Arab shooter

>arab shooter

Other urls found in this thread:

source please this is great

>''''''''''''''Quebec native''''''''''''''



Justina Trudeau has no balls. Justina Trudeau is a woman. Please stop calling her a he.

Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada

>economy gone to shit
>adds a carbon tax to everyone who is struggling
>lies about budget (supposed to be 10 billion, ends up being over 30)
>sold off our gold reserves
>claims to be about middle class
>silver spoon faggot from quebec

>imports syrian refugees
>some refugees are still at hotels on tax dollars

>turdaeu constantly on vacation
>being investigated by ethics commitee ($500 dollar fine if guilty WOW)

>fort mack burns down
>offers to match private citizens donations to red cross only
>multiple nations offer firefighting services
>only allows south african niggers to come
>they've never fought fire with water before
>they leave after 2 weeks because of pay

>hasnt even legalized weed yet

>hypocrite when it comes to islam / feminism
>panders to every ethnic group except for white Canadians

from the other thread-any others to add?

This is true. Pic related.

hewas wearing ukrainian gay clothes

That pic is disturbing. And yes, I can believe it. Obama wasn't much better though. He was a sissy too.

Leave it to the reich to post pics like this

>was all proud about "gender equality"
>recent changes broke his gender equality, balance is tipped in favor of guys.

We must get confirmation and bully the fuck out of the gay tweed lefty cunts who cried islamophobia

the boyking.

It's pretty much confirmed. Check other threads for sources. One was a native Arab and the other was a white quebec convert. Both were Muslim.

little potato

Justin Trudeau is such a globalist faggot piece of shit


1 week later some refugees shoot some leafs

best timeline ever

News radio here just reported it as terrorist attack on a mosque with 6 dead. No mention of the shooters.....

>being investigated by ethics commitee
>$500 dollar fine if guilty
Are you fucking kidding me? THAT'S IT?!

We're wasting THOUSANDS investigating it, what the fuck does it matter if nothing will happen even if found guilty...

gg no re canada you shithole

>No mention of the shooters.....
"...police would not provide any information about the individuals who were arrested "for strategic and operational reason", Doyson said.

>Religion of Peace!

Did anyone seriously doubt this would be the case?

>any others to add?
>Canada is forming a partnership with the United Nations and billionaire George Soros to help other countries implement their own version of Canada's private refugee sponsorship program.

Immigration Minister John McCallum told Rosemary Barton, host of CBC News Network's Power & Politics, he knows of about 13 countries that are potentially interested in Canada's model for private refugee sponsorship, adding he has already had talks with the United Kingdom.

The release said the initiative will start by creating training modules for private sponsorship based on an analysis of the Canadian model and will offer countries "tailored advice" on how to adapt and implement the programs.

>The joint initiative between the government of Canada, the UN High Commission on Refugees and Soros's Open Society Foundations will have a kick-off meeting in Ottawa in December, the release said.

McCallum said Canada's decades of experience with private sponsorship, going back to the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, puts it in a position to help other countries.

"I think we can offer practical advice to those countries who are interested in going this route, and I do believe, based on our own experience, that it will be a successful thing to do, and I'm grateful to the UN and George Soros for co-sponsoring this initiative with us," he told Barton.

>McCallum said Soros would contribute funding to the project.

Maybe he's bisexual or a cuckold, since he still has a wife.

I wouldn't doubt it...

>he's bisexual
Ding sing sing, winner winner chicken dinner


Dont worry first trump will deal w/ mexico then with leafland


Or a lesbian, did you ever think that you homophobe/transphobe?

That entire mosque was filled with winners.