Do you honestly think trump will be impeached...

do you honestly think trump will be impeached? the leftists are literally saying they're going to stage massive protests from here on out. they're organizing like crazy in major cities to create protests every single night - they're like professional protesters at this point.

i'm kinda worried about the state of america to say the least.

Other urls found in this thread:

>refugees welcome
>muslim attack 1 day later
I think we'll be fine. God is on our side.

Impeached for what

Trump is definitely going to be impeached. You should have picked a qualified person to be your God Emperor. Instead, you elected a clown!


Naw, I work for the national impeachment agency and we aren't doing shit.

Suck it fag liberals

You Haha'd too much. Weakened your b8.

They are proffesional protestors. Payed and bought. Rest are just useful idiots following them.

He's going to me impeached for being gay

True progressives are taking control. You're making it too easy for us to be the reasonable, sane group. Even if Trump doesn't get impeached? We'll own Congress in 2018.

And the WH will be ours in 2020. Enjoy your impotent God Emperor while you can.

>these asshats legitimately believe they are achieving something
>later, Trump bans Soros foundation
>like Russia did
>no more funds, or organization
>American globalists and neoliberals are all too degenerate to do anything themselves
>just like """femin""" the protesters go away

This would be the preferred course of action, as right wing death squads wouldn't have to form (would join btw).

The question is, when is the madman going to do it? When will he ban Open Society and the Soros Foundation? Or will he?



If you can't beat'em, join'em.

They sure said a lot of things, all through the election too.

These people are showing support not protest.

They are confused now but it will become clear in time.

> "They're like professional protesters at this point"
hrmm really makes ya think.

so.. in my world i have a job, these faggots probably live off (((donations)))

i hope they protest every night for a few months,really slow down life for the average person that doesn't give two fucks about politics

until one day,trump is going to say ENOUGH

then you'll see who has the publics support

This goy gets it.

Kek wills a mass shooting at the next large scale
West coast protest

Impeached for what?

have to break the law to be impeached. Being butthurt doesnt count. The protestors are bound to get violent if they keep it up for a long period. They will get bored and go home or get bored and get violent. Then they will get their asses beat and arrested and everyone will be happy.

Praise kek

>implying Democrats vote in non-Presidential elections

There's blood all over your shitposting fingertips now. Good luck with your soul and stuff.

They will try to impeach him and it will fail horribly

No matter how many GOP dinosaurs hate Trump, impeaching him would be a death blow to the republican party, and would basically be them saying "LOL guys we are idiots who elected and then fired a guy from our own party :))))))." Not even John 'Traitor' Mccain would do it


remember occupy wallstreet

>liberals shutting down their own blue cities

Gee.. how will we ever deal with this..


Get the army in.

Protests will fizzle out once Superbowl Sunday arrives, and the Walking Dead comes back on.

The paid protesters are useful idiots also. They'll all be shot once Soros has no more use for them.


lol stupid people thinking a political office holder can be impeached for being unpopular with them.

They're bitching about a distorted reality created by manipulative media outlets who want them to be violent when there's no reason to.

They're fucking unhinged.

They also think all white people are Nazis. They don't have a legitimate stance. Trump needs to ban masks at protests to help police crack down on these brainwashed gaslit criminals.

This ain't a trump reply, yo

American education

can't impeach him if he's done nothing to get impeached in the first place.

let them. They can't do anything, hopefully they will lose their job over it so that actual decent hard working Americans can have them.

They lost fair and square. Screaming and crying loudly doesn't change the result and won't magically make it so they get their way. Standing in the street and waving an Antifa flag around isn't going to magically impeach your political opposition. Using violence to oppress your political opposition makes you no better than your political opposition.

>We'll own Congress in 2018.
not going to happen faggot liberal cunt

T. Russian media

Just goes to show how badly the election broke their already puny brains. These people are retarded in case you couldn't tell just by looking.

No sane person looks at these protests and takes their side it's only increasing trumps support and exhausting public sympathy.

I actually hope they ramp up the protests so when the skull cracking starts there is nobody left to give a shit. The public were already tired of protests with all that BLM now they're probably just about ready to go cheer for the cops.

It's been that way here for a while. Liberals and the left are typically associated with the color blue. To many of us, it's a surprise to find out the world does it the other way around, such as Canacucks Liberal party being red.

Let them protest, the very few of them who do have jobs will be more likely to be fired and it'll let people who deserve the jobs more to make a living.
Also, if they don't like it, they can go move to one of the banned countries, I'm sure their LGBTQ, STRONK WYOMAN views will be loved in Iraq and Syria.

Every city depends on the shipping from major ports. You don't make most of the product at your corner store, yokel.

>the leftists are literally saying they're going to stage massive protests from here on out.

After about a month or two they'll realize it's a complete waste of time and move on to outright terrorism. Also a waste of time. All they're doing is entertaining us and discrediting their own party.

People rioted like crazy against Vietnam too, and Nixon was reelected by 23 points.

What " true progressives "?

Antifa? Cenk?

Keep pushing infantile leftist, the dam could actually break and then we'd see how much you and yours enjoy the kind of anarchy you can't scream to the cops for protection in. ;^)

>do you honestly think trump will be impeached?

Do you know how impeachment works? The only way he can get impeached is if he does something illegal.

A bunch of college faggots protesting every weekend isn't going to do anything except piss people off.

