that comes to mind is Tchaikovsky, aka, the kind that knows that homosexuality is a disease and affliction brought upon them by Satan.
Yes, gays that are just gay and do not the feel the need to fight for every other gay can be red pilled.
But I'm not attracted to dudes
Not a good example
fpwp. I like his show. He gives good interviews.
that is until they give you AIDS
rubin was shitting all over spencer in one of his shows and literally doing exactly what he always said he doesnt do.
and you know why? because he is a fucking jew. he has a knee jerk reaction to everything related to white identity.
And exactly this reaction and siding with the left over the right because of this one single thing will lead that the jews will end up on the receiving end of the stick once again.
Not an argument.
gays should not be allowed near children, therefore they cannot have any. But they can help to secure the existence of whites. So i guess they can come pretty close.
This is the final redpill.
Doesn't matter. You can be whatever you want to be, even if you really don't want to. It's your choice.
This is what experts refer to as the "pink pill"
Find a woman that can help around the house you fucking retard.
Not every woman bitches and complains, and on the plus side they have tits and pussy.
yes but it's very rare.
Gays hate another gays, hate feminism, and hate islam and refugees. You shouldnt lump together liberal faggots and homosexuals.
well, he is a lefty... so he obviously doesn't buy into right ideology.
Also, a link would've been nice. I'm actually surprised he wouldn't want to interview Spencer.
>Can gays be red pilled?
yeah, they become Masters of the Universe characters like Jack Donovan
What about this glorious faggot?
Fuck off, he's fucking good
The most red pilled gay out there
No. But they can be steralized.
I think it was here somewhere. towards the end think.
For me rubin marks the border to left between retarded and acceptable. So yes I know his affiliation. he the grand centrist, appeaser, understander, the grand "classical liberul". kek.
and it's not about siding or even agreeing. it's about mindlessly calling spencer a neo nazi and what not instead of inviting him and giving him a chance to defend himself.
Yes but not Jews. Rubin is a fucking subversive kike who should fucking die
if they let my me pound their boi pussi then yes
Yup. I'm a fag.
Which is weird because they have common ground seeing as they are both faggots
lock them in a room with a /femdom at a nice vacation resort
I like Ruben
Milo is a Jew who encourages race mixing.
you are wrong. listen to his remarks about white nationalism. while the concept in itself is retarded and an us thing, he is clearly opposed to any "white" identity. he is a cultural lolbitarian after all.
You can't race-mix as a gay.
As a gay you can fuck whatever race because the sex is not reproductive.
It's only in the case of reproductive heterosexual sex without contraceptives that you absolutely need to breed with your own race.
Why do Sup Forums gays hate bi guys? Not here but in general?
Same with Ruben. Can't trust them.
Easily the least partisan political talking head on the internet. I throw him a few bones on Patreon every month to keep it alive. He does good work and is gay so liberals can't hate him.
Yes. See Peter Thiel.
>Not wanting to continue the best race
pick 1
Everyone hates bi guys (they don't hate bi women though) gays think we are in denial, normies think we are diseased or greedy, pol thinks we are degenerate.
It has it's advantages though. An open mind for one, which is a good redpill in itself.
Rubin is pretty cool, but his willfull ignorance about the creators of oppression olympics is fucking annoying. (hint: It was the fucking "muh' six quadrillion!")
It's the same with Milo desu. Ethnonationalism is bad, except for the chosen people of course. Lay down the arms goy, at least you'll still have the constitution!
only the gays from gachimuchi like van"fuck you"sama
Also gays can and do breed. Attraction is not required for fertilisation.
>who was Julius Caesar?
Not all gays are feminine
I'm gay
88 cuz
There was that one /fit/ Japanese guy who wrote a book and then committed sudoku, I forgot his name.
Fuck this guy he had that stupid nigger on last. Don't trust him
fuck you mate. Dave's great.
glen greenwald is the only gay i know who is red pilled.
only guy who gave snowden the time of day and he didnt use him for his personal advancement
The only way that gays can be redpilled is if they are not endorsing their lifestyle, but instead advocate for white interests. I think personally that Milo is semi-redpilled. I know he is a huge faggot, but It's amazing how white women love his style, and I kinda admire that. I myself am a white nationalist who likes natsoc and considers homosexuality a degeneracy, so I may disagree with Milo's views, but I certainly consider him an ally to us, and I wouldn't do anything to disrupt his agenda. I'd say, let him do his thing, as long as he does not call an open war on """"alt right""" or whatever.
Yeah- but it's exceedingly rare. I know at least two gay dudes who are sick to death of the LGBT shit and are erstwhile conservative on every issue but gay marriage, which is a shame. The problem came about when fucking Jews established THE FAGS as a separate people and used it to whack away at white society. White man who are attracted to men have exactly jack shit in common with black muslim transkin, and the sooner they'd realize this the better.
Nah man he's an interviewer, he's not supposed to be centre stage
Yukio Mishima
Whatever you aids ridden walking std factory.