Well, well, liberals of Sup Forums? Defend yourselves.
Well, well, liberals of Sup Forums? Defend yourselves
who blamed trump?
I like this. We should make these a thing.
u're an idiot, this is obviously a fierce reaction from muslims around the world at trump's oppression and fascism. It's justified.
you people are fucking retarded, you have to go... your reasoning's is fucked beyond believe.
spread on Facebook
They don't know any better. They need us white people to tell them it was actually trump that did this
> liberals
> pol
literally everybody
Memeing with radical paranoid people isn't the wisest choice.
where are the reports the shooters were Islamic?
Time for Trump to ban issuing F1 student visas to Chinese and Indian students.
It's been proven that the huge number of Raj's and Li's have made decent colleges too selective and too expensive for hard-working US students.
Tweet @POTUS and @realDonaldTrump to let him know that he has the power and responsibility to do this. Don't let China and India steal our jobs AND our children's future!!!
>not checking flag first
newfag detected
>implying Sup Forums is progressive
Liberals of Sup Forums?
Nigger do you know WHERE you are?
>liberals of Sup Forums
Libshits are really Biest and pre-judging Trump hard, Guilty before proven innocent.
Not single terrorist attack, foreign or domestic, was ever blamed on president Obama. Not one.
is there a source for their motivation yet?
Can we seriously make a Republican counterpart to those faggot Occupy Democrats?
Those are so autistic but the concept is good.
Don't avoid my point faggot.
It's utterly guaranteed that every major news outlet was already in the process of writing their smear piece putting direct blame on Trump for the attack, citing his recent EOs.
They'll just save them now for the next time when they bounce excitedly thinking about all the things they can claim, "justifiably", when the first anti-Muslim by a white occurs.
I'm only blaming Satan for this. Donald Trump is just one of his little cuccbois.
can't make this shit up
same desu
you need to put "occupy democrats" on the bottom left retard
>14 hours
Praise Kek
Systemic racism caused the muslims to hate their own. Checkmate Sup Forums
read any social media feed thread related to the event
before the suspects were named it was immediately cast as "blood on Trump's hands" due to "islamophobia"
I love how the media and politicians just casually lie to the public, for our own good.
Thanks guys, I'm sure that eroding public confidence in the media and politicians won't have any detrimental effect at all.
It doesn't matter, once it's confirmed they were Muslim, their motives will be too difficult to interpret.
u're an idiot, this is obviously a fierce reaction from muslims around the world at trump's oppression and fascism. It's justified.
Nothing is confirmed. All rumour and poorly sourced reports.
time to get behind the president America
looks like you need a wall to the north.
shit already exists
You have no proof that they were Muslims.
Yes, they were screaming Allahu Akbar, but they could have been doing it only ironically.
Go look at the Occupy Democrats page. Try not to shoot yourself
Kek. I'll start spreading this.
> liberals of Sup Forums
what, you guys haven't seen all those shills around lately?
This is gold
TFW hate the Mexicans coming in from mexico, but they at least share a common religion. The idea of importing those barbarians that have a competing religion is insane.
mexico Catholicism has much more Mary worship than the american version. But I've never wanted to burn down their church and I haven't heard of them holding priests hostage for not worshiping Mary properly.
Its obviously staged by Soros and his minions.
Terrorist attacks will rise from now on, so that any efforts Trump makes against terrorism look like they're just making terrorism stronger. Netanyahu already said it was a "bad idea" to destroy the Islamic State.
Of course Trump being too coward to stop visas from the real terrorist countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE) will help
Any hardcore proofs on the identity of the shooters?
It's on Sup Forums it's obviously fact.
Muhammad said that there will be 72 denominations and only one of them will go to heaven. Also a man once prayer to Allah but Muhammad's companions tried to force him to include Muhammad in his prayer, they kill him and Muhammad had no issue with this.
John McCain is a Nazi misogynist though.
Those libs were LARPing all over Sup Forums that the shooters were white nationalists for hours. Shows how little they have, in the way of analytical and critical thinking.
Trump makes people violent don't you know? Like video games and heavy metal.
