How about, instead of scapegoating immigrants and refugees, Australians force corporations to pay tax so they can invest in the social infrastructure for refugees from war torn nations all they need?
Australia NOT full
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What a shithole. God did not intend for the white man to live there
Remember when this man, who set up strategies to ensure that Australia was the only country in the world that made it through the Global Financial Crisis completely intact, and who promised a nationwide broadband network with super-fast speeds that would cost approximately 31 billion U.S. dollars, was stabbed in the proverbial back by his own political party, after which his party lost the election to a government that offered a heavily "watered down" national broadband internet network...
... and, 9 years later, the NBN Corporation working on this inferior network, had to be "bailed out" by the same government that offered the "watered down" version, to the tune of over 14 billion U.S. dollars, causing the single-worst infrastructure disaster in this nation's history, a project that has now blown out to more than 35 billion U.S. dollars while still unfinished...
... while a significant proportion of households in rural areas have to put up with approximately 5mbit connections and frequent disruptions (with a permanent latency of about 0.6 seconds because, you know, SATELLITE)?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Oh sweet! you can go live in central Australia then Pajeet.
Fuck off, just because you overpopulated and infested your corner of the world doesnt mean you have to migrate like poo locusts.
Yeah, come over faggot, help yourself to the middle part it's all yours
Fucking hell even disgusting ugly smelly pooniggers are shitposting and posting b8 now
Rudds NBN was over budget too
it was doomed from the start because the government can't compete in telecommunications
looks full to me
There is a reason we stick to the 10% of coastline that can support humans .......oh wait its a poointheloo, not human, enjoy the desert you backwards fuck.
>imagine a world where the entire Muslim population was sent to central Australia
Pajeet no
But we do both you fucking retard
>implying that Australia isn't 99% inhospitable desert
I mean sure, by that logic the Sahara is also empty and great, go live there.
I have to agree with you, Bruce. Looks very full. Even I want to fuck off.
gtfo retarded statist
>All that land.
>Why does nobody want to live there?
It's a mystery.
tons of fucking cunts come here, and once they enjoy their holiday on the island camps, they get houses and welfare for life. hop in one of the boats and come here pajeet, you will love it
You can have all of that middle bit Pajit. You are the perfect candidates actually, you guys can shit all over the place out there. Eventually the land may become fertile enough to support life. Maybe.
>pay tax so they can invest in the social infrastructure for refugees
?? why are 3rd worlders so fucking entitled to 1st worlder money
have some personal responsibility and take care of your own life
We should dump all those refugees in the fucking middle of the jungle. Good going, India.
I love how people are fucking crying to get all these pieces of shit in their country, yet the fucking cry about how we're economically and ecologically unsustainable because there's too many people living in first world countries.
the majority of Australia is a fucking shithole desert that's a billion degrees c full of deadly shit.
and the coast is covered in cunts.
whilst india is just covered in poo
Muslims are used to scorching desert temperatures, let them stay there.
how hot is that in american
the temperature is
middle east out of freedom
I for one support dumping large populations of Muslims at a time in the centre of the outback to fend for themselves
If that map was resized to show habitable land it would be the size of Hawaii and you would clearly see it's fucking packed.
>Force rapefungees go to country where every living creature want to kill you.
Seems like profit to me.
120f = 50c
>we have enough poo here already.
>speaks Mandarin
>children married to Chinks
>brother married to a Chinese lady and voted for Liberal over Labor in his seat because the MP was Chinese
>borrowed money from China during GFC
>lets Chinese companies commit to critical infrastructure projects around Australia
Just what exactly is going on with the Rudd family?
Dude, that terrain in the center of australia is uninhabitable, its a desolate wasteland, and the existing retard policies there is. Are made for densely overpopulating already established cities. Civic, utility and Telecom engineering would need extreme ammounts of reinvesting to get it done. Not to mention literally terraforming the hottest desert in the SouthEast hemisphere.
Go back to School and come up with a better solution. Instead of whining like the immigrant snowflake you are and fix your own country first.
Some Indians look remarkably like Aborigines. Must be the Denisovan admixture.
Huffs petrol
Sleeps in road
Tells white cunts to fuck off
Drinks said petrol
Tries and fails inventing wheels
Pic Unrelated
Would have actually returned a profit from the economic potential.
Imagine being able to stream games on twitch and shill for zennies rather than having to edit videos for youtube...
>Australians force corporations to pay tax for people
look even if we weren't full, corporations have this country on lock-down. They don't have to give two shits about the people nor will they ever.
Fuck off poo, we are full - all that white shit is desert.
But why do not send rapefungees to that wasteland, so they can build their own good and prosperous cities?
We need a /notfull/ gen.
We'll meme aus into taking brown yet.
Country is full of leftist cucks, if you let them have rapefugees, they will not send them into a desert obviously.
There are enough baby boomers in Australia to make sure any party who doesn't have a "fuck off we're full" policy towards 3rd world shits will not get elected.
I pray the situation remains unchanged.
Considering the problems Melbourne is now having with the Apex Gang from African 'refugees', I'd rather not let any more in. Or at least make the rules much more stringent.
Some people do need legitimate help, and are fleeing war, often created by the West, but for every 1 legitimate refugee, there's 9 economic migrants looking for welfare or a job. The European Migrant Crisis is the perfect example of this.
