#QuebecShooting Witness: Shooters spoke with a Québécois accent. One started shooting. As soon as he opened fire he shouted, "Allahu Akbar!"
Nope, it's clear that this tragedy was a DIRECT result of Trump's rhetoric. That fucker has blood on his hands.
It's amazing how you were able to ask the arrested shooters their motivation while in your Footscray granny flat, you faggot
wouldn't have happened if mosques where banned
Shooters confirmed as Bashir Al Taweed (Arab) and Hassan Matti ("Quebecois")...........
>Trump spends this past week demonising and persecuting Muslims
>A mosque gets shot up in the same time period
Wow, must be some coincidence, huh.
Hm, really makes you think
Yup. Quebecer here
'''''''''''''''''Hassan Matti''''''''''''''''''' Is not a fucking quebecer name. We got 2 slimes, boys
>Trump spends this past week demonising and persecuting Muslims
>they respond by doing exactly what he said they do
>Trump spends this past week demonising and persecuting Muslims
Trudeau spends the week saying they will accept all refugees
>A mosque gets shot up in the same time period
>In Canada
It's like Trump was right again
>Trump puts the brakes on muslim immigration
>Canada does not
>Canadian mosque shot up
>your tendies go cold as you shitpost in earnest
Cry harder faggot
The fuck? Why would a Muslim kill his own? This was clearly a far right white nationalist attack. Trump is just as culpable (if not more) as the cowards who perpetrated this attack.
Shoo shoo Melbcuck
good thing it happened in canada, or else there might be some link or something
Unilateral (((government))) initiated, funded, executed, and expanded importation of niggers into white society is successful yet again.
And of course, if you bring up it's niggers killing other niggers on white soil, just as they do on nigger soil, and anywhere else in the world you transplant them, you're a racist who should be killed. And, you must say this is a gun issue and white supremacy issue because the kikes say so.
Trudeau is unifier, whereas the Predator in Chief (Trump) has created the CONDITIONS for Islamophobia in the world, which led to this attack.
>checks flag
>people on this board will unironically think he's being serious
I'm in Tasmania you dickbrain, but good to see that you're only capable of thinking in memes.
day of the rake
day of the bacon bullet
>Why would a Muslim kill his own
have you heard of the Middle East?
Trump's rhetoric goes all around the world. Of course there's a link.
Thread theme:
It's clearly racists in america's fault for this.
I know you're trolling, but most radical Muslims HATE any reformed Muslim ideology. If you aren't killing in the name of Allah, you are being blasphemous and deserve death.
Try unifying your head and a shotgun shell
the important thing to remember if you are worried one is white is he is muslim so the blame is still with Islam. islam is the cancer and this vindicates Trump 100%
Trump isn't the president of Canada
>I'm in Tasmania
Its quintessentially Quebecois.
Who are you kidding?
Hassan is literally the most frankish name there has ever been.
You can transplant niggers anywhere around the earth on the white man's back, or leave them in Africa. You can give them sticks and stones or knives and guns, and the result will still be the same.
Niggers will kill other niggers at a clip far far higher than whites and asians. Niggers cannot into society. Niggers cannot into civility. Niggers can barely into the wheel, after whites showed it to them.
You were only shitposting in memes so the assumption is a fair one.
Oh because you know his motives
So what? As today's events prove, there's clearly millions of people outside America who listen to his rhetoric and act upon it.
>if you say something mean they will kill you so don't be mean! It's common sense
I hate this argument
>inb4 it was an arab christian
>2 shooters
>both Arabic
Lmao at you, lmao at your life
>Why would a Muslim kill his own?
Do you think we're the ones killing all the Islamic civilians in the Middle East?
Local news is reporting one arab and one québécois suspect. But québécois can mean any ethnicity
nah you're a lefty cuck who cant into critical thinking
>also from Tasmania
This makes so much sense for ISIS. They want a war between the west and islam, but the libcucks will say every single fucking attack has nothing to do with islam. Now they figured out they can just attack muslims to show that muslims are violent!
It's perfect. The media can't just say they're gay, (pulse) not muslim (nice)(bataclan), if he's a refugee/immigrant they can't deny those categories. It makes so much sense.
Well, he did yell Allahu akbar.
I'll admit that i yell that every 15-20 minute top. My friends in my hockey league yell Allahu ackbar at every goal. We never stop
>While rolling with his homie Santa & Rudolph
A natural part of the enrichment process of course.
This is clearly trumps doing. His hatespeech has led to this tragedy. This was probably a white supremacist who was encouraged by american hitler to kill those poor sandnigg- I mean - law abiding muslims. We must all unite aganist this act of violance.
This mosque has been the target of attacks in the past. As the priest-sandnigger declared:
Once someone wrote onthe mosques wall.
A clear sign of terror as only walls get written on that are the target of terrorist attacks.
Why were they not protected by the canadian government?
Unifying the country in their collective hate for him maybe LUL.
You don't even live in Canada, he can't go anywhere beyond the east without being yelled at lmao. He's trash and over, won't be re-elected if the conservatives have a palatable candidate.
