Redpill on niggers

Can you guys tell me why every race beside White and Asian are worse? I haven't seen enough evidence to convince me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Depressing bump.

Trump bump?

Asians and whites get better grades, commit less crime. Have been civilized for the longest time compared to Africans Persians and Spanish

25% of us aren't wild animals.












Because evolution isn't finished





research the warrior gene. if you know a little about genetics, it will explain a lot of the common observations that people have about nonwhites.

Read the sections "antisocial behavior" and "aggression and the warrior gene" then check the sources for more details.

Basically, there's are several gene variant of monoamine oxidase A, and some of them (2R and 3R, as these gene variants are called) have been linked with violent chimp-like behavior.

Guess which races have a high probability for carrying 2R/3R MAO-A gene variants?????










theres literally a disorder based off of having too much of this gene characterized by low IQ and impulsive behavior



Facts are racist



That's like, literally the equivalent of the shit you all post here.


Nice joke goy.

To be honest I rarely see posts from anons here saying they're gonna kill black men or celebrating black genocide. And I'm pretty sure I've ever seen anyone here say they're gonna rape a black woman..

In other words, pic related.

That is one loyal-ass woman. Also, this is how you deal with chimps. You notice how they back off when he fights back?

If you see this many niglets behind you, you don't just keep walking

Read the bell curve.

Don't come back till you do.


no one wants to rape a nigger, except niggers of course.


That must really annoy you desu. Getting lumped in with all the mongrels.

>asian gambling

As a canadian with polish parents... holy shit this one was hard to read.

Hey look I solved the problem.

Do all the ones with the 2-repeat allele too.

That doesn't tell you everything you need to know about other races. For example, more than half of the Indian population in India are in extreme poverty with lack of schooling opportunities. When you compare western educated Indians with the ones back home, you'll realize why India's IQ is as low as it is.

Nig here. Every problem I've had in my life has been due to nigs.

Whites have literally dun nuffin to me.