Ayy pajit I got a hell of an offer, you can live up in arnam land it's part desert part jungle/rain forrest.
I am sure all the crazy noonga's up that way will welcome you, unless you act uppity like your countrymen tourists chucked out 2 years back on abc(pajits were rustled and had tinnies/rocks chucked at em by the noongas).
Anyone who wants to is quite welcome to go set up in this 50 degree desert full of ultra venomous snakes. Have fun.
wtf I love baby boomers now
shitskins don't move into the desert, they move into the already fully populated cities
For those of you who don't know, you can find the original page if you take the middle number and put it like
>using social media
I hope you at least redpill these normalfags, OP. Queer.
Well, shit. But what about letting rapefungees to fight kangaroos?
Indeed, if climate control for that wasteland continues its perma-drought status. We could just let them build the infrastructure while they starve out. Then let based australian natives reclaim the land when (((they))) allow it to rain again.
Have fun living in wastelands in the middle of Aus Poop boy
wtf is a metre
>German used gas cameras
>Aussie used venomous desert
Why not?
It's not space, they want your civilization and it's benefits that their kin ideology couldn't maintain.
Length. All wise world uses metres.
yeah go create a house in the areas that don't have people.
1/1000 of a kilometre.
just the way we like it
middle bit does get a bit warm.
it,s good for dirt bikes, shooting,
4X4 holidays, burying backpackers etc.
love this place
I am happy to allow you to come over and starve to death in our deserts Pajeet.
3.28084 feet cleetus
100 centimeters.
2.5 centimeters in an inch.
30 centimeters in a foot.
I agree australia should let refugees in, then force to to go for a walkabout in the fucking outback.
refugee advocates are literally SEETHING that nobody cares about their bullshit and that both of our relevant parties fully support keeping the reffos out. The problem is they have bubbles like r/australia and have no understanding that the vast majority of Australians either don't give a shit or actively support our current policies.
Nah check out this map, mate, new data
While not exact a metre is about 3 feet. And a kilometre is 1000 metres or 3000 feet.
Nah Curry-muncher how bout your piece of shit country take the country shoppers?
Oh wait, they'd rather sew their lips together and wait for years on a desert island before committing suicide than live in your country.
Fuck I wonder why?
I think Chinese money reaches deep in to our politics. Probably has done for decades.
We are accepting immigrants to the pink areas on this thermal map.
~40C = ~104F
The blue areas are full.
It's not the LAND that's full, but the infrastructure.
But also the vast majority of that land is uninhabitable
I love you cunts so much.
You can most definitely live in those other parts, except you will FUCKING DIE because it is inhospitable desert you Muppet.
>Build a wall around the most uninhabitable parts of Australia
>dump all the brown people in there
good idea imho
>1 post from this ID.
Woah woah woah. Force corporations to pay taxes? What is this Nazi Germany?
>Implying geographical area equates to spaces in schools, available jobs and housing
The left have no idea how a country or economy works and therefore should hold no position in government.
seems full
no one wants to live in a crowded shithole like you
Same words different meaning.
Wind and Wind. Minute and Minute.
As opposed to different words and same meanings like (you) and faggot.
If we send all our brown people to NZ would anyone even know?
Or care?
Americans still keep showing in Auckland expecting to see the Lord Of The Rings landscapes. We could turn Kiwi-land into a giant dumping ground.
actually thats the only piece of that conteinat thats safe to live in so there not wrong to say "were full"
60% of land was used for British nuclear testing in the 60s and almost the rest is pure hostile desert.
Who made that flag? Some of the stars are different shapes baka
>Hurr durr so much space in middle
>Nothing there but sun baked sandstone
>Hurr durr build stuff there for us
Fuck off.
I must explain picture
oy vey!
look at all that land for enrichment of cultures of oppression!
we must send in the most vile and putrid and decrepid and sinister unevolved africans to show those privileged white males!
luckily they arent very well armed so it will be a breeze to overthrow them
>Muslims are used to scorching desert temperatures
I'd love to see them get used to venomous snakes, stealthy scorpions and pissed off natives.
How about instead of shitting on the road, Indians start shitting in toilets?
That won't stop him you fool.
I was lucky to get 2
>all that space
Inhospitable arid lands and desert mate. though to indian standards that would be a tropical paradise. come live there if you wish. just try and not poo in the desert streets.
My average is 2.6mbit, its fucking horrdendous and i get a daily 10 to sometimes 30+ disconnections. I live in a normal suberb that is rather well off and low crime. Which is fucking bullshit, they even pushed the NBN in our area back to 2018 not long ago
>If you bury a nigger in india, would that be poo in a loo?
Lurk moar you shitcunt.
Fucking Oath mate, it's the sort of shit you'd expect to comes out of one the those marxist uni student cucks mouth that have never worked a day in thier life.
Cunt we're full.
You wanna live in the snake, spider and abo infested wasteland in the middle? Go right a fuckin head.
Hey dipshit, try learning something before posting. Aus policy on boat people has nothing to do with immigrants or refugees.
We are packed to the brim mate. We also dont have any designated poo streets.
We do however have some lovely abos that are about as attractive as Indians so you can take them if you would like?
They'll come here for the broadband.