Hey Guys, remember Mafia: Dindu Edition?
Hey Guys, remember Mafia: Dindu Edition?
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>recent: mostly negative
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37% recent
a mafia game about a black guy and no greaseball italians. terrible.
Without a doubt it's one of the worst games I played and that's not even thanks to the WE WUZ MAFIOSOS meme. It's literal shit from gameplay to graphics. Hope they ended up losing lots of money to it.
KANGZ aside the game really is shit. Leave it to liberal cucks to not know how to make a fun game. They should spend less time virtue signaling and blog posting and more time making fun, original shit
Forgot vid
>46% overall
>37% recent
Press S to shit on Grave
t. gamedev user here, I know some of these guys and cringed at the design director lecturing someone on FaceBerg yesterday on how his home country of Germany is stronger and safer because of migrants.
They are all megacucks, far beyond redemption and the only silver lining is that place is apparently terrible to work at and going to be closed very soon
the story is actually it's only redeeming feature.
No wonder they can't make a game
Hope you find work at a better company, user.
Don't forget to exercise your ability to vote and not enable propoganda to further infect our media - including vidya.
the only mafia game i wont even bother to pirate
how did they go from Mafia to this shit it was an amazing game then 2 was a let down and this is just vomti
Because, likesaid, fag developers spend all their time now trying to be PC and virtue signaling about racism and sexism and shit no one cares about. Some fun shit gets out there but it feels like 99% of it is cucks who don't know how to make fun shit
Point at this manchild and laugh!
Read a book, you faggot.
>Lincoln Clay
Could they have picked a blacker name?
Jatavius Daykwon Cooper
I finished it, it had a pretty good story and some interesting set piece missions. Howerver the fucking grind it took to get to them is painful. It was bad for reasons other than the black protagonist, he was ok tbqh.
He's a giant black guy who fought in nam, the name just pushes it over the top.
>family isn't who you're born with
>it's who you die for
Oh that's how they justify a nigger in the Italian mafia
>Mafia game
>it's not about mafia
>shoot one bullet in the car
>it explode
I want this meme to die already
if it was just a normal revenge game and not tied with Mafia it would have been fine. Like Punisher
Because selling out is easier than making a good game. Using old tropes is easier than being creative
Nigger doesn't join italian mafia, creates his own three way gang alliance and then pays tribute to the mafia in one of the endings.
It's hated not for its MUH DIVERSITY. It's hated because it's overall a shit game
True, but we hoped it would fail regardless
It also probably failed because they threw out half the good developers for "muh diversity"
Well, I think it's a common thing
>kill the current president
I didn't buy it because of this sjw hypocritical bullshit
Antwon demarcus deshawnigua Washington
This game is going to bomb. No fucking self-respecting Italian would ally with a nigger to kill the mafia because of muh oppression. He would be the biggest race/nation traitor ever and would probably have to spend the rest of his short life in hiding. But nig nogs in America will love it and think of it as historically accurate.
It's a completely different developer.
I work on Mafia 3 directly. It's mishandled as fuck and rushed by 2k. We had to get it out before the fiscal quarter ended. Really the amount of virtue signaling is kinda overplayed by the media honestly. The designers dicked around so much with bad ideas for features that we didn't get to add most of the racial tension gameplay shit they wanted.
Anyhow, why the fuck am I on Sup Forums, back to Sup Forums
Hey Jesus, Leaf and our boys! Plz say hey to jen pic related. Ty topkek for doing the corey feldman song jesus
>Make a sequel
>Have it be done by a completely different team
Not even movies are this retarded.