Fuck 12
Black Bloc "Anarchist" AMA
Fuck 12
Black Bloc "Anarchist" AMA
Get used to losing
you're a leech and the world would be a better place if you were dead
Is cock in your ass an acquired taste, or did you take to it right away?
Were you born a coward, and become a communist as a result, or did the cowardice follow the communism?
Are you also a noodle armed faggot like the cuck who punched that low tier larper Spencer?
Bash the fash
When people shout who's streets, our streets why do they always end up running from the police?
i've been around. not anything new.
says the canadian...
no, born in raised in white suburbia, quickly learned that its fucked, went to a few protests, fell into the block, wouldnt ever go back.
not enough heart.
>born in raised in white suburbia, quickly learned that its fucked
Every time. How does it feel to know that your organization is 99% white? I mean look at your picture, it's like a Nazi parade but with more edge, matrix sunglasses and less testosterone.
whoever shows shows, color of skin has little to do with drive for something better.
How does it feel to know that me and a few buddies punched out some of your "comrades" in DC?
i makes me feel youre either unintelligent or misguided. why werent you standing with them fighting for something better? too much of a pussy?
What's your day job? Social worker, or elementary school teacher?
Wait, so you're saying it's just coincidence that you're all part of the exact same demographic?
Also Can you please keep punching nazis?
customer service. im sure that helps to understand where i'm coming from. lol
Have you tried making a career switch instead of being a raging faggot?
Police are more useful and better for society than you ever will be. Kind of makes me feel like you're jealous of them. We all know the only reason you flip them off is because you know they won't attack you for it. When the chains are off, you'll run away and play victim. Every. Single. Time.
Enjoy the next 8 years.
why cant you guys go live in communes if your so anti society?
They don't have Starbucks or iPads on communes? Who the hell is gonna enslave starving Asian kids to make their black hoodies on a fucking commune?
Why don't you take the redpill, my friend?
Race is real, as evidenced by the divergent reactions different races have to certain medical treatments.
Culture and behavior across populations are inextricably linked to their ethnic genes.
Ethnic diversity is proven to reduce social cohesiveness and civic participation rates.
I hope you live in the same state as me. I'm hype as fuck for civil war. MAGA
lol accurate af. again not enough heart. scared kids.
i dont think they're not useful, i think they're untrained, intentionally kept unintelligent, and just yes men. they have no moral compass and it's wrong. cops need to be for the people, not the corporations and banks.
communes exist, people go to them. fuck that. sounds lame.
see you on the streets friend.
- philly
i don't disagree with that, but what does it have to do with people fighting for something to fight for? fighting for something better? fighting for a world for their children... race is irrelevant.
I'm afraid i'll have to leave you to the mercy of my east coast RWDS brothers. I'll have my hands full handling all the fun on the west coast!
Why do you hate trash cans?
Can you hear the helicopter idling?
antifa = pedophile 'rights' activists and jews
Stomp the com
m8 that picture is anti trump are you stupid
they're in the way and full of shit. they also make great places for a fire.
i've never had good run-ins with antifa, they're a bunch of heartless narrow-minded pussies in my personal experience.
Race is relevant because homogenous societies are always more successful and stable. American and European societies are being flooded with 3rd world rejects, not out of the goodness of our government's hearts, but in order to accrue more cheap labor to compensate for white peoples' declining birth rates. It's a facet of the greedy capitalist ponzi scheme you lefties claim to hate, and which we object to, but not solely on the basis of being capitalistic.
>fighting the establishments fight
you faggots are so stupid
When you're licking George soros testicles would you say they are more salty, or vinegary?
You a spic aren't you?
i'm white af.
i'm also not an anarchist. hence the "s used it for the viewz. i believe in a constantly rotating limited governance either elected or placed by the people. people holding office until death or retirement is fucking ludicrous. as is people being bought out through the connections made in their office.
Your reasoning for being an anarchist is really poor. Do you really think trump supporters are like that? I mean one of his big points is imposing term limits on politicians. Things are going to get crazy soon and you're gonna get BTFO if you don't come to your senses soon.
When you remove censorship you end up with Sup Forums. How does that make you feel?
How many dicks have you sucked this shift?
just your mom's
mercedes logo, hahaha
How does it feel to be a pawn of the globalists that your movement used to fight against?
Go kill yourself.
this is a real human that made the conscious choice to dress up like that. don't forget that people like that exist.
Now you just smash a Starbucks window, or sucker punch some nazi like a nigger.
Identity politics has betrayed you.
Third wave feminism, black lives matter, the hugbox echo chamber safe space of white guilt, internalized misogyny, patriarchy and the self race hatred of the pro Islamic progressive stack.
How do you expect the just violence of any society to be undertaken if not with an unintelligent martial class?
>Real human
No some people just surrender their autonomy and become little more than living memes.
Did it hurt when Ahmed made you his favourite bitch?
gas yourself, nigger
Good barricade material. But fags in the us don't know how to use then yet.
Hahaha nice bait thread faggot
You guys are the worst leechers of the social system one has known.
I do not even have to prove myself but I can knock out your entire group with my bare fists who have performed actual WORK in comparison to your weak-wrist fucking leechers.
Get gassed.
Are you pro equality?
Is everyone equal to you despite race, gender or class?
Are you going to distance yourself from the old school G12 summit protests? how can you call yourself the current black block if you don't? or are you really just another international socialist wannabe?
this post will be ignored by baby commies who have no business outside their basement if their mother didn't equip them with diapers
i want to tell you i have no problem with you black folk at all have a nice night i have to get in the shower
Go protest some Muslims raping your children and blowing up your buildings you god damn cuck, no one likes you. The silent majority will always win. Learn that you disgusting, unwashed nigger.
> cops last name is Alvarez
Why did you post this racist pic? Aren't you supposed to be anti-fascist?
OP is a fucking faggot larper
Do you think if you had money you'd be less of a faggot?
you will protest against your student loans because your socialist teachers told you to and you can't find a job in your fucking fail field of diminishing influence
Prefer shot in the face or heart?
what led you down this path
why are you here if you hate us
i would not be so open with my intentions when dealing with people i consider enemies
faggot larping leftists don't understand real struggle and will assume that they have the moral high ground until they get their shit pushed in, history repeats itself
I don't understand, you guys want to get arrested for rioting and put in prison for 10 years also?
I mean fuck I'm up for it.
Banksy and you socialist faggots can kick fucking rocks all the way to the sea. YOU will never be in charge.
My black grandfather owned that business! He was a immigrant from Nairobi. Our whole family is devastated by this.
I hate you Anarchist!