Does anyone else feel hopeless for the future?
I understand Brexit happened, I understand Trumps victory JUST happened but after these two events, I, as a young person (20) am seeing a rapid increase in socialists and commies who unironically support these ideologies. I agree that there is obviously a shit load of support for the right but the problem with this is that the conservative base is mostly made up of "older" people ranging from late 30's - 80's.
With young adults being brought into a world in which the Republican party are deemed modern day Nazi's, young people are forced into viewing liberal media (Most social networks are filled with leftist propaganda, even viewing a story on Snapchat you are exposed to liberal misleading headlines) it seems as if we are fighting a lost battle.
We are also living in a world where celebrity worship is at an all time high. This means that young people who are ignorant in the world of politics will turn to celebrities and headlines as a way to seem like they know what the fuck is going on. This, of course, is a gigantic red fucking flag as there is obviously a huge liberal bias in Hollywood and they're infecting the minds of our children by being uninformed.
So, what do we do? Our base is dying slowly, and Sanders popularity was a red flag in regards to the uprising of socialism in western society.
Will Trump have to enact liberal policy to keep young people on the right? Or do we promote more "celebrities" like Milo, Crowder, Southern and Shapiro.