Hell yeah! Less competition in the job market!

>Protests happening every day from here on out

Civil War time boys! Time to gear up.

I completely agree with you. FPBP.

roll for shooter to be duel wielding

>now they're probably just about ready to go cheer for the cops.
Already happened. In Portland Oregon, of all fucking places. They are radicalizing the moderates, but not in the way they think, and they're forgetting what radicalized centrists represent.


>he still believes in souls and eternal death



Mike "spray the gay away" Pence

>do you honestly think trump will be impeached


>protesters are making life hard for people in states that went blue

Why do we care? Lmao, they want to be so progressive, they can suffer the consequences

I hate a hypocrite more than anything, especially smug self righteous ones.. Your emperor Obama and your cunt in waiting, Hillary, were complicit in the slaughter of half a million non-white muslims (mostly). I wanna meet one of you fuckers on the two track one dat, so we can discuss our differences in detail.

Those are lefty protestors. They can afford lawyers and smartphones with data plans. This isn't going to go down like the poor black/brown people the cops push around.

That would be amazing.

For being a meanie >:-(

CTR GOT $40,000,000 THIS WEEK

>Professional protesters
>People are literally receiving monetary incentives to protest
>Millions of them since Trump took office

Mfw Spicer can actually claim that Trump "created" millions of new jobs and he wouldn't be lying.

The die is cast.

Oh good. It's going to be fucking magical when the batons start swinging and the public are screaming and cheering as law and order defeats retardation. I'm just sorry I won't be there to see it.

You must've missed this one

No protest stays peaceful for long.
Once violence occurs it will become easier to condemn and attendance will naturally drop due to the implied risk of danger.

>they're like professional protesters at this point.
They are professional protesters. Either way who gives a fuck.
>Trump gets impeached
>civil war
>Super comfy
>Trump makes america great again

How long do you actually think they'll keep protesting?
Liberals are fickle retards. There's no way they'll actually make it all eight years

>Throwing money into a sewer
Why are they doing this?

This. 1972 will be repeated.

>leftist terrorism
>leftist riots
>far left candidate
all amounted to naught

Only thing that matters is the economy. Ford lost because the economy tanked.

you'll get buttfucked in 2018 because you're violent communists and will scare away undecided voters.

Not to mention that leftists are lazy and don't vote.

You're fucked.

This desu familiars.

Also, they can't help but turn to violence. All they'll do is guarantee a further backlash and a Republican super majority. If we're lucky, we'll even get enough State Legislatures to force a Comstitutional Convention.

And it will be noted in the news that it was carried out by a JEW. Even CNN, NBC, and ABC will report it.

It all depends how much soros and the DNC are willing to spend. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of them are being paid.

This shit isn't cheap. Paying up to $2500 per day per organizer, paying all their bails, paying all the shills online, it all adds up.

>American cops not savagely beating liberals
Where the hell do you think you are? It's an outstanding tradition

Dems have 23 Senate seats up for grabs in 2018, Reps have 8. Dems are fucked and they know it. Reps also have always done better in the House, and will likely consolidate there as well.

I don't understand why empeaching Trump is the goal anyway. Do they not get that :

1. Pence is president, big fucking change there

2. If they think their protesting is serious, what do they think the other half is capable of when they see the guy they voted for get kicked out because of a temper tantrum? The half that's easier to rally and organize, has most of the military and leos on its side, and is fucking armed.

I have no idea how all this protesting business really works. I mean, I understand how this is possible in, say, Ukraine - there are shitloads of people there who aren't legally employed and live off whatever income opportunity they can find, but these people are supposed to have real jobs, some responsibilities, bills to pay.

Don't these people have jobs to go to, or families to take care of or charities to help. You know being a positive force in their communities rather than do these ridiculous protests?

Soroa paid for the protests in the ukraine and he's paying for these too. It's really good money something like $25us/hr or the shitkickers and much more for organizers.

>millenial English Literature majors
>having jobs and responsibilities
Same pond scum my dude

nah people are genuinely unhappy. Even the Koch brothers are against Trump's policies at this point, so I doubt money is an issue.

>Soroa paid for the protests in the ukraine
Haha, are you really that stupid?

it´s not even like they have any basis to impeach him

everything he has done so far has been done by presidents of the past as well

Their family doesn't understand them
That would require a source of income and actually caring about something beyond holding a sign and posting self-praising content on their echochamber social media circles

>it's only increasing trumps support and exhausting public sympathy.

His support is dropping like a rock. I can't find anyone happy about him in oklahoma, the reddest state.

>tfw the shooter is found with a note in his pocket from his employer linking him directly to Soros
>God Emperor seizes the opportunity to arrest Soros and throw him into gitmo or the rest of his life
>Soros eventually admits that Sup Forums was right, that the Kalergi Plan is real and the jews did it all


none of the protestors know what they are protesting for beyond the slogans and indoctrination they've received

genuinely unhappy without ever really knowing why

Soros can stage as many protests as he wants.

Thats a big woymen yuck.

>Even the Koch brothers are against Trump's policies at this point
>at this point

Well, the Koch brothers were against Trump from the beginning, to be fair...

But he did. Paying protestors to overthrow governments is what he does. Why do you think the democrats love him so much? He does their dirty work. In the ukraine he was able to deploy his private military as well.

no posibru