Nice job drumpfkins

Nice job drumpfkins

Other urls found in this thread:

>Gives no examples
>Drumfpt BTFO


Every terrorist attack happened because of American aggression

Trump's dangerous rhetoric will only create more terrorists

Yeah stupid because we're stopping them from seriously fucking things in other places, of course theyre going to be angry.
Its not like they were singing and holding hands and then the US came in and started shooting

Right his rhetoric of cleaning up Bush 2s and Obama's fuck ups is gonna get us killed. Not the actual fuck ups.

Love how it says "backwards" above that statement, because that is one ass backwards thing to say.

and this is why we need to invade Syria and depose Assad hurrrrrr

>Stop islamic terror via restriction of transit into the country
>This will make more countries violent against the U.S.
>If you don't let us be, we will become violent

Why am I against trump banning muslims again?

> mfw every future snackbarring will be blamed on Trump

if that journalist knows how to prevent terrorist attacks then tell us please

>dangerous rhetoric

Pretending Muslims are peaceful and loving for 8 years under Obama didn't stop the attacks.

This is why all muslims need to murdered today. They will not stop invading our countries and the second we so much as say we don't like them or want them they use it as an excuse to wage war on us.
Remind me again how this is a religion of peace?
Peace was never an option with muslims and jews.

>trump halts immigration
>canada offers to take them in
>terrorist attack in canada

Yeah i'm sure he's really regretting his decision

I guess the middle east was always inhabited by peaceful muslims... The bad americans has to be the reason for terrorism... Oh you have to be a special kind of idiot.

>Trump removes all Kebab.
>Cities relax, because there are no more kebabs.
>Thus, cities are easier targets for terror thanks to lax security.

They're not wrong.


>If you're offended we can bomb you.

So can Israel just nuke the entire middle east because the Koran discusses murdering Jews?

Can Dominoes attack Pizza Hut for claiming it has better pizza than "it's competitors"?

>to smart

>American aggression
>dangerous rhetoric
Pick one

Ha ha, hey guys, remember that time Obama said we were going to eradicate ISIS?

Good times, good times.

Retarded shills with proxxys

Somebody give me a quick rundown of how Trump is doing that.

>1 post by this ID
Let's make winter autumn again

>easier targets of terror
>morons implying that the left aren't the biggest terrorist in America

>implying it's """bad"""" if a bunch of kikes and niggers who vote democrat get nukeburned

Surviving white nondegenerates will just claim it's our muh holocaust and ban kikes from ever coming in again.

> We need to have frequent terrorist attacks so we can prepare for terrorist attacks

fake news

I mean, how will we know what to do otherwise? We won't know what's coming :^)

t. white guilt jew

related to Soros perhaps?

Funding and arming syrian "moderate rebels" which were basically Al-Qaeda neither helped.

Trump also seems to be a friend of Saudi Arabia, which is then again the real source of all terrorism.

>because of American aggression
soros actually has some kike shills back home too. wow.

This list is massive. RELIGION OF PIECES

>Remind me again how this is a religion of peace?

Here is your reminder.


This is the narrative they're trying to push now. That Trump is causing terrorism. Which is hilarious considering how many terror attacks we had under Obama and he never once received an once of personal blame for any of them.

This is some distortion of reality and cause and effect going on.

Also this two posts from Hungary with different IDs... hmm....

I'm tired of the proxxy bait posters.

Agreed, they are astroturfing like crazy.