Will this be the end of Trudeau?
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Shooters confirmed as Bashir Al Taweed (Arab) and Hassan Matti ("Quebecois")
The one "of Quebec origin" is GUARANTEED non-white. If he was white they would have said so by now. Coulter's Law.
Who's the Le Pen of Cuckanada?
Sauce? Heard these names already but is there a non-Reddit outlet reporting?
Kellie Leitch
We've actually had another attack that was a white convert. Goes to show how white Quebec is.
kevin o'leary
they're gonna get annexed
>Trumps bans muslims refugees
>world goes apeshit
>two muslims immediately shoot up Canada
Kek works in mysterious ways
White convert I'd be ok with. As long as the media can't push the white supremacist narrative.
Kelly "Third Reitch" Leitch
yeah it's very nice to see
>it's a couple of Muslims
>Will this be the end of Trudeau?
Nope, they will blame it on Quebec's Islamophobia, Quebec separatists (who are all Nazi, look it up seriously), Brexit and Trump.
When Hotline Orlando happened, I remember one minor journalist blaming it on ... the Islamophobia of the GOP.
Kellie "hooked noses on hooks" Leitch?
>Goes to show how white Quebec is.
It's in French so you'll have to translate it.
Anybody check Sainte-Foye mosque yet to see what denomination worships there? Most likely westernised, liberal-benefitting Sunni whose imam have made haram pronouncements.
Not seeing the names user
Its fucking unbelievable isn't it.
They can't just admit what it is. It took them hours to finally print what amounts to a misleading statement. A lie.
kevin oleary is a retarded cuck
probably two muslims but if it is a french and a muslim than Trudeau is right diversity makes them stronger.
It's more that most people in Quebec are asleep now, so they only need to announce something by tomorrow
He has no chance
>I remember one minor journalist
Holy fuck man...where were you?!?
They all were...tons of them...and social media was on fire with this is trumps fault and the rhetoric of the republicans.
Fuck us. No one
Maybe Legault of the ADQ on the provincial level. They've always been strongly anti-immigrant and in Canada, immigration can be governed at the provincial level.
press conference stream cut out mid-sentence when reporter started asking questions about identity of shooters.
>When Hotline Orlando happened, I remember one minor journalist blaming it on ... the Islamophobia of the GOP
Yeah we know, we were here too.
Yes all fucking Muslims, they are all dog shit.
Trudeau was the convert.
These fucking names arent Québécois.
Get that filthy shit outta here.
Legit French name
Any non-meme sources?
fuck you faggot
globalist shill detected!
If Canadian history tells us anything, arabs will get their own land now and arabic will be the third language
92% of Muslims are Sunni, not exactly a risky bet there
>quebec is like 99% white
>muslims still ruin things
fucking people
gettem oot
what's he talking about
An Arab and a white working together to kill Muslims. Truly Canada is the perfect example of tolerance am deathly diversity
Nice proxy, Kevin
probably not the end of trudeau, but it's going to rally the fuck out of canadian conservatives.
Lol the time for id bets is closed, now people are trying to figure out motive. Why would salafists abroad terrorise their own power base?
About how we're getting fucked over in politics so much, about how the regions get completely ignored, about how mass immigration is destroying Quebec. He also makes a very funny anti-feminist remark that doesn't really translate very well
oh no you don't. this is an example of Trump's rhetoric bring us together. #HeWillUniteUs
based on what?
Canada isn't Europe. Far more conservative.
We don't have all the muslims to redpill people yet. This will start a huge conversation
ayy lmao #RefugeesWelcome
>>two muslims immediately shoot up Canada
Just thought I'd remind you that omitting who they killed and where they killed them makes you no different to a leftist shill. But that's okay, user! We all make mistakes from time to time.
Why can't we stop winning? It's almost getting scary now.
White 14/88 Frenchmen have declared war on Canada.
considering their names I thought they were both french nationals
and everyone says we don't contribute.
The names are not confirmed but have been floating around for a few ours. Apparently a few people listened in on the police scanner and heard the names there. But that is all speculation, their is no source for this other than a post on Reddit from an r/the_donald fuccboi.
BUT they still double be true, it fits the bill
>white hispanic male
>Will this be the end of Trudeau?
It's a point against him.
For goys still waiting for media to broadcast id when RCMP is already classifying it as terrorism, they will only release the names once they have the computers and housemates including kin of the suspects secured.
only in Canada eh? A multicultural terrorist cell.
Let's go Canada! Diversity is our strength!
O'Leary may be a cuckservative, but he'll win the leadership election and beat Trudeau in 2019
It's not the RCMP's jurisdiction, it shoudl be SPVQ (Quebec City police)
>based on what?
Quebecian history?
>Frenchie shoots up a building
>We are so so sorry ;_; Here, have all this land, all these privileges and everyone who can't speak French gets fired from their job ;_;
The Trump time traveler meme is real folks
Dunno how terrorism changes that jurisdiction dynamic
God bless his caucasian heart
there are a lot of Christian Arabs in Quebec. Sorry to disappoint you, faggot
And a lot of them are virulently anti Muslim
I'm not 100% sure, but from what I can find it seems to be Shiite
it's a very friendly terrorist cell. i mean they only killed six people. that sounds like the most canadian terrorist attack i've ever heard of.
you realize the ones saying it was an arab and quebecer was the washington post, right? I mean american news agencies never jump the gun and post sensational headlines ever. So it's probably very trustworthy.
To be fair, the cuck said that before they knew the shooters were muslims
Christian Arabs don't name their kids "Bashir."
will quebec finally be redpilled??
Canada has different levels of police (federal, provincial, municipal) and it's usually the lowest level that takes care of things unless it's so huge they can't
They can go be Christian Arabs in the Middle East
It always has been.
only missing the "sorry" at the end of the attack.
Still no official source on names/identities
REEEEEEEEEE stop fucking stalling just admit your shitty narrative got BTFO
the opposite of US fed procedure? Your federal level intelligence must be very chill and cooperative sharing their info to local no strings.
Please be refugee.
>"we will take refugees"
>refugees commit terror attack next day.
>maximum kek
> I mean american news agencies never jump the gun and post sensational headlines ever
checked and top kekked
to be fair, our ancestors did a lot more than shoot up a building but yeah. Canadian history is the following:
>quebec bends over
>canada bends over
>quebec bends over again
>canada finds new people to bend over to
we were made for each other
>Police chick can barely speak English.
God those fucks really do live in a bubble.
THIS. It's not true until Reuters or the CBC reports it.
no work ethic, blames everyone else for their problems, intolerant of anyone not at their subhuman level. yep. all the hallmarks of a redpill.
>A man who said he was a witness to the attack told Radio-Canada two masked suspects entered the mosque. The man said the men appeared to have thick Québécois accents and shouted “Allahu akbar” as they began shooting. He said the bullets struck people who were praying. - The National Post
A hidden cell from the Maple Syrup Brigade. ISIS's most d'erable unit
French like Marc Lepine.
>doesn't know how quotation marks work
Real "genius" over here
LOL cbc will never report it if it puts muslims in a bad light
>ISIS's most d'erable unit
nicely done