>According to information from the Sun, the man confirmed to be the perpetrator of the attack against the Islamic Cultural Centre. >Said he felt bad because of what he had done and was threatening to shoot himself.
>The Quebec police then chased a gray Mitsubishi which was then traveling on the Félix-Leclerc highway.
>The 27-year-old man stopped his vehicle by himself on the edge of the access ramp of the Île d'Orléans bridge. He had with him, in the back seat, at least one handgun and two weapons that resembled an AK-47.
>Around 8:45 pm, he requested to be picked up. The police waited for him to leave his vehicle by himself. Outside, he was arrested by members of the Tactical Intervention Group.
>It was feared that explosive devices would be on board the Mitsubishi.
I bet this dude was the radicalized Quebecian. After going through with the killing, he realized what he had done and got cold feet.
>this information exists, but still no name or ID
leafs are worthless
Because it's a mudslime user
Even Canada's terrorists are pussies. Sad!
It's the same as the US. Liberal media. If it was 2 white guys we would know it already. Guaranteed shitskins
if hes a muslim no id, only 2 days later near the body
This makes it seem like it was a false flag.
Do you think ISIS / Al Q would want to do false flags in the west against muslims like this?
that explains the k9 and the bomb squad.
he was probably a second generation arab that got radicalized by a more recent arrival.
>two weapons that resemble an ak47
Please don't be tapco'd sks
Please don't be cz 858
Please don't be tapco'd sks
Please don't be cz 858
Please don't be tapco'd sks
Please don't be cz 858
Please don't be tapco'd sks
Please don't be cz 858
praise allah i will smite those filthy infidels where it hurts them the most.
in a mosque.
praise be to allah.
Fuck, imagine the shitstorm if this was a Trump-directed false flag...
Don't even want to entertain the possibility...
What happened to the 3rd shooter?
Only two.
Trudeau issued an executive order regarding the perpetrator's identification.
It's 2017, and his name and origin are irrelevant. We all have to work together for a bright future regardless of whence we came.
VZ-58, id guess
Just wait, tomorrow the mosque will have a sign up saying "No terrorism please"
>A journalist (Alain St-Ours) being spoken to on Radio Canada says he has very good sources, apparently the homes of two students from Université de Laval will be searched very soon, they are in their 20s. 1 Moroccan and 1 from Quebec
inb4 Reddit
Then find your own fucking news.
There's two shooters in custody. talk of a third possibly fleeing.
he got picked up on the side of the road,
He got away with it, as always.
>pic related
He couldn't believe they won!
Guys, is this picture fucking real ? If it is, well, this puts another perspective into this event....
That will definitely fix the problem of homicidal emergencies.
No fucking surprise here.
Trump is going to do a travel ban on Canada and Mexico excluding economic necessities.
>two weapons that resembled an AK-47
Which is what rifle?
>Inb4 it was a Draco Pistol
This guy is also a "friend" of weev....
Well if people on Sup Forums didn't ignore terrorist attacks in the Middle East and actually knew more about Islam, they'd know there is basically a war between Shia (Iran, minority Iraq, Syria) and Sunni (Saudi Arabi, ISIS, most terrorists)
Every time there is a bombing in Iraq, the response is always "shit in toilet, shit on counter"
Not real, do you see the epileptic kike that got BTFO by tucker down there?
Good because thats fucking stupid
Update it was ummmm these two random bikers here, ummm Big Bob and Little Bob, ummmm yeah.
Kurt Eichenwald, that faggot.
how could nobody check this?
I've been hearing it was notorious twitter white supremacist Jon "Aryan" Jafari
Thanks for the quick rundown, based Messenger of Kek.
Well thanks for the info, but have you seen the picture of Weevs old house ? it looked like a fucking kings castle. Much of the story of Weevs background, well, it doesnt match his current status.
This event is a false flag in order to throw some dirt into the true alt right movement and Trumps new policies.
Nah, I'm good.
Seeing all this hate is exciting.
Hi Jon
Yup, that fucker is included in the picture.
fuck that shit, I want transparency when it comes to national security but hey I'm just a burger
Canada is the new Sweden.