Literally the entire god damn left.
Have the names of the suspects been released yet? Can you point to where you are getting the information about them?
You cant make this shit up
>Theres no reason to stop muslim immigration
>Muslims chimp out and kill people
>This is trumps fault!!!
But it's a religion of peace.
The VAST majority of Muslims are peaceful.
You can't refute this, so don't even try.
Build that northern wall
Oh look at that, a Sup Forumsack just made up story out of thin air, never seen that one before
>Canada brings in refugees
>refugees shoot up a mosque
>Trump is to blame
This is just as god damn obnoxious as occupy democrats, you can fuck off too.
>Occupy Democrats
>Justin Trudeau, the nation’s prime minister, offered his condolences to the victims of the “cowardly attack.”
>While we should be careful not to speculate this early in the investigation, it seems almost inevitable that the attackers will be right-wingers of the Trumpist bent.
>And while Trump and his neo-fascist cronies will be quick to offer “thoughts and prayers” and hollow condemnations of the attack, there is little doubt that Mr. Trump and other conservatives’ inflammatory rhetoric and bigoted policies inspired the attack, just as they have hundreds of hate crimes since the November election.
Made me kek.
as the left would say it:
where is YOUR evidence?
I'm tired of these shitty threads. When you faggots will realise that liberals don't use logic ? They will blame Trump for everything cause it fits their narrative, fuck, if they get herpies from screwing some antifa whore they'd still blame Trump.
10/10 shitpost, 2/2 newfags baited
Need a source for this. As much as I want to believe it, I need source.
So why aren't the ethnicities of the shooters being released? Why are no comment sections on any major publication open on articles about this?
>When you faggots will realise that liberals don't use logic ?
I just want RWDS. I don't care anymore, give me war.
Retarded Snow Mexican laws.
>inb4 tanned Canadian
>I just want RWDS.
Don't forget that your typical liberal is just a brainwashed useful idiot. The main target of RWDS should be liberal politicians, bankers, jews like soros etc. To kill a snake you cut off his head first.
Don't need one when you have Coulter's Law on your side
Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric has corrupted the hearts of Muslim individuals and has caused them to hate themselves and lash out at each other.
I'm not going RWDS until we have a happening or they literally start coming after me and the people I love.
For real thought is there anything on the shooters that's not a bullshit screencap? All I got so far is a vague mention of a Quebecan and a Moroccan but that doesn't really help.
ont un d'origine marocaine
French-language media confirms one shooter was of "Moroccan origin."
>Literally everyone
>Literally not even a single example
This is hilarious
Why would Americans want someone to invade them, as in a context war, what you do when you're being invaded is fight back with a rifle.
Wait, does anybody have mainstream reporting of the identities of the shooters?
No source yet. Saw this same image on FB and started digging. Looked into his tweet and he mentions he might have jumped the gun.
Only other shit I saw was one or two sources saying that one of the suspects is likely Quebecois, one is Moroccan. A few sources state the suspects allegedly shouted "Allahu Ackbar" during the attack.
Nothing regarding Syrians though. Hoping it's stupid shia v. sunni squabbling.
Because Muslim weren't killing each other before trump
I will blow a load in my pants if these guys were Syrian refugees who just got here.
What happened to christianity that made chatolics and protestants stop killing each other? Can we use it on Islam as well?
We're all still waiting, no names yet.
Implications are obvious.
Protestants moved to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Secular governments. If we returned back to even mild theocracy, Protestants and real Christians would be bombing each other within the hour.
Or maybe not, heresy wars are usually pretty brutal at the start until the heresy gets a proper establishment.
>liberals of Sup Forums
>>Liberal logic:
Blame trump for it & then go on to say islam is a religion of peace.
You mean like this shit?
its a known fact Trump went back in time and created a second islamic group just for this this happening in Canada, JUST ONE DAY after Trudeau went full liberal and welcomes all muslimes.
coincidence? I dont think so.
Trump will die this year.
Not on my watch buckaroo
What did Kek mean by this?
he will come back three days later
Anti-FA Assassination