Im tired, were not going to find out tonight who it was are we?
they have no concept of the division of labor because they can't trust each other to do what they're told
one woman in a cart with a donkey could do the work of several women, who traditionally do the fetching and carrying
Instead they waste the energy of several women because each has to get her own, for fear of someone stealing from her (or not doing it all)
I was 100% sure you were gonna be a leaf.
Clearly this is the work of a white Trump supporter who brainwashed an innocent muslim into doing jihad.
man how many shitskins are in Australia ready?
>Trump created the Sunni/Shia schism
There are two scenarios:
The Quebec origin guy is not 100% of French descent (i.e. he could be a half-breed or simply a second generation Muslim).
They're both Deus Vult Christians and the Arab guy is a Lebanese/Syrian that decided to go all out.
Well lets not forget that Sunni's and Shia's hate each other for the most part.
get the fuck out of my state
>Trump bans muzzies
>they shoot up their own people and place of worship
They're just like niggers
audibly kek'd
Definite Phalangist
>The fuck? Why would a Muslim kill his own?
Why do niggers keep killing each other? When will you learn that civilization isn't as easy for others as it is for your Lily white ass.
Another random twat, posting some frog news website.
What have we learned Pol
Don't trust shit too early. Journalistic integrity is shit, they all believed that fake Reuters thing.
>The fuck? Why would a Muslim kill his own?
Long story, but the super tl;dr is
"They're not muslims! They're imposters!"
spicy b8 m8
They weren't both Arabic, and it's more likely that the "Arab" was either a Christian or an atheist. This was not a Muslim perpetrated attack. No fucking way.
... and thats the problem.
Thier best candidate IMO is Bernier, but he's going to have to do a lot to win the West.
I know, what faggots.
Clearly Sam Hyde is responsible.
Yes - look at how many civilians are dying in your drone strikes.
You are wrong in every way.
All your posts have been absolute cancer, if you genuinely hold these views. Please do not breed.
Can't tell if trolling or salty
Please leave your prayers behind for these poor souls.
>pic related is their fb page
Wrong. Trudeau and the Liberals are ahead by far in the polls. He is a true leader and Canadians respect him.
Shooters name is Hassan Matti.
Matti is the jewish version of Mathew
The Shooter is a Jew
Islam is Satanic, Achmed.
>multiple people heard on the police scanners "Bashir Al Taweed and Hassan Matti"
>media later reported: "they yelled Allahu Akbar"
>media later reported: "one of the men is reportedly 27-years-old and has ethnic French last name"
>Matti is a French surname
>they only tell you one of the surnames is French, what about the name? what about the other surname?
>media later reported: "police would not provide any information about the individuals who were arrested for strategic and operational reasons"
>Coulter's Law
>Aussie shitposter thinks he knows more about Canadian politics than Canadians
So they were probably born or at least raised in Quebec? How is this an argument against taking in refugees again?
They were reported by eyewitnesses to have shouted Allahu ackbar
the mosque is reportedly a Lebanese French mosque.
Believing these memes doesn't mean they're true.
Take it from me, just went to a town hall with him, no-one respected him.
The SJWs, the blue-haired whales, the cucks, none respected him and told him off repeatedly.
But if you'd like to b8 me that's fine too
>and has ethnic French last name
Is that some kind of joke?
Why do I care what some far right retard on Sup Forums thinks? I look at the facts.
Another inbred here.
Get out of my state.
YES libcucks blown the fuck OUT
Just reported that user. Kek. Thanks for the screen cap
Most Muzzies according to leafs in the area are Sunni.
They said the Shia are pretty much nonexistent in Quebec.
>it's hearsay
Step up,this is no source
>opinion polling
i guess labour party and the democratic party are in government now
What is this from?
"Canada's federal Liberal legislator Greg Fergus tweeted: "This is an act of terrorism -- the result of years of demonizing Muslims. Words matter and hateful speeches have consequences!""
Looks like the back-pedaling will be strong soon
>Refugees come to Canada
>Despite all attempts at assimilation they still go apeshit
Admit it: you went into that town hall with a determined hate for Trudeau. You would have said the same thing even if everyone else in the room applauded him.
It might have been a turf war
AAS (Ansar al-Sunnah)
AQ (Al Qaeda)
AQI (Al Qaeda in Iraq)
IAI (Islamic Army of Iraq, becomes ISI)
ISI (Islamic State of Iraq)
Ba'thists, who took many names and supported many groups
JAS (Jaish al-Sunnah)
AAI (Ansar al-Islam)
JM (Jaish Mohammed)
AIM-AQ (Armed Islamic Movement - Al-Qaeda)
AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the lands of the Islamic Magreb)
JAR (Jaish al-Rashideen)
Mahdi Army
IRGC-QF (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps - Quds Force)
QN/AAH (Qazali Network/Asa'ib al-Haq)
Each are a mix of Islamic and Arab nationalists, the Shia would definitely kill or fight the Sunni at a pins drop, and among the Sunni groups they would generally not fight each other but they would not really cooperate either.
Implying a muslim born in quebec cant speak quebecois?