What do you think's happening in the Hillary timeline right now?
They solved overpopulation for good.
the doomsday clock went the opposite direction of this timeline.
>muh timelines
>muh lord Kek
>muh Richard Spencer
I want /r/The_Donald to leave.
The Executive Branch is not in contempt of the Judiciary.
Interracial breeding grounds
Mandatory estrogen treatment for males as a final solution to the male question
Bill died mistirously, he commited suicide with a shot into back of his head...
Fuck you heathen. Even the oldfags know the truth of Lord Kek. How can you deny after this canada thing?
She'll have done literally nothing.
But war with Russia creeps closer day by day. I pray for the souls abandoned by Kek in that timeline.
The call that could've saved europe was never made
Who cares?
Netherlands running around talking shit about T_D. Lives in the Netherlands
fuck off bitch we own this board now at least we got this place to fully support Israel try finding the sub reddit where we plant it though kys
Richard Spencer punched an anarchist.
reddit appropriated that stuff from /pol (except for Spencer). We don't have to give it up b/c some cucks decided to bastardize our memes.
Probably not much consider it's been only 7 days and Hillary has an hour of energy every three days.
Fuck oooooff with your faggot Reddit cult it was funny for like an hour. Sup Forums is a battleground board between Christianity and atheism
Is ctr back again?!
There's only one timeline
Hillary will never win.
This most likely, they'd be slowly building up to war with Russia, think Iraq buildup but slower.
Sup Forums becomes even worse than the /s4s/ storm, nothing but people pretending to support Hillary to try and piss off other browsers
But those browsers eventually leave and people stumble upon Sup Forums, see the 24/7 pro-Hilldog trolling and think it's serious. The site turns into that and Sup Forums dies an even more ignoble death than SomethingAwful
Atheism was defeated years ago by people posting pictures of hats.
>reddit cult
>cult based on numerical oujia that literally isn't even possible on reddit
Alright faggot,
Good times.
Same thing bit with no protests.
Peaceful time
My sister in law didn't leave the dinner table triggered and moping and zombie locked to her smartphone yesterday.
They're already dead because of the nuclear war she started
she would be drunk, getting licked by huma under the desk, billy would still be banging interns, maybe even monica
that or gearing up for war with Russia which would lead to the end of civilization
most likely also allowing in all the mexicans and islamists she can to please her Jewish banker masters
>muh lord Kek
rolling to kys
Sup Forums would be dead because everyone would come here to ''troll'' about how ''Madame Hillary'' won. Sup Forums posters would be so butthurt they would start posting the same shit trying to make others feel as bad as they do.
Sup Forums would simply devolve into Hillary posting and die.
Also your life would be shitier and more bleak. That's about it. I doubt there would be a WW3.