We're also trying to pass an anti-islamophobia law.
pls nuke
a fucking polite terrorist. Only in Canada.
Can't wait for Trump's tweet about this.
Can anyone make sure this gets to him somehow before leafs try to cover it?
you mean the sectarian conflict that has been going on for a thousand plus years.
if a leaf says his name we can v& them ?, this is great
Majority of Iraq is Shia mate. That is why they took over as soon as the Baathusts left
Take that kike shit to the north pole
My guess is this is based on eyewitness accounts. "AK-47" is probably what they think every gun bigger than a handgun is.
>1 Moroccan and 1 Quebecois
Hmmm I wonder what race this """""""""""""""""""""Quebecois""""""""""""""""""""" could be????
>Nicolas Vigneault on Radio-Canada (radio): "I rarely seen a police operation that big. Near Route de l'église (a street). Blvd closed to circulation. They are searching an home. Paramedics are there, tactical squad is there. Things are going forward, police are working very fast.
>Both suspects in custody. No other suspect."
t. /r/canada
>i know, i know...
Nobody has ever accused Muslims of being smart you know.
Can I get a quick rundown?
No problem getting news from Reddit at this point, They are a bunch of bleeding heart faggots crying about how terrible it is that this could happen, but at least they want upboats enough to gather all the information on 1 page. Everyone on Sup Forums is too busy getting comfy.
Nah Trudeau called it a terrorist attack so it's not muslims.
the key to your post is that you have to imagine.
you're literally making shit up in your head to be afraid of.
get a grip, or gtfo shill.
people with solid points of view don't need lies and deception to persuade others.
prediction: we will be executing shills for their part in the conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity.
>post yfw you realize trump paid off some sandnigs 1 mil to shoot up a mosque in canada
Anyone have that please let the shooter be white image?
Why would he pay them to shoot up a Mosque? It would help his purposes much more if they shot up a school.
> Mitsubishi.
yeah now I know it's a quebecer. They pnly buy the cheapest vehicles.
Unlike refugees in their BMWs?
> literally a kike death wagon
Where do you think you are?
> literally shut down by kikes because muh Nazis
> rose from the ashes
Do not insult what you do not understand
>Majority of Iraq is Shia mate
sunni may be minority but british put rhem in control when we left so they assigned sunnis including army. inow coalition has put shia in government and citizens vote by religion sunni lost power. Isis are sunni and kill shia
soon iraq will divide its land to kurd,sunni,shia maybe
You know how it is.
The media reports 3 shooters
Turns out one was their Mossad handler.
The media reports 2 shooters
Same old same old.
>when we left 100 years ago returning for minor wars
It's not white guys otherwise they'd already have their pictures up on the news and be digging through their facebooks looking for any signs of a MAGA hat, telling us what video games they played and what they had for breakfast this morning while digging through old StormFront posts that probably didn't even belong to them.
They are probably Muslim or some other minority and the news is waiting until they have some way to make them seem less brown.
How the fuck you get an AK? They are banned. And why does the media keep saying "AK-47”? Almost no one uses the 47 anymore. Usually AKM.
Yes, yes, goyim, fight the Muslims, they are your real enemies.
There's even more than that. This is probably some Salafists chimping out on some people they think aren't radical enough.
fucking make
it's two muslims
Why does it have to be another fucking white guy? Who is going to stop them finally?
Enough is enough.
Middle Eastern origin
Plz no i just picked one up. Dont want it prohibited
Setting up the pity train so they can let him off with 10-20. Because its a shitskin.
Nice try JIDF
Gee, what a surprise
You made my blood boil and it took only 0.12 seconds
>all TV news burying the topic
>talking about muh muslim ban instead
Makes me think.
>>this information exists, but still no name or ID
I wonder was Canadian laws does with that
because I don't think they release mugshots or any meaningful information until after conviction phase
>muslims charged with islamophobia
Wikipedia says they were most likely moroccans - so north african terrorists as usual yet Trump didn't ban north africans and pakis who are the most terrorist muslim around. He banned only countries opposed to Israel.
The perpetrators are getting less muslim with every ticking second.
How the fuck do you get heroin, cocaine and meth, it's banned